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Everything posted by BeeCeeBee

  1. In XP the account named administrator is for safe mode. Just delete all accounts and create one account for yourself as administrator. Just name it Julie and it will appear when you log in above the guest account if you are keeping that.
  2. Julie I think you are getting this slightly wrong. The account named "Administrator" is supposed to be available only through safemode by design. It should not appear as a user on a the XP welcome screen or log in screen. You can create your own account either as an administrator or a limited user. You also need not show the guest account. I am a bit confused as to what exactly you are trying to accomplish.
  3. Amy it does not appear that you have any software that will allow you to BURN a disc. There are a number of good free ones but Nero is recognised as the best. I still think you may have something that would have come with the pc when you first got it. You do not need to create a DVD you need to copy and burn one. After reviewing the above, I must correct myself, it seems that Windows DVD maker mentioned by Wolfeymole comes bundled with Vista Home Premium and will support direct burning from the camera to a DVD.
  4. WET FISH!!! :DActually we have considered this business of ratings and rejected it. It creates a competitive atmosphere and an awful lot of non helpful posts. A thank you when we help is always appreciated though. The time out on the forum is 20 minutes so "whose on Line" should be viewed with that in mind.
  5. Are you on a secured wireless network, fudge? What is the make and model of your router and can you connect to it? (See it?)
  6. Good to have you here! Welcome to FPCH!:)
  7. Welcome to FPCH, Bill ! Some of us may be past saving but it is good to have the company. :rolleyes:
  8. And we are glad you did! Welcome:)
  9. Welcome to FPCH! Glad you found us.:)
  10. Well it is sorted anyway and you will know for next time.
  11. What you need is a software program that actually allows you to burn a disc. If you have ever copied any files to a dvd or cd it would be the same software. Did you happen to see anything listed under Sonic in your list of programs or Roxio? You may not recognise them as burning software until you expand the list.
  12. With all due respect, we are talking about a mouse here. Windows has enough generic drivers to choke a horse. If the mouse is not broken it should be found even without the software. If you have included software, so much the better. I agree that the process suggested will help divulge the existence of a driver issue, but, again, this is a mouse and not a sophisticated piece of kit. I suggest keeping it simple.
  13. Movie Factory is a bit of editing software you need something to burn with. Toshiba usually includes something from Sonic or Roxio. Ring any bells? Anything listed in your program files?
  14. :) Let us know how you get on my friend!!!
  15. Try uninstalling the mouse software and reinstalling it if you have the disk. If that does not work you can try to uninstall and then reboot with the mouse attached and see if windows recognises it. Of course the thing may just be broken.
  16. I do not know why you should need a hotfix at all if MS has addressed the issues. Please tell me what it was supposed to fix and where you got it originally. From my research it seems to have created more issues than it "fixed." I would suggest you just stick to the .NET Framwork and the Serivice Pack unless you run into more problems and then post before you act.
  17. Hi Steve and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help! :) Just post a new thread and give us some information about what you are trying to accomplish with the new build and you will get some good advice.
  18. Doug it seems you may have neglected to re download .NET Framework itself before the patch or upgrade.
  19. Match is correct in that I neglected to mention the use of the tab key once you get into a box in the control panel. That being said, a wired mouse should do the trick.
  20. Have you tried a simple basic wired mouse? If that does not work use the microsoft key to open start and then navigate using the arrow keys. It is easier to do in a classic menu but with a little practice you should get the hang of it.
  21. Glad to have you here Paul. When I arrived I knew very little but I am hopeful that tomorrow that will all change.:D
  22. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Padds, We will try to help you undo whatever the troubles are foist upon you.:)
  23. When you say "use it like a flash drive" what do you mean. You cannot simply drag files onto a disk the way you would a flash drive. Nero and some other software will allow you to format a RW disc to simulate drag and drop using the software. Basic live file format of a DVD should allow you to backup using Nero or other burning software. If the disk you formatted contained data and it is not RW all of the data will be gone and all that will show is the unused space from before. I believe that the same is true with a RW disc except that you will be left with the the full capacity of the disc.
  24. Best wait for the restore or it will not matter if it works or not. Let us know where things stand when you are done. In the meantime have a look at the following. http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/malware-removal-av-firewalls-etc/3597-free-pc-help-recommended-security-products.html
  25. I would take all suggestions on board but ultimately I would wait for a reply from Dalo Harkin (Darth Stewie.) He is a build expert and knows his high spec componants, even thought you won't be building it yourself, the end result is the same. Take a look at the pictures posted in his profile. Computer Support & PC Help Forums - Provided By Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help - Dalo Harkin's Albums
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