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Everything posted by zinglebarb

  1. do you have access to a vista dvd? what options are available in the recovery enviroment?
  2. what was the brief when the machine was bought to you? why did it need fixing in the first place?
  3. well it should just boot normally confused now. How far is it going
  4. will start worrying when they get quantum processing sorted properly ;) Im waiting to see what happens with the i5 cpus least then you do not need to buy your ram in 3's ;p;
  5. removing it requires a lot of skill some just use a special tool others need sweating out. Finding a SKT 939 is going to be a problem also BIOS - Howto Remove a Bios Chip pic of how to do it with a paper clip lol I have to say good luck with that :)
  6. ACHI needs a driver its already installed in vista but disabled. You need to alter this reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Msahci value needs to be 0. However of course you need to sort your bios out first I take it it was F2 worked before?
  7. have you ever updated the bios on this machine before? it appears to me like both main and secondary bios is stuffed (gotta love techical terms eh lol) as I said if the main bios becomes corrupt the second bios should take over . I have seen this work a few times why this feature didnt catch on I dunno.
  8. :) definately. Idealy we need to assertain if the machine has its own recovery. I have come accross machines which do not have official driver support for XP there are of course ways around this but not for the layman.
  9. hmmmm this Gigabyte board has dual bios. When ive used this before and had a bad bios the second bios took over on its own. What I would try and do is remove the hard drive and optical drive cables . Try and boot the machine press del straight away and see if you get into set up. If you do press f8 and select the boot us bios as secondary. As long as you have not had bios problems before this should start the machine with a virgin bios Auto recover should be on by default so by rights if only one bios is corrupted the other should just take over
  10. you could use gparted to resize and create new partitions. Vista allows you to shrink partitions in disk management if you defrag first you can normally shrink the partition more or course this os only of any use if you wish to dual boot which when adding xp to vista causes more problems ( but easily solvable)
  11. you can not enter set up pressing del when it gives the option?
  12. A bios update resets the bios as standard. Just unplugging the battery will clear the cmos. Spy is there an option for boot select menu are you still getting the cmos warning you mentioned?
  13. I play my old old xp games inside a VMware virtual machine. It all depends how old your games are as to whether this would work for you
  14. try downloading the stand alone installer from here run it without any browser open and try
  15. Its easy enough to clone a mac address and its the network adapter that has these not the pc/laptop themselves If you read post 6 I give the actual gateway address :)
  16. if its a cable modem you need to reboot the modem before it will allocate an ip to the router. If its an ADSL modem router you need to input your user details using the quick start cd and details from your isp to set it up
  17. something that sounds like a security app list them for us
  18. if it was a bad bios flash you would see nothing at all the system is trying to post so its not dead. The bios has reset . Looks to me like default boot hd has changed. Do you get an option for boot menu so you can select your drive?
  19. you would only delete restore points when you know your system is stable and it leaving the last one still leaves you with a lifeline the same as you had anyway. As I say I turn it off in favour of full system backups I use Norton Ghost but Vistas own backup and restore look promising
  20. one aspect of reclaiming hard drive pace is often missed and that is system restore points. Open my computer right click c: select properties then disk cleanup allow to run then click more options and system restore all but the newest is deleted often cleaning gigs specially on Vista based machines. I turn it off personally as I use ghost
  21. its how fast the platters spin the faster they spin the quicker the data is accessable by the heads(in theory) My desktop operatign hard drive spins @10000 rpm.You will be able to replace it with a drive that spins @ 5400 rpm these are readily available
  22. The main thing is what are you going to use it for. Is it going to be a file server a media server a web server all of the above? One of the main concerns for me would be power consumption you have a nice pc would you need a power hungry machine buzzing away 24/7?
  23. just keep a raw registry backup somewhere safe ready to import. All apps which allow reg cleanign should come with the same warning. I am yet to find a system killed by a reg cleaner though seen a few messed up but none killed. I have never seen a problem relating to cceaners other functions. One thing though if you set the delete method to secure and choose guttman make sure it finishes its cleaning or you can find all your disk filled :)
  24. installed and seems fine here. Reports are cpu usage possibly cut when idle as may be memory caching but ive always been happy with Vista anyway
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