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Everything posted by BeeCeeBee

  1. Unless I have missed it, nowhere does it say what shows up in your device manager under Sound and Audio devices. The Via ac97 appears to be your onboard sound card. Does it show up at all in device manager? Downloading drivers for an installed device should not make your operating system unstable.
  2. Jonny you are just in the wrong place. Your problem is not with Media player. So lets try and do this with one stop. Go to your control panel and click on Sound and Audio devices. Next click on the Audio tab. The first thing you should see on top is the Sound Playback Default Device. Make sure your card is recognised in that box. (don't forget to look for it in the drop down if it is not) If it is click on volume and make sure that it is turned up high enough (just push them all up you can adjust later if need be.) Does that solve your problem?
  3. Welcome to fpch, back to geek! :) Look forward to some more interesting posts.
  4. :first:HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARA!!!! You really are number 1 !!! Oh and have a drink on Randy.
  5. try looking here: How to uninstall BitDefender
  6. Taking you at your word that you are "very Experienced" you know full well how wrong you are. P2P is dangerous and downloading programs and all the necessary cracks presents the greatest danger of all. There is little doubt that your computer is infected. Please review the following: http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/malware-removal-av-firewalls-etc/5533-free-pc-help-p2p-policy.html#post39692 If you require help in removing your p2p software and disinfecting your PC please start a new thread. This thread is closed.
  7. What were you downloading and from what site?
  8. Are you referring to the paste between the heatsink and cpu?
  9. Jonny are we sure we are on the same page? I am not referring to the device manager but sound and audio devices in your control panel. The third panel is audio and the default sound device is on the top.
  10. Just to be sure, that would be the maximum, correct? The minimum should be half that or 1.5 times your ram. It is probably right on but just checking.
  11. Difference in cost. But that seems not to apply.
  12. Have you ever checked to make sure that your card is named as the default device in your sound and audio devices?
  13. Unless you are building it there is not that big a difference anyway.
  14. It is really quite simple, unless you have a bulk license Microsoft's EULA will not allow multiple installations from the same disc. Even if you were to try it anyway you would fail as it would recognise the different computer.
  15. I don't much blame you but if you fiddle with the hardware end of things your warranty will be void. Just take it back it is the safest thing to do
  16. My reply was a bit glib but if the old monitor works and the new one doesn't (which is what I gather is the case) then, Yep! Take it back.
  17. Based on the entire thread, and all the trials we have run, I would agree that it is a hardware issue. It may be something as simple as a bad connection but since the connection is on the card itself that is of no help. Do check the connection and also try reseating the card, but in the end I think it is replacement time.
  18. Hello Harold and Welcome to FPCH! Glad we've helped already. :)
  19. Redguy what I am hoping is that we can find a solution that does not involve changing your network (LAN) card. Please try connecting the laptop and obtaining a connection. Then use the identical cable in the same output and attach it to the PC. If it should happen to work we know that it is either the cable or a faulty ethernet output on the router. If not we will have to pursue both hardware and possible settings solutions. The red X does seem to suggest hardware though.
  20. Sorry I missed your post. Are you saying that it shows as enabled or you believe it to be since it has worked in the past? The red X indicates either that it is disabled or there is a fault. If the ethernet cable is connected but it says it is not then the problem may be a faulty router. Try turning it off and wait about a minute and reboot it.
  21. Read the previous post to help4me's. Have you established that the LAN connection is enabled?
  22. Go to the little icon in the task bar, redgay, and right click. Then go to open network connections and make sure that the LAN connection is not disabled.
  23. Personally I would not reinstall the McAfee firewall particularly if you are not using the rest of the McAfee suite of programs. In addition, if you have not rid yourself of AVG, I would do so now and if you still want a free antivirus go with either Avast or Avira. It would be a good idea to read through the following: http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/malware-removal-av-firewalls-etc/3597-free-pc-help-recommended-security-products.html
  24. Dutchman the issue is whether the heatsink was separated from the CPU. The point being that once you separate the heatsink from the cpu you must reapply new heatsink paste. No matter how tight the heatsink appears to be locked down, without a good seal there will be leakage and overheating. It still sounds as if that may be the cause of your problems.
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