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Everything posted by danzil

  1. Hi Jordan26 hope you enjoy your stay.. regards danzil :)
  2. hi do you have another power supply to test the PC with. have yu tried clearing the CMOS....take the side of the case of.now with the power cable connected (BUT OFF AT THE WALL SOCKET)....touch the power supply breifly to remove any static...... locate the CMOS battery this looks like a silver coins,,,basically an oversized watch battery pop this out and leave the computer alne for 5-10 minutes...... re-insert the battery and test the PC again... regards danzil post back if you have any or no luck
  3. Hi mmmmm not sure where we stand regarding the cracked Direct 10..... when you say cracked how do you mean,,, is it the directx alky project created. the only suggestion i have until i know for sure i ca help (freepchelp rules and reg's) is to pop your XP cd in your drive....then goto start>run and type in sfc /scannow (nothe the space after sfc). hopefully this will then re-install your original directx 9 files.... how have you tried removing dx10 i notice you said you deleted the folder....did this folder have a uninstaller in there... alternativly you could try a system restore start>all programmes>accessories>system tools>system restore then choose a date before installing dx10... once you have removed the dx10 files try running the download i linked to you again..... here is a programme that supposedly can uninstall your DX here is the link Download DirectX Eradicator 2.0 - DirectX Eradicator - safely remove the DirectX runtime core component from Windows - Softpedia regards danzil heres a tip though if it aint made for XP dont use it,,, least of all a cracked version, you may well have infected your PC as well.;)
  4. ok what pentium are you using, a dual core core 2 duo.or standard pentium.... what speed of RAM are you using,,,,what version, do you have another CPU to test with.. are you making sure the 4pin (yellow and black)power connector is conencted good. and are all the wiring correct to the front panel ie the Power Switch Reset switch. have you moved any other jumpers on this board bar the cmos one. regards danzil i will have a look at the spec in due course and post back:)
  5. Hi can you go to start>run and type in dxdiag. then let me know what it says is the version you are on now. where about are you downloading the directx package from. please try this one;.Download DirectX 9.0c (full package) - the latest version of Direct X then get back to us. regards danzil:)
  6. Hi Bob to do a system restore do the following: start>all programmes>accessories>system tools>system restore. choose "restore my computer to an earlier time". you will then be presented with a calender. choose the date before you had all these issues...then click on restore.; note: this is completely reversible so do not worry to much about the messages you may receive. your PC will reboot then the restoration will begin. if you choose a date before all the freezing occured that would be brilliant. speak soon regards danzil :)
  7. Hi. have you tried popping the CMOS battery out of the motherboard, or resetting the clear cmos jumper. when the board is powered on are you getting any beeps at all. is there any chance that the motherboard could be shorting out on the case. is the power supply definatly good. regards danzil
  8. have you tried booting into safe mode. do this by tapping f8 at startup (before you see the xp logo).....then choose safe mode from the menu.... can you get into safe mode? if not try "last known good configuration". what has changed lately..have you done any upgrades, or installed any software. regards danzil :)
  9. Hi try this Download and install UNLOCKER Browse to C/:PROGRAM FILES/KIWEE TOOLBAR Right Click on this folder, click UNLOCKER on the Menu. Choose DELETE. Follow any on-screen instructions. Reboot Download Unlocker below: Download Unlocker 1.8.7 - FileHippo.com if that does not help please post back... regards danzil
  10. hi bob. please can you do a system restore restore for me, thats if the PC is too slow and unbearable to use. i am wondering why it is so slow.we have disable all uneeded prog's that run at startup. lets do the restore and take it from there. regards danzil :)
  11. As snow said. the longer you use that drive the more you are over writing the data.... when you delete anything from your hard drive (format too) you dont really delete anything..you just basically flag places on the hard drive that can be over written (thats it in short). so unless you are not using that drive,or you have another backup there is an extremely thin chance of recovering that data.... for future reference, here are some recovery tools i use. ontrack data recovery. auslogic backup pro. recuva. there are a few good freeware programmes around too. regards danzil :)
  12. ok i think you missed a step or kind of jumped the gun. ok tap f8 at startup then when you see your "recoery console" and "xp" option choose "xp" now let the numerous lines of white writing scroll down your screen. wait for a few seconds and it should boot into windows XP. when you are in log in as administrator (or an accoutn with admin rights). now browse to c:\windows using start>my computer>c:\>windows. you should now see the softwaredistibution folder..you should now rename it.. hope that clarify's regards danzil :)
  13. during your cleaning did you check for dust or any dirt under or in the cpou heatsink and fan,,,,what conditionis the thermal paste like on top of the cpu... will catch up with you later on to go through something,,,got my dinner to eat..mmmmmm soo hungry lol...take care bob.. hopefully sort this out for you soon regards danzil
  14. mmmmmmm neglected to read the changelog....lol apologies regardless it seems to have much effect on these infections when i use the tool.. maybe im just getting lucky and catching a variant that the fix has removal tools for.... totally agree that these infectons always get updated to avoid detection..... Malware bytes has always been a very very usefull tool.and i install it often on Computers i repair or build... regards danzil :)
  15. do as said previously.. if your xbox stil doesnt want to play ball, then manually assign it and IP in your range...for example if your router is then assign your xbox (i use ten as to not interfere with any other devices in your dhcp table). then go into your router and allow all ports to be forwarded to (being the xbox) that should allow your xbox to pass through and be fine...... may i ask why you are using the linksys for wireless and not your BT homehub....is it a range problem etc. regards danzil
  16. new version 2.423 This tool removes Desktop Hijack malware: Advanced Antivirus, Advanced Virus Remover, AdwarePunisher, AdwareSheriff, AlphaCleaner, AntiSpyCheck, AntiSpyware Expert, Antispyware Soldier, AntiVermeans, AntiVermins, AntiVerminser, AntiVirGear, Antivirus 2009, Antivirus 2010, Antivirus 360, AntiVirus Lab 2009, Antivirus Master, Antivirus Sentry, Antivirus System Pro, Antivirus XP 2008, AntivirusGolden, AV Antispyware, AVGold, Awola, BraveSentry, Coreguard Antivirus, Extra Antivirus, HomeAntivirus 2009, IE Defender, IE-Security, Internet Antivirus, Malware Defender 2009, MalwareCrush, MalwareWipe, MalwareWiped, MalwaresWipeds, MalwareWipePro, MalwareWiper, Micro Antivirus 2009, MS AntiSpyware 2009, MS Antivirus, PC Protection Center 2008, Personal Defender 2009, PestCapture, PestTrap, Power Antivirus, Power-Antivirus-2009, PSGuard, quicknavigate.com, RegistryFox, Registry Cleaner, Renus 2008, Security iGuard, Smart Antivirus 2009, Smitfraud, SmitFraudFixTool, Spy Protector, SpyAxe, SpyCrush, SpyDown, SpyFalcon, SpyGuard, SpyHeal, SpyHeals, SpyLocked, SpyMarshal, SpySheriff, SpySoldier, Spyware Guard 2008, Spyware Protect 2009, Spyware Vanisher, Spyware Soft Stop, SpywareLocked, SpywareQuake, SpywareKnight, SpywareRemover, SpywareSheriff, SpywareStrike, Startsearches.net, System Antivirus 2008, System Guard 2009, TheSpyBot, TitanShield Antispyware, Total Protect 2009, Total Secure 2009, Trust Cleaner, Ultimate Antivirus 2008, UpdateSearches.com, UnVirex, Virtual Maid, Virus Heat, Virus Protect, Virus Protect Pro, VirusBlast, VirusBurst, VirusRay, Virus Remover 2008, Virus Shield, VirusResponse Lab 2009, VirusTrigger, Win32.puper, WinHound, WinPC Defender, WiniBlueSoft, Vista Antivirus 2008, WinDefender 2009, XLG Security Center, XP Deluxe Protector, XP Security Center, XPert Antivirus, XP Police Antivirus, Brain Codec, ChristmasPorn, DirectAccess, DirectVideo, EliteCodec, eMedia Codec, EZVideo, FreeVideo, Gold Codec, HQ Codec, iCodecPack, IECodec, iMediaCodec, Image ActiveX Object, Image Add-on, IntCodec, iVideoCodec, JPEG Encoder, Key Generator, LookForPorn, Media-Codec, MediaCodec, MMediaCodec, MovieCommander, MPCODEC, My Pass Generator, NetProject, Online Image Add-on, Online Video Add-on, PCODEC, Perfect Codec, PowerCodec, PornPass Manager, PornMag Pass, Pornovid, PrivateVideo, QualityCodec, Silver Codec, SearchPorn, SexVid, SiteEntry, SiteTicket, SoftCodec, strCodec, Super Codec, TrueCodec, VideoAccess, VideoBox, VidCodecs, Video Access ActiveX Object, Video ActiveX Object, Video Add-on, VideoCompressionCodec, VideoKeyCodec, VideosCodec, WinAntiSpyPro, WinMediaCodec, X Password Generator, X Password Manager, ZipCodec, WinCoDecPRO... majority of the threats above, do exactly the same and have very similar files but just use different names... i have been dealing with these in a corperate enviroment for 5 years,smitfruad was and is always my first place of call....but as suggest it is ALWAYS best to startup a new thread, that way we can be absolutly sure of what we are dealing with. regards danzil
  17. try your original sticks of ram to see if it boots up ok..... if you are determined to run XP,..may i suggest you look at nlite.. this is a programme for making unattended OS install...but the good part of this programme is you can remove all the junk you dont need in XP. for istance Internet explorer.msn,file n settings wizard, any services you dont need... i have made a tiny xp install with sp3, that was just over 360mb and use 128mb of ram,with 19 processes runnin. that would get XP on that laptop and at a much faster speedincrease. maybe worth a look: nLite - Deployment Tool for the bootable Unattended Windows installation
  18. Hi is your time and date set correct within windows. this can cause windows updates to not install...... ignore the master beowser error for now,that should not be causing these issues you are getting.... i would try to remove the previous update history by booting into safe mode,,(tap f8 at startup choose safe mode). browse to c:\windows\ rename the folder called "SoftwareDistribution" to "SoftwareDistribution.OLD". then reboot your machine,,,now try and redo your windows update via the update site... post back if that helps or not,, there are a few more things to try... as for kaspersky i will research this in a sec, its not a AV im overly familiar with. regards danzil
  19. ok bob again sorry for the delay. please could you return to msconfig and disable EVERYTHING except your AVG, (In the startup tab only) reboot and see if we are still getting these frustrating freezes.... i am trying to ascertain if it is a programme that is causing your services and PC to hang,,,or if it is a hardware issue (very much doubt it at thsi point due to previous checks.) many thanks regards danzil
  20. step one i would use. without sounding sarcastic. this is the monitor (explain crt/tft) this is the keyboard (explain layout) this is the mouse this is the computer.(explain layout). then proceed from there, like making sure monitor is on then powering the PC etc. then branch off from there, like operating system, start menu, control panel, etc. hope that helps a little.i ahve only trained people at some advance level, with software they use. not so much hardware etc regards danzil
  21. can you see the wireless broadcast name (SSID) when you search for wireless. this may have been turned off, and you will need the details to manually enter in... as above speak with your landlord to ascertian more info regards danzil
  22. just for future reference there is a rogue apap on facebook at the moment. called fan check, this prog supposedly lets you see a list of the poeple who view your profile... this once installs PRETENDS to try and update its database, before failing and asking you to go to a website to manually do it... when you reach this site you are presented with a message saying you are infected with ****trojans, click ok to clean or cancel to leave. both ok and cancel will install the virus>malware. this variant is a pop that sits in your taskbar and constantly pops up fake warnings about being infected and wants your money to fix these.,... Facebook is aware of this but hey ** facebook have not done anything as yet.. so please be aware of it... if you do get it, smitfraudfix will remove it instantly, all you have to do is boot into safe mode and run it.... smitfruad can be found here SmitFraudFix hope that helps anyone that gets it, and others that are unaware of it. take care all regards danzil
  23. another good one bob for file and folder backups is a programme called mirror folder. MirrorFolder: A real-time backup software this works in raid mode so will backup as you make the changes.. regards danzil or to save time re-installing xp etc if the worse happens try capser xp. this clones your whole drive takes about 1.5 hours first time then any changes take roughly between 5-20 minutes but the computer can stil lbe used,,,,,just in case you decide to go full backup.
  24. bob. i have read through all of your post and am up to speed... have you as yet ran the chkdsk..... i will be online slightly later on and i will have a more thorough look and hoopefully a fix, or something to try. thank you for yur patience. regards danzil could you please have a look back through your services and post another screen shot please,,, need to know what is running and what isnt....also a screenshot of msconfig would be helpfull,,,,,,,,start>run>msconfig then click on startup....then take a screenshot. thanks bob
  25. hi bob sorry for the delay. have you as yet tried to run amemory test, and/or a hard drive check. use the built in window shard drive check,, go to start>run type in cmd when the dos box pops up type in chkdsk /f /r you will have to then press y, after a reboot the checkdisk will occur. to test your memory download memtest and run that,,,this does take some considerable time.... i would like to rule these faults out if possible. kindest regards danzil
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