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Everything posted by BeeCeeBee

  1. Is the fatal exception error limited to the single program or does it appear at other times? If it is just the one program, has it ever worked for him/her? Have you gone through the basics with your friend such as simply uninstalling the program and then trying a reinstall?
  2. Hello dakota and welcome! We have some really good people here who know their way around all of the hardware issues associated with a new build. We try our best to reply to members needs as quickly as possible and yours are no exception. I would suggest that you simply keep checking back with us. I can assure you that within a reasonable period you will get all the suggestions and advice you will need. Again Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help!!:)
  3. Welcome to fpch shazza! We will do our best for you.:)
  4. It is important that you backup all the data etc. on an exterenal hard drive or media (DVD-CD) if your hard drive is failing or needs to be formatted you may lose it all if you do not do so.
  5. Ok so maybe its looking a little better now. :) Glad its sorted!!!
  6. I was actually going to post something to this thread until I read the rules set down by iwillbeking. And I said to my self, beecee, "ifn there are so many rules that feller must already be King." And then I said, "Yep and that means it must be at least 2030. So I says to my self (agin) "well then wahts the pernt of drawin sumpin to what was done back in 2009." So i Dint
  7. Lots of Junk there Struggling. :) First thing go to your control panel and then to "add or remove software" find anything that says it is a toolbar and remove it. Yahoo, google or any others. You do not need any toolbar that did not come with the browser. If you see anything else there that may appear dodgy feel free to ask!
  8. Just an add on to Wolfey's question or are you possibly logged on to Yahoo messenger at the times this occurs?
  9. :) Hi struggling. Randy has just been watching too much CSI on TV. In this case what he is referring to is simply to highlite and copy what you want to forward and paste it into a new email created by you.
  10. While I agree that we all must exercise extreme caution when using passwords we also have to understand that each time we use them there is always someone who has access. This thread started with a question about a major company (McAfee) recording a password for the members protection. It clearly was not the work of a hacker. I use the same password for many accounts that are of little significance. If you learn my password for igoogle you get "my yahoo" as well. Hope you enjoy them. You will not, however get even close to my bank account or even Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. Having reread the initial post, however, I am very surprised that a company as reputable as McAfee (not a fan of their products) would give a password out over the phone.
  11. Are you referring to Windows updates from Microsoft or some other form of "üpdate?"
  12. I am not sure how to respond to that.
  13. Why is PONG not on the list? I understand there is a new one with with spacemen that fall from the sky and you shoot them but don't know the name.
  14. A definite Maybe to that one James. I am not sure why you feel you need your USB working to do a screenshot. The very first thing I would try is to uninstall AVG and reboot normally. There have been issues and AVG is not a great choice. If that should resolve any or all of your problems then look to Avast or Avira as better choices if you want free AV protection. I would also pay close attention to what services are running and what you are running at start up. I am not a vista user so I will not venture into making suggestions regarding msconfig but you may have to start a process of elimination.
  15. If I recall correctly that camera was listed for about 8 pounds on ebay or the like. Assuming that you have put 2 hours into finding drivers and another 2 trying to find the answer here, you have valued your time at about 2 pounds per hour and counting down. Polo was right first off. Webcams are cheap enough. I can only guess how good this one would be if you did get it running.
  16. He does and he keeps it on a shelf between his collection of forks and his collection of spoons. And for those of you who do not know of what we speak more the shame!
  17. I will give you a few more things to try but it isn't looking good. Delete the printer completely and reinstall following manufafturers instructions to the letter and only connect when told to. Check in your device manager Control Panel>System>Hardware>device manager. Pay particular attention to Universal Serial Bus Controllers and see if there are any warning icons. I am afraid that Lexmark support is not the best so there does not seem to be much hope there.
  18. Layler it is still possible that it is something else but I think you may be confusing the ability to print with the abilty to process commands coming from your PC. Test pages are usually built into the printer and picture cards are also direct to the printer. ( I assume you do not use your card through a reader in the pc.) Your printer seems to be getting the print commands from the pc but dropping them before completion. That seems to indicate a printer fault.
  19. Clearly I get out, how else would I recognise a spork? :rolleyes:
  20. I don't have commodo but assume there is an icon for it in the taskbar (near the clock) or else you may disable it through the start and program menus or again in the security center located in your control panel. I must say, though, while anything is worth a try, I would be more then surprised if it is somehow being blocked by a firewall. You have rebooted, installed new drivers, cleared out the spooler and now it just may be time to find a good version of "The last post" on youtube and put the thing out of its misery.
  21. The real worry is that utensil you get in some fast food places. You know the one. You are not quite sure whether it are supposed to be a spoon or a fork. If you happen to have one secure it carefully as they are a common target for burglars.
  22. Try disabling the firewall and see if it works. If it does the answer is yes.:D
  23. OK maybe this will solve this. Go to whatever the USB cable is attached to and read the label. What is it? What does it say it is? You do not connect to Routers with USB cables.
  24. Glad you have found a new comfort zone with the bios. No knowing what the TMPNs are I did a bit of research and they seem to be a sensor(s) that are essentially unused and tend to be the source of unusual and meaningless readings. They also seem to be a source of considerable unwarranted concern.
  25. Doug having had the same Bios fear in the past I have adopted a simple rule of thumb. Even if I make no changes and am just looking (as you will be ) I always exit without saving changes. That way, even if I had done something inadvertently it will bring things back to where they were. In this case Tootech is only suggesting you take a look - go forth and be not afraid!:)
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