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Everything posted by DSTM

  1. Hi Jim. I also noticed your Ram stick looks to be in the wrong slot. Rule of thumb best to put the Ram stick in the slot as close to the heatsink as possible.
  2. http://i1373.photobucket.com/albums/ag361/mijjey1/bottom_zpsdb179559.jpg That link worked, Jim Looks like the heatsink and Fan need a good blow out.
  3. Hi Jim Try and get the lower part image to post again. Have you the latest drivers installed for the Network Adaptor? Have you identified the Network adaptor? Expand Network Adapters. If the Wireless Card is identified its name will be shown under Network Adapters. If it is not identified you might have an unknown device for example: "(?) Network Controller" In order to identify the device, right click and select properties. Select the details tab and the select Hardware Ids under properties:
  4. Hi Jim. A couple of photos of the inside would be ideal.
  5. Hi Jim. I checked my Device Manager and it shows System Devices not "Other Devices" Other devices could be a card you have in one of the slots like a sound card, etc. If you have I would remove any cards you have installed. Reboot and check Device manager again. Just a long shot as Ken and Nev have just about covered nearly everything it could possibly be. This is a strange one. My line of thinking if you was to reinstall, if it was a card then you are back with driver issues all over again. I am clutching at straws here Ken and Nev.
  6. Can you post a screenshot of Disk Management please, John. Path.....Start > Right Click on Computer > Select "Manage" > Click on "Disk Management" from the tree.
  7. Hi John. Have you assigned the external Drive a drive letter? May show in Device Manager but Your computer needs to recognize. We ask you to try different things for a reason, not always immediately understood. It's a process of elimination. You said you tried the format link I gave you. What did you try? Try these steps: Open Command Prompt. (CMD) Type: diskpart At the DISKPART prompt, type: list volume Make note of the number of the simple volume whose drive letter you want to assign, change, or remove. At the DISKPART prompt, type: select volume n Select the volume, where n is the volume's number, whose drive letter you want to assign, change, or remove. At the DISKPART prompt, type one of the following: assign letter=L Where L is the drive letter you want to assign or change. You can make L any letter as long as it is not already assigned to a drive.
  8. Hi Jim. I would reinstall all the chipset drivers you need for that Motherboard. No need to uninstall the old drivers.
  9. Found it, Nev. From your link, then click on the Amazon "Home" Page.
  10. Thanks Ken. The link puts a different slant on the problem. From that link the last post by Synapse suggests taking the drive out of it's enclosure and installing internally. That's an option in the link I gave above. Worth a try.
  11. Great all is working so well, Nev. Seems to be working better than the link you posted.:D Still doesn't work for me.
  12. Hi John. Follow these instructions and see how you go. http://www.ehow.com/how_4768949_format-hard-drive-windows-xp.html
  13. Hi Bringe. My first thoughts you have the wrong ram type to suit your motherboard.
  14. Not lost at all, Nev . XP needs cmd.exe to run properly and if it is corrupted then cmd.exe needs to be replaced back in Windows system 32. Bringe said "File not found" Windows calls it a file. "cmd.exe allows access to the Microsoft Windows Command Prompt, also known as Microsoft DOS. To-date, cmd.exe is a 32-bit command prompt used in Windows NT, 2000, and XP and offers disk and file maintenance functions to your computer as well as network functions."
  15. Another option is to download the cmd.exe File and place it in C:\ windows\ System32\cmd.exe. Have a look first and see if the file is there as often a Virus will corrupt it. If it is delete it and paste the downloaded cmd.exe file there. Here is where you can download the cmd.exe file from. Let us know how you go. http://www.mediafire.com/download/zagzykyjzxt/cmd.exe
  16. Hi. If you can't borrow a disc then you will have to burn one. Here are the instructions. Need any help just yell. http://www.ehow.com/how_4797051_burn-windows-xp-recovery-disc.html
  17. Hi Bringe. If you have your XP disc, type sfc /scannow. in the run box. Note space between c and forward slash . With XP if I remember it will ask you to insert the disc at one point.
  18. I have a IP4950 and this happened to me once. I pulled the cables from the printer, rerun the install Disk again.(Drivers) When it asks you to connect the printer, I did and Windows recognized the printer again. Worked well ever since. Prob a power surge or something upset my printer. Give that a go and let us know how you fare.
  19. I have used the Trial, Ken. They only recover the smallest amount of Files if it's possible for free.. If you want all your files recovered you have to buy the software, with no guarantee they can recover all the lost files.
  20. Hi Portoman. These are the instructions specific to Office Word 2010. Basically the same. As long as you have section breaks in the document, you can start page numbering in the next section. http://expeng.anr.msu.edu/uploads/files/45/Word/ANR_TS_Word_2010_How_to_Insert_Different_Page_Numbers_in_a_document_145.pdf
  21. Being a Seagate drive, this info may help. http://www.icare-recovery.com/seagate-recovery/seagate-external-drive-raw-file-system.html HTH.
  22. I would be looking at the Power supply as suspect.
  23. Beautiful car Pete and like the colour as well. @Nev. Wankel engines have been round since the 1950's Every engine is in Beta as they are constantly improving design. You can't compare a shopping cart to a real dream machine.:D
  24. Hi Portoman and welcome to FPCH. I think this will answer your question. http://office.microsoft.com/en-au/word-help/start-page-numbering-later-in-your-document-HA102841427.aspx
  25. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Pete. Have a great day and hope you get more cards and even more prezzies. Dougie.
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