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Plastic Nev

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Everything posted by Plastic Nev

  1. :D at Wolfy. I bet I can do it cheaper. Back to watching your plastic, I hope I am not under the watchful gaze.:D ;) Funnily enough I got a new card through the post today for my normal debit account. Yet my old one doesn't run out till the end of December, but my new one starts as from the beginning of November, or twelve days ago. So the old one gets shredded as soon as I check the new one works. Don't leave an old card around, especially if as in my case, the old one is still in date.
  2. Hi Stu, Just to clarify, you say the webcam works on a different computer, and also a USB mouse and USB joystick still works OK. Do you have any other USB devices, such as an ordinary camera or card reader, Do they still work?
  3. Hello and welcome to free PC help. No doubt someone will have an answer for your trouble, and as Beeceebee said, if you want to hang around and help out, it will be appreciated.
  4. While we are on this subject, does any manufacturer make a plasma monitor screen? and if so what are the advantages or disadvantages in comparison to both LCD and the older technology CRT?
  5. Hi and welcome to PC help. I hope you enjoy our company.:D
  6. I also offer my support on this, and hope the issue is cleared as soon as possible for all concerned. Although not involved or a member of Bebo, I do have an account on Facebook. The only reason is to have contact with most of the band members out of band rehearsals. However, I do see some strange messages that have been forwarded on to me, these consist of a message along the lines of "If a J** B***** asks to be your friend ignore or delete the request as he or she is a hacker and will steal all your E mail adresses, privacy, etc" The messages do differ slightly but either they could be genuine, or may even be some form of bullying tactic aimed at J** B*****. A bit hard to tell what could be really going on, but they get ignored by me. As yet though I haven't seen anything like the story going on here, but it is quite obviously a case of someone using dirty tactics to make others download some form of malware to their computer. So any invitation to view a video or other download, should now be viewed with suspicion, especially if coming from an unknown source.
  7. I agree Mara, the security offered from prying eyes on most pin and chip machines is sadly lacking, seems to be at its worst in some supermarkets too.
  8. welcome my friend, I suspect there could well be a real strong grunt in the trenches of malware around here perhaps?
  9. Hi, from my small amount of knowledge your problem may be a faulty power supply, any chance of trying another from somewhere to prove it, before going out to buy a new one?
  10. I have just got home from a very long day out in honour of those who gave everything in the first and second world wars, and including other wars up to the present day. We, the band that is, have done two remembrance parades today. The first started at 9-00AM and was for the Helmshore British Legion branch, and consisted of a march playing normal march tunes, to the local church for a remembrance service. This was followed by a short march to the cenotaph for the usual laying of wreaths followed by the last post and two minutes silence, ended by the playing of reveille. After a buffet at the local British Legion club, a mad dash over to Earby for the second march parade. This time in the pouring rain, and again a short service at the Earby cenotaph, again the last post was played, two minutes silence, then reveille and a few hymns played. Back to the Earby community centre for a cup of tea and a biscuit, then home. I feel a certain amount of pride in having taken part in these ceremonies, and I am glad we still remember all the men and women who gave their lives in those conflicts, and are continuing to do so even up to the present day.
  11. There is only one Nev in the band, and I play second cornet in what is known as second position. The cornet is actually a more mellow sounding type of trumpet, it is all down to the extra bends in the tubing, the bore of the tube and to some extent the type of mouthpiece. If you compare a cornet to a trumpet you will see the trumpet is longer and has more straight tubing, thus giving a sharp or harsher bright sound. The notes are exactly the same though. I do own several of each, plus a few other brass instruments, as I am collecting any oddities as and when I can either find them, or afford the price being asked. Oh and an extra, I am also co- webmaster on the website as I am in charge of updating news as and when any happens.
  12. Indeed that now seems the way to do it. I think perhaps the original idea of loading a separate OS on an external drive comes from a time when slower data transfer speeds coupled with smaller hard drives may have been an issue. I don't know exactly where now, but I am sure I have seen that way recommended some time since. As and when I get enough spare cash I am thinking of an external drive to hold some of the ever growing collection of video and brass or brass based music. Sometimes both combined, such things as video of our band on the march for example! I will hold off from Vista just yet though, as my present system may not work too well with it, besides I hate change just for the sake of it.
  13. It would help if I posted a link to download it from, here- Protection from Adware, Spam, Viruses, Online Scams | McAfee SiteAdvisor
  14. Cheers Dalo, I was of course harking back to the days of small hard drives, My lappy for example with only 40GB, where there may not be room for a separate partition and dual booting.
  15. As far as I know, correct me if wrong, but isn't the battery only for when the system is turned off?
  16. Beeceebee, a quick answer mate, just have a look here- DARWEN BRASS - Home It was that film that made me think "I can do that"
  17. If this has been asked before but got lost, sorry I can't find it. Here is what I mean. You may have noticed I have now put up an avatar, which is my instrument in the brass band I play in. The question is, where did you get your avatar, what does it signify, does it have any special meaning to you, and does it give an indication of your personality?
  18. Now that could be a good one to go on the proposed CD Tootech.
  19. My original post was a bit tongue in cheek, the benefits that a decent CD or better DVD could hold for all of us is well worth the quid and maybe a donation as well. Do we post the titles of software we would like to see on it, here, or should a new thread be started for that?
  20. Found a rather interesting write up via Google here- NVIDIA cuts TCP offloads to end data corruption - The Tech Report I would also bear in mind that most hardware firewalls are one way only, I am not sure about ActiveArmor as I cannot find any reference in their own pages. The recognised ideal is two way, protecting what is going out as well as in. Do have a look at our recommended security programs (sticky at top of page) HERE my own personal preference is for Comodo, but that is only my opinion and subjective of course. If you downloaded the Malwarebytes as part of your clean up, I would recommend keeping that as well, update it then use it to do a scan around once a week. The next question has to be, how did you get the nasties in the first place? If you read through this forum, you will find many references to getting rid of P2P software, it is quite definitely becoming a gateway to purgatory plus also the need to be very careful in which sites you visit etc. You can get an addition to your browser called McAfee Site Advisor, or one or two other site warning systems that will warn you of known unsafe sites. also have a look at another of our stickies HERE
  21. Jokes and funny stories come from all over the place, and are one of the few pieces of art that is difficult if not impossible to copyright. Here is another- Letter to the bank! Dear Sirs, In view of what seems to be happening internationally with banks at the moment, I was wondering if you could advise me... if one of my cheques is returned marked "insufficient funds," how do I know whether that refers to me or to you?
  22. :D:D:D Thanks for the laugh guys, but if any one takes over it just might be the aliens :eek: Close encounters and all that eh??
  23. When a machine is in safe mode, only the more important bits are loaded, so the processor doesn't have much to do. That is maybe why no problems in safe mode. Considering the compatibilities issues mentioned with the Q6600, it is a fair bet that is the problem.
  24. When a machine is in safe mode, only the more important bits are loaded, so the processor doesn't have much to do. That is maybe why no problems in safe mode. Considering the compatibilities issues mentioned with the Q6600, it is a fair bet that is the problem.
  25. Although not familiar with this practice, I have seen somewhere that you can have an external hard drive with XP loaded on it, it is then just a matter of setting your machine, (somewhere in safe mode) to boot from the external hard drive rather than the internal which is loaded with Vista. I may though have this understanding wrong, so will wait for a more experienced contributor to verify or not.
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