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Everything posted by BeeCeeBee

  1. A copy.exe error message is indicative of a very specific virus or trojan that results in the exact symptoms you are experiencing. It was probably introduced with the blackberry software you downloaded. What was the source of the download?
  2. A warm welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help from an old computer idiot. :D
  3. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help johnpaulm! A "borderline" guru is always and asset to the forum. :)
  4. Do you have software supplied by your ISP? If you do then reinstall it and it will probably lead you to where you have to enter the key. You may also try disconnecting from the network and then click on the little monitor icon and then view wireless networks. Identify yours and where it asks enter the key. (That assumes that the network is security enabled by the isp.)
  5. We welcome your to fpch Sir Trews and certainly welcome any new input you may give! We promise not to hold the referral against you! :D
  6. It looks like you may not have entered the wep or wpa code into your laptop or that it was lost when you moved and reset the router.
  7. Take a look at the descriptions of all the XP boot options here: A description of the Safe Mode Boot options in Windows XP
  8. I'm sure you will give the little guy a wonderful home and from that vantage point may he may even learn to to type on his own.:)
  9. If you did a full format and the hd was cleaned and if there is nothing dodgy about the OS and if it was properly installed and if you did not reinstall whatever may have caused the problem in the first place then it is probably a hardware issue after all. Just a lot of "ifs" that make the problem hard to pin down. How did it perform immediately after the installation and before you introduced old data and files back onto the harddrive.
  10. It just strikes me as counterproductive not to mention that you did a reformat and installed or reinstalled an Operating System 4 days ago until the 17th post on the problem. What else have you tried that has gone unmentioned?
  11. Is this a new OS for this machine or was it reinstalled?
  12. Go back to the beginning please. What have you been downloading and what scans did you perform?
  13. Hi Jane, Sometimes intermittent failure or slowdown in speed is just a product of your ISP's server. In that case there is little you can do except not compound the problem. You seem to have that part under control now.
  14. Welcome to fpch davyhead! :) Since this thread seems to deal more with your pc than your ipod I will be moving this into our XP forum. Again, welcome.
  15. :o Thanks for the compliment, it is appreciated by all!! Phone line faults are a pain because it is usually the last thing checked. If it is fixed it should sort your problems.
  16. Hi Colette, Are you referring to web based email or do you use a client such as Outlook or Windows mail?
  17. Hi Colette, Welcome to fpch! Doubt you are beyond help post and we will see!:D
  18. Hi Lottie, As I said in the CK you are bound to find someone familiar with Orange and Matt (DirtPolo) is a pretty bright guy. Allowing Orange remote access will accomplish nothing. Just check with BT and make sure there is no problem with your telephone line. If you want recommendations for an alternative ISP just ask and you will get them.
  19. I'm glad you understand. I by no means doubt your honesty, etc. There really are two issues: 1. We cannot help people use these programs to get "legal" stuff (things you are entitled to) without those instructions being used by anyone who is trying to use them for less honourable reasons. 2. Using these p2p programs is really dangerous and unsafe. They have been the cause of tons of malware threads started on just Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help alone. 3. You really should find a better way to get your lecture notes.
  20. Ok lost first let me be clear about one thing, our rules are very specific about giving help regarding anything to do with p2p problems for a number of reasons. We will, however guide your attempts to remove it if should you need it. That being said, it is very possible that whatever you did do by way of torrents may have introduced malware into your system that has caused your problem If the methods for finding the "lost" files already suggested fail to locate them I would suggest that you remove all of any p2p programs you may be running and come back to us for disinfection instructions.
  21. I doubt the data is lost in the sense that an attempt at recovery software is needed. I do have one other thought though? How many accounts are there and if more than one, have you checked shared files?
  22. If there are days that everything is fine, there is probably little good that can be done by checking your settings etc. It appears that your problem may be related to some hardware failing (unless the fault lies with Orange or your phone line.) You did not tell us what kind of service you are using. (Is it broadband, dialup etc.) And if it is broadband what kind of connection. Wireless or wired? If you are not sure of the nature of your broadband a description of the physical set up will do.
  23. Try doing a search for one of the missing files by name making sure that the search for hidden files option is enabled in advanced search options.
  24. Clearly Clipper you have not taken the time to read our rules (3,4 &5) here http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/introductions/5272-rules.html That being said I am not going to take the time to review them either. We cannot supply the help you are requesting. This thread is closed!
  25. Welcome to FPCH Lotti, :) Just tell us your troubles and we will do our best.
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