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Everything posted by DirtyPolo

  1. VLC Player is well known, free, and will play 3GP files. VideoLAN - VLC: Free streaming and multimedia solutions for all OS!
  2. Have a look at this article here: How To Reinstall Windows Media Player In Windows 7
  3. I am so sorry to hear that news Bonnie. My wishes and condolences go out to you. Remember that you both have our support and prayers. -Matt-
  4. Hello Louise! Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help :) We look forward to helping you with any issues you may have.
  5. One good thing about tracker balls such as Nev describes, is that the balls tend to be pretty big, and not held inplace except for gravity, so if they do need cleaning, it is much easier as the parts are larger and easy to get to. And same here match, got a multi DPI mouse, on the highest setting (4000dpi) it only takes about a 1.5cm by 1.5cm space to throw the pointer from one side to the other :P, takes a while to get used to though!
  6. Can you please confirm if that PC that I linked to in my post is yours? You will have to click on the "Aspire M3641" when the page opens up.
  7. Have you tried plugging them into your laptop and seeing if they work on there?
  8. I am guessing that this is your system, but with a Quad core as you said in your post. Aspire M3641 Your system will fit a 9800GT But unforutnatly the minimum power supply you need for that card is 400W. I would also suggets looking at ATI cards, this is because you get alot more for your money. The reason for this is as follows: The ATI contender for the Nvidia 9800GT, is the ATI Radeon HD4850 [the card that I personally have] Both cards are around the same price, but the ATI gives out more graphical power, as shown by Nvidia's own tool to check how fast your system will be with the chosen card if it was in your machine, and it showed that if I swapped my HD4850 for a 9800GT, it would actually lower the performance. So overall, I would chosoe the ATI HD4850 which can be found for about £100 cheapest, about the same price as the 9800GT, and they both need around 450W minimum power supply. Hope this helps and wasn't too confusing.
  9. Hey Lally, try these steps: - Find and move all the files out of the default mail location (%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Mail\) - Now try start Windows Mail, it should start up ok. - If so, then just drag the files that you moved in the first step, back to where they were by simply dragging them. Hope this helps.
  10. Hello Sam Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Forums :) Glad to have you here.
  11. Hey liam and welcome to the forums :) Is this a PC that you've built yourself recently? Or one that has worked previously in the past?
  12. Do you this star? [ATTACH]221.vB5-legacyid=466[/ATTACH] And are you referring to Microsoft Internet Explorer? I'm afraid I still don't fully understand. I am confused, as you say about MSN Explorer, which is a seperate paid for browser all together, like IE and FF.
  13. What exactly do you mean you wanted to uninstall? You said you use Firefox, this is the only program involved or did I misread? Can you take us through a step by step list of what you do and what goes wrong, to make it clearer for us to understand whats wrong and how to resolve it. thanks.
  14. After Nvidia's arrival of their latest card, ATI's was never that far behind. Details of the new HD4890 are around and it looks like an awesome card to invest in! :) Rumour Control: Radeon HD 4890 details leaked By the way, I know it's been offically announced but the article I found about it being announced wasn't as good as this one about it being leaked :P
  15. I believe, given your latest installments of information, that your problem is regulating from either the PSU or your motherboard.
  16. 'Lock ups' are generally caused by Driver issues, or compatibility issues I would also say overheating but we've already counted this out as you say you maintain your PC well enough. Since you have put the new RAM in, what were you doing when it locks up now? is it just random lock ups or is it when you are putting the pc under some strain?
  17. Did only one disk come with your computer? you should have received another disk, that includes all the drivers needed for your Motherboard, internet, graphics, etc. Or do as Wolfey says and download them from the website onto a memory stick or burn them onto a CD form another PC so you can transfer them to yours.
  18. Hello Dan, Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help :) Glad to have you around, and thanks for the compliments :) We try our best :D
  19. Very interesting find flame. Thanks for letting us know. Often is this the case with some companies that you must ask to talk to the superior people in order to get past that "Parttime call center" kid and get a solution.
  20. This is a very rude statment to make to someone that is taking their own time out to try to help you resolve a problem. We know and understand this, that is exactly why BeeCeeBee stated that he feels he lured you into giving those details and will therefore not take any actions against them. There is no doubt that you were prepared to abide by the rules, but the reason why we reinforce the fact that threads get closed for P2P involvement is because of the increasing number of members who have asked for assistance that has involved illegal use of P2P software so we try to make sure that everyone involved in P2P, legal or illegal, understands the consequences of asking for help regarding them and due to the nature of most P2P users to be illegal we cannot offer help incolving such programs. BeeCeeBee was simply stating that he feels that he lured you into this situation and therefore letting you know, after telling you what the normal procedure was, that this shall not be taken as there is no evidence of illegal use and that the assistance asked for does not require these progams. We are not saying that all P2P usage should be stopped as, yes, it is perfectly legal in itself, but as everyone knows, the software is mainly used for illegal actions and as a website offering legitimate help for computer issues we cannot allow our services to be given out to solve problems that were caused by, or involve illegal use of these programs, whilst they remain on the system. But as already stated, unfortunatly the majority of P2P users do not use such software for legal actions. We are not trying to stop P2P use as many large companies also use P2P for perfectly legal things. We are not saying that in order to continue receiving our help, you must get rid of all your P2P programs, but that they have in the past, been a source of many problems, and sometimes/most of the times, removing of these programs have aided the solving of the problems. What a user does, after our help is done and their problem fixed, is upto them. We can only suggest the best way to keep a PC clean, safe and healthy, and this includes keeping it clean of P2P software.
  21. Is this just purely a scanner? When you open My Computer, does it, for some reason appear as another "drive" or some kind of icon representing the scanner?
  22. Happy Birthday Barry :) Hope it's a goodun'
  23. Don't worry Barry, the men in white coats are on their way for you. :D
  24. Okay, log into your account, and create another User account with admin privilages. Then log onto that account and try the restore from there.
  25. Is the account that you and your husband use, an administrator account? You can check this by going to Contorl Panel, then to User Accounts, and check what yours is.
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