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Everything posted by danzil

  1. does indeed sound like something in your floppy drive or cd drive remove anything then restart. danzil
  2. yes the recovery cd will most likely readt he data from a partition on ya hard drive. (destructive) have you tried add n remove to remove all progs you are not using,also ccleaner this removes all temp rubbish on ya system (http://www.ccleaner.com).and a good old defrag.virus scan spyware scan etc etc etc regards danzil
  3. 98 games will most likely run in compatiblility mode.you just need to find the main exe and rigt click it then click compatibilty (thats if they dont run). please can you post your system spec. here is the spec for your "rise of empires game" Minimum specifications: Microsoft® Windows® XP PC with 1.4 GHz equivalent or higher processor 256 MB of system RAM 4.5 GB available hard disk space 32x speed or faster CD-ROM drive 64 MB video card with hardware transform and lighting required Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device 56.6 Kbps or better modem for online play if they dont meet these or indeed do post back. update your graphics card driver and update direct x. post back your spec to make sure regards danzil
  4. well mmmmmm.i would first try different ram (memory). do you get a specific error number or any error message please post back with any error mesage or code. if your pc boots up and you can see the bios (the main first page where it shows your devices) then i doubt its your cpu (processor). i would def try ram 1st...have you checked your power supply is sound regards danzil
  5. try downloading this then installing your software after a reboot of course http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=32bc1bee-a3f9-4c13-9c99-220b62a191ee&displaylang=en see if that helps if not post back regards danzil
  6. have you tried booting into safe mode then using username = administrator password = blank (blank means leave blank) you may thn be able to log into the pc go to control panel>user accounts then click the user then remove password(im not in vista right now so maybe slightly different) regards danzil
  7. mmmm. you may have formatted the drive to much to be able to view the file. i would try a freeware application for file recovery. you may need other backup media to recover these files. here is a link to such software http://www.softwarepatch.com/software/filerecovery.html regards danzil
  8. go to start>control panel>sound and audio devices>double click it make sure all sounds are turned up in there....and also make sure windows medis player has its volumke set to max. i have had this problem, i had to make sure media player had its volume set to max. may also be worth the driver is installed.start>control panel>system>hardware>device mangager> under sounds video and game controllers is there a yellow exclamation mark regards danzil
  9. what make of graphics card do you have.post your full system specs. what direct x version do you have regards danzil
  10. download eversest google it. look in audio properties there it will tell you your sound card. post the make then i will post a link to the download regards danzil
  11. download real vnc forn http://www.realvnc.com then install it.open the firewall ports for port 5900 and port 5800 in your windows firewall and router if you have one. then go to http://www.whatsmyip.org from your pc you want to access. note it down. then intall vnc on your other pc then load vnc veiwer type that ip address whats my ip gave you then enter your password you added durin installing vnc then you should be able to connect. let me now if not. i use vnc a hell of a lot regards danzil
  12. what has happened to cause this.any system changes any software lately installed have you tried a system restore regards danzil
  13. sorry i have been busy have not forgot about you will search ASAP regards asap regards danzil
  14. what i would do is boot into safe mode (f8 at boot up)then do a system restore start>all programmes>system tools>system restore see if that helps chose a date before this happened regards danzil
  15. 0x00000024 error if i remeber correctly is a coruption in the ntfs format. have you tried booting into recovery console and tried running chldsk. regards danzil ps hardware daves idea maybe a good idea but try recovery console first,if you can boot into it, if it is royally corrupt then you wont be able too.
  16. are all necceasry services running,have you tried updating the microsoft updat software, google for it. are all dll's registered for the updates.lets tackle that first. how do ou connect to the internet,router,modem dial up etc regards danzil
  17. try booting into safe mode then doing a system restore. start>all programmes>system tools>system restore. choose a date before this happened then click apply or ok i cant remeber regards danzil
  18. ry checking your regional and language options in control panel make sure all is set to united kingdom do as hardware dave said try it on another pc,save it it then load it on your pc regards danzil
  19. do you here any beeps (bios beeps). i would like hardware dave said try another monitor (if oyu here any beeps post back). you mention noise a lot what kind of noise where does it sound like its coming from regards danzil
  20. do you have the operating cd i can send you the command for a re-install of internet explorer. if you have the cd pop it in and go to start>rin then type in rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 %windir%\Inf\ie.inf regards danzil
  21. is windows to managing your wireless card's connection, if not try thast. have you checked you ip address settings, default gateway and dns is all correct and in correct range. can you ping any web pages start>run>cmd type in (without the quotes) ping http://www.bbco.co.uk you will receive a reply if you have internet connectivity. regards danzil
  22. is your pop up bloker turned on in internet explorer i dont think your hijack this log is that bad. reset internet explorer settings back to there default. what programmes do you have loading at startup go to start>run type in msconfig then look in the startup tab regards danzil
  23. when you power the pc on do receive the normal bios beeps. do you see the bios load on the screen during post. what is your system specs. what graphics card do you have, is it onboard what happened previously to make this happen. i would first try reseating the graphics card, and possibly memory. if still no joy i would try another stick of ram, then possible a graphics card, if you have spares knocking about regards danzil
  24. is it overheating in any way. check the cpu fan and heatsink, also your graphics card fan,make sure they are spinning freely of dust. have you also tried a different psu regards danzil ps what is your system spec, does it blue screen before rebooting
  25. do you still have the stock card installed i thought it was an ati card installed. could be a fault in the card, mainly the ram. is it under warrenty. do games play at full res, with a decent frame rate. regards danzil
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