not all sky 478 boards are equal there were a fair few max bus speed versions 400 mhz 533 mhz 800 mhz
You can find skt 478 motherboards with processors for 30 quid INTEL D865GLC MOTHERBOARD + 2.4GHz INTEL CELERON CPU on eBay, also For Intel, Motherboards, Desktop PC Components, Computing (end time 02-Jun-09 12:37:57 BST)
I picked up a 2 gig p4 mobo and ram for less than 20 .
board and cpu £12 dell 478 motherboard an cpu with memory on eBay, also With Intel CPU, Motherboard CPU Bundle, Desktop PC Components, Computing (end time 05-Jun-09 14:18:46 BST)
and another board and cpu for £20 IBM Socket 478 AGP 8X PC MB Motherboard With P4 1.5 CPU on eBay, also With Intel CPU, Motherboard CPU Bundle, Desktop PC Components, Computing (end time 15-Jun-09 16:44:37 BST)
as I said unfortunately your stuff has little value