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Everything posted by DSTM

  1. Hi Ray. The only thing I can think of is you ran "Disk Cleanup" and that uninstalled the hidden Windows10 download hidden in your Temp Files. Or you have a third party optimizing program that deletes temp files.
  2. Youe email providor can be changed and import you email archives as well. You don't lose anything. Why you would need to keep thousands of emails many prob years old is beyond my comprehension.
  3. I have used GMAIL for some years and never one issue, even with Windows 10.
  4. Hi. When the Welcome screen starts to hang hit "Ctrl-Alt-Delete" and see if it goes into boot up almost immediately or much quicker. Also disconnect your printer or any external devices and see if that speeds boot up.
  5. Would I recommend Windows10 at the moment? No I would wait a few months yet till Microsoft get Windows10 more user friendly. I had Windows10 on three machines. Rolled back two of them. Windows 10 has privacy issues, secret Windows updates and generic driver downloads which some don't work properly. Not excitement more of a dam headache. Yes you can upgrade straight from Windows8 to Windows10 and roll back within 30days if you don't like it. I would upgrade to Windows8.1 and use that OS. Does everything Windows10 does with less hassle. Only benefits I have found with Windows10 you can transfer Data quicker but how often do you do that. That's my opinion in a nutshell.
  6. Ray has started another thread,Randy. http://extremetechsupport.com/threads/17015-Hoping-someone-can-help!?p=112653#post112653
  7. Hi Ray. The Windows10 files are already on your PC waiting for you to install Windows 10. Sneaky yes. Have you the Windows 10 icon in your task bar? You need to uninstall KB3035583 and then the next updates look for it and Hide that update. Also run "Disk Cleanup" and tick all boxes and delete.You must have reserved a copy of Windows10 Directions here. http://winsupersite.com/windows-10/how-stop-windows-10-upgrade-downloading-your-system
  8. Thanks for the clarification Starbuck. I was reading what Cindy posted on CHF. Hard to work out what Microsoft means half the time. http://winsupersite.com/windows-10/microsoft-improves-activation-process-windows-10
  9. Microsoft have clarified Windows10 clean installs activation key. You can use your previous OS activation key to activate a clean install of Windows 10. From Microsoft. ""We have received a lot of feedback from Insiders on making it easier to activate Windows 10 on devices that take advantage of the free upgrade offer to genuine Windows by using existing Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 product keys. If you install this build of the Windows 10 Insider Preview on a PC and it doesn’t automatically activate, you can enter the product key from Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 used to activate the prior Windows version on the same device to activate Windows 10 by going to Settings > Update & security > Activation and selecting Change Product Key. If you do a clean install of Windows 10 by booting off the media, you can also enter the product key from prior Windows versions on qualifying devices during setup."
  10. I just read every post an excellent advice given.I have some ideas to try one day when you have the time. I will discuss them when I next speak with Nev on Skype.
  11. Hi Nev. I don't think it is the answer everytime you get a difficult issue with a computer go out and buy a new one. I think you have to look outside the square in this particular case.
  12. Here is how to bypass having to log into Windows 10 each time. http://www.ricksdailytips.com/skip-windows-10-logon-screen/
  13. Hi. I would roll back to Windows7 Ultimate and fix the DNSAPL.dll issue. My guess MSE had an update and quarantined the DNSAPL.dll A few people on the net have the same problem. I would roll back, unquarantine what MSE has quarantined and then immediately stop MSE and get another antivirus. You really don't need Windows10. Windows7 will do everything you need and then some.
  14. Hi Graham. Have a little patience and someone will help you. Our private lives take precedent. You were trying an upgrade I presume? You have to turn off all security for the upgrade to install properly. If you still want to upgrade let us know and I will help you. Personally I would wait for another month or so as Microsoft plans a large update round the end of Oct.
  15. The Windows10 logo is easy to remove. Look in your installed updates for KB 3035583 and uninstall that update. Don't automatically install updates.Set to manual how you recieve updates. Next lot of updates find KB 3035583 highlite and choose "Hide this update" It won't bother you again.
  16. Hi. Try this. 1. Click the "Start" and TypeCommand Prompt in the Search box 2. Right click on "CommandPrompt" and click on Run as Administrator. 3. Type "netsh winsock reset" (without quotes) at the command prompt, and press Enter. 4. Try the update again.
  17. Hi Greko. Welcome to FPCH. Updates are made available for a reason and should be installed. This (Someone) you speak about doesn't know what they are talking about.
  18. Hi Jontye. Just saw this thread. The Laptop has pretty good specs and I am sure with a bit more input from Ken and the Techies they will find the culprit causing the slowness. Cost a fair bit to go buy another Laptop and who is to say in 6mths the new one starts to run slow. ASUS are very good Lappies.
  19. Yes it will be a success in time. Microsoft has put a lot of work into this OS. Can't complain about the price.:D
  20. Hi. I had that same issue and res change didn't fix it. I updated the graphics drivers and that fixed it. You could even try rolling back the graphics drivers via Device Manager. Worth a try.
  21. Hope you don't mind, Ken. I stole you GIF, Good one.:D
  22. Posts like this would put a glass eye to sleep, Nev.:D
  23. Hi Ken. I read on the other forum how one of your staff is very close to the storm. Heard on the news today 100 homes totally destroyed, countless homes and property damaged. Also a large important bridge has sustained serious structural damage. We have a lot of cyclones and severe rain depressions in Northern Australia at this time of the year.
  24. This is one wild cyclone. http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=images+of+cyclone+marcia&FORM=HDRSC2#view=detail&id=9CAEAE384F1936351527C501AB8D717A28E3517C&selectedIndex=10
  25. I have as many brand name PSU's fail as chinese cheapies. They all have warranty. I have chinese cheapie PSU's still pulling good 12v rail figures after 4 yrs use. Had one Brand name 650w PSU two weeks ago that failed straight out of the box. Just luck of the draw. Seasonic PSU's are excellent under 500watt. Hi end wattage Seasonic's a bit iffy.
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