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Everything posted by BeeCeeBee

  1. Again, this is a long thread so I may have missed it but can you tell us the specs (manufacturer and model etc. ) of the hard drive?
  2. I may have missed it but have you tried to connect via USB and then explore the contents for files?
  3. I need to clarify my previous post lest someone decide that my reference to possible cpu problems is based on knowledge superior to that of Tootech which is, by far, simply not the case. My point was that the act of removing and replacing a heatsink by the very nature of the task effects the amount of downward pressure placed on the cpu. The fact that it seemed to offer a temporary fix simply made that possibility at least worthy of consideration. That being said it, even if I turn out to be correct, that does not mean that it is the CPU itself that has a problem. The bottom line is, follow the instructions just given by Tootech as they give you the best chance of a solution. :)
  4. Bill it is always best to avoid any program in its beta stage as that a statement by the publisher that it remains under test. I would assume that you can uninstall it through "add or remove programs" in your control panel. That should roll it back to your previous version ot IE. I personally really like Firefox but you will find that others insist that IE7 remains better. I would suggest you install it and use it for a while before you make it your default browser. Then it will be up to you to decide which you prefer. It is certainly compatible with your OS.
  5. If you choose to remove the heatsink it is always advisable to use fresh paste. As I said it can become the cause of serious overheating.
  6. Welcome Ross! :) It is nice to see we have already been of help! Feel free to contribute in any way you choose.
  7. I was thinking back to the days when I served with the American Embassy in the old Soviet Union. It was amazing just how great a hold the "party" had in everyday thinking. One day I was walking across Red Square in Moscow when a bit of precipitation began to fall. There was a couple walking nearby (husband and wife, I believe) and the woman said, "I think I felt some snow on my face." The husband replied. "No that was rain." "I don't think so" said the wife. Well at the same time Rudolf Macinov, the local Communist Party chief was passing by and the husband decided to ask him to settle the argument. "Clearly it is rain." said the party chief. When he left the wife said "I still think it was snow." "Dont be a fool" said the husband "Rudolf the red knows rain, dear." (note to mods - feel free to move this to "I love Snow.")
  8. A far superior American alternative. Note the absence of blood pudding which has been banned by the FDA and declared to be subversive by the Department of Homeland Security as a terrorist weapon. http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn266/FPCH/breaky.png
  9. Can we move this entire thread, perhaps to some other forum, or maybe just convert to another language (preferably one that does not use an actual alphabet.) Next can we take Wolfey's picture and convert it to audio only.
  10. It is highly unlikely that removing and reseating a heatsink is going to correct a PSU problem. The act of replacing it, however and the fact that it appears to correct the problem temporarily does indicate that there may be a problem with the cpu. It also creates another problem if you are not properly sealing the heatsink. Have you replaced the paste when you perform this "operation?" If not you may face a serious overheating problem.
  11. Simply go to windows explorer and see if it still lists system files. Or right click on the drive in My Computer and select explore.
  12. I am looking for a way to hide a thread so only those who actually care can even see it. Speaking of tripe, Nev, does it look worse than that black pudding? And what is that watery looking white stuff next to it? Please don't tell me those are potatoes!
  13. If it worked Bazza there are no next steps. :) Have a look at these and remember that you must never use more then one active real time antivirus program at a time. Use 2 of the antimalware programs. http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/malware-removal-av-firewalls-etc/3597-free-pc-help-recommended-security-products.html Personally I would get rid of Norton and get either Aivira, Avast or the the Eset subscription service. Norton may be hard to get rid of but there is a tool available to get any remnants. But you should uninstall it first from your control panel (add or remove programs) Download and run the Norton Removal Tool
  14. Glad that is sorted now Mara. No more puling the plug. :eek:
  15. It is pretty clear that the machine is heavily infected with Malware and we have a very good process for disinfection. However there is no point in going through that process if you can't boot the computer to windows. I also have no idea if the XP sytem that you mention in your profile is the same machine that you refer to here. We need as much information as you can as to what discs you have for the PC as well as its manufaturor and model number and the version of window it is using.
  16. Hi Bazza, Now that you have downloaded the the 3 programs I would suggest your simply start over from the beginning but do not download again just run the programs. Since you have them installed you need not be on line to do this until you get to the eset on line scanner. Bookmark or add the eset page to to your favorites list and go directly to it when you get to that stage. This process really should be run all at once not a bit at a time with internet traffic in between steps. Let us know how you make out.
  17. Hi Mike, Registry cleaners often create more problems than they solve. I am not familiar with RegCure as I would not touch it or any with a ten foot pole. If you have your office CD I would suggest that you do a system restore to just before you used RegCure. Use the office CD to repair and then then reboot. If registry adjustments need to be made it would be best posting here first.
  18. It would appear that the problem that you are having is the very same thing that may be blocking your access. The link is working fine for me. See if it works from here. Malwarebytes.org and then download the latest version. If not come right back.
  19. Welcome to FPCH casswlf! Looking forward to your posts .
  20. -Asked -Answered I have promised myself that if I saw one more post on this thread regarding the virutue of one fan over another I would close it just so you would stop doing my (and everyone else's) head in. This poor horse has not just been beaten to death it keeps getting brought back to life. Since this thread was opened by Mara let it be closed with a gentle smile!!:)
  21. This is what happens when threads go off on tangents. :confused: The issue is not how fast to turn off a computer it is how fast to shut down the network connection to the internet. If you shut down the PC it eliminates a number of options and if the download has made registry changes they may effect the machine when it reboots. I still suggest that the best thing to do in these circumstances is to sever the network connection. That way you have the option of a system restore before any attempt to reboot Tootech's comment to Mara was aimed at alternatives to a cold shut down and was appropriate at the time. It was not, however the point of Mara's query.
  22. Well phantom I thought I knew what was wrong but you have already discounted that. Since I do not know what directions there are for that tool I am going to suggest one more thing. Try to run the program from the disc while you are in windows. There is a chance that it may need to start from windows and then may direct you to do a restart. That is a guess, pure and simple but it cannot hurt to try.
  23. First, Mara, slap yourself on the wrist (not too hard) and say i will never pull the plug again. A sure way to damage your hard drive was a bit of an overstatement but it really is a dangerous risk to take. The box on your desk is your router and can be turned off, have its plug pulled or beaten with a hammer and not damage your PC. It is also safe to undo the cable from it to the pc. All any of these things do is just disconnect you from the internet. No internet no download. As I said, low tech.
  24. Going back to your initial problem Mara, by the time you realise that there may be a problem with a download it may already be to late. While the path suggested by DSTM will work and is correct, it is by no means fast enough to stop the download from doing more damage. Of course you can cut power to your PC but that is a sure way to damage your hard drive. So here is just a bit of low tech advice. If you have a wireless network switch turn it off. If you are using an ethernet remove the cable, if you are near your router turn it off or pull the plug on IT. Routers do not have hard drives. As I said, the download may have already done it dirty deed but if not, speed is the key.
  25. I don't know why I thought you were looking for a laptop so my previous post in the beginning was useless. I will try to make up for it here. :o Since you are on a budget I would put most of the emphasis on getting the best CPU, hard drive, ram, and Operating system you can within your budget. Most included graphics cards (onboard or separate) will be perfectly fine for any photos or videos including DVDs etc. In addition graphics cards are easily upgraded later and a really high end card will destroy your budget. Saying that, the guys who have been responding to you may want to give you some ideas as to either what to avoid in a graphics spec or what they know is available within that budget of yours.
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