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Everything posted by DirtyPolo

  1. Hey, can you also let us know what RAM you have installed please. Your best option is to set everything to Auto in the BIOS, that you can and let it sort itself out. Also, a 650W PSU should be fine for powering the two cards. What is the make and model of the PSU just out of interest. Thanks.
  2. No problem and glad to hear that it got sorted :)
  3. Hey Amanda, Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help :) Glad you popped in :)
  4. Lol alriht. Looking around I also saw some DIY car pcs, one guy used a Mac Mini which fitted perfectly into his car :P I will definatly get one but not until I change my car which maybe a while and by then technology would've changed. I just liked the idea of it :D Thanks for all the info :)
  5. You can boot into Safe Mode With Networking. This will give you internet access, and then allow you to go to the links provided peviously and download the latest drivers for your card.
  6. I also do not understand this question, it would help if you could elaborate in more detail please what you mean, possibly include a screenshot.
  7. This sounds like a problem I once had, and I'm sure RandyL if browsing through this thread will agree as he assited me for a while trying to correct it. I had a program folder that would not let me delete it, it said I didn't have permission etc. It did not appear in the Add/Remove programs list. My only way to remove it was to do a System Restore to an earlier time and uninstall it properly again, this rectified the problem. I would hope we can find an easier way to solve your issue but it looks like it's going towards a system restore. Just remember that a system restore will undo any changes you made since the restore point you revert to. This means any programs installed/uninstalled. So a good thing is to try remember what programs you have installed recently, depending on how far back you want to restore to. If you cant remeber exactly, check the Reliability and Performance Monitor (Reliability section) This notes any problems found with the system, any errors etc also any programs installed/uninstalled. Before all that though, you can try Revo Uninstaller, this is an advanced uninstallation program, designed to completly uninstall programs from your system. Revo Uninstaller Freeware - Uninstall Software, Remove Programs, Solve uninstall problems
  8. Congratulations Bonnie, that's great news :)
  9. and THANKGOD that they arent Crysis or Guild Wars ;) and Same Dave, I cleared it and found the button didnt work, then another 3 attempts to see if it was my browser but it wasnt :(
  10. I am not skilled with laptops, but I would say that you cannot connect the two and laptops tend to only have visual outputs on them and not inputs and they have their own screen. I think BeeCeeBee's advice is best and to hook it up to another monitor, and get a drive caddy which will allow you to take the Hard drive out and connect it to your other machine via USB, and transfer your stuff across.
  11. Have you tried taking out and reseating all the SATA cables?, not just pushing them in to check if they're okay, take them out and put them back in. You could also try swapping the two SATA cables over and seeing if that makes any difference.
  12. To get your Recycle Bin back try the following steps: - Right click on your desktop, - Click on "Personalise" - In the window that opens up, on the left under "Tasks" click on "Change Desktop Icons" - Another window will appear, check to see that "Recycle Bin" is ticked. Try the following on the file/folder that wont delete: - Right click on file - Click "Properties" - Click "Security" - Click "Advanced" - Click "Owner" in top tabs - Click "Edit" - Highlight the user you want and click "apply"/"ok" Now try to delete it again.
  13. If you are on an administrator account and you try to delete something from the program files, it normally tells you that you need permission then the UAC window will pop up either asking for your password or the password for an account with administrator rights. If no window of that description pops up at all, what does the message say exactly when you try delete it? that you don't have permission, or what? what is the exact wording of the error. Thanks.
  14. Software is not always behind, look at windows. Windows 64bit is not what it seems, it has actually been limited to 48bit because there is not the proper hardware to let it run at the full 64bit.
  15. LOL I prefer the parody, it's the realistic view of Microsoft's dreams that will never come true in this world :)
  16. Hello Judy and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help As Nev says, if you post your query in the correct place we will do all we can to help you :) If it concerns this USB Memory stick you talk about, this is the place you will need to post your problem :) Hard Drives, Pen, Flash and USB
  17. I don't see what all the hype is about anyway, you can use windows on a touch screen now, all it does it put a "Mouse click" where you touch it, so I don't see the difference except maybe one or two features specially for touch screening, such as the iPhone's zoom function etc. It's nothing new but microsoft are trying to make it more complicated.
  18. Yeah, I've been stealing Maynards and was above him yesterday but it seems he's playing dangerous, time to get nasty and stick in the good old gaming mouse and keyboard! [Triple click button here we come!]
  19. Just to claify, if you paid for Bullguard then you paid for the license to use it. If you uninstall it, it should not cause a problem when reinstalling it again after, if it has found to not be the cause. As long as you have a copy of the license you purchased.
  20. Oh okay, sorry :P I assumed you meant loads of spam, not just one person. I too once had no problem with gmail but now i get over 500 a day and ive done nothing to get them and my only option is to leave them to get deleted automatically.
  21. It's the old game of "How much can you fit in this small space" In the future you'll probably find 4 GPUs in the space of a single GPU nowadays, in that time, the i7 will be laughed at!, well it is now at these prices!
  22. Unfortunatly Dougie I think this is a Gmail issue, I too have a Googlemail account and I get in excess of 500 spam a day, but these do go straight into my spam folder, none get leaked into my main inbox.
  23. on the link you gave me, the cases have a black CD drive, and to add one in its like $40 :P SONY Slim SATA DVD/CDRW Combo Drive is this the best place to go for this kind of stuff or is there loads of different places/types? i'll look around but I couldn't find anything before :(
  24. Hey sue, if your hotmail worked on IE but not firefox, try uninstalling FireFox, rebooting your PC, then reinstall firefox and see if that cures the problem. As for your other issue, I haven't seen thatbefore so I'll have a looka round and what Ic an find, hopefully someone else on the team or a member has some idea of the cause of it.
  25. I'm sure they will elease this to be seen doing something as Dave said but in the background they wont be happy at Nvidia's overtake and will be working up something special that make take a bit longer.
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