I have to agree with KenB and Plastic Nev.
the first one: it's a compaq CD written on it
compaq color
monitor series
But you said you had a LG monitor.
the second: COMPAQ operating system CD W98 SE.
Arabic Enabled
Only use with
compaq restore CD
only for distribution
with a compaq pc
the third: COMPAQ restore CD Compaq Desktop, iPaq, and workstation series.
version 1.6
requires the compaq
operating system CD
version 1.6
requires the compaq
operating system CD
Your computer was built not bought.
If this computer is not an off the shelf name brand computer (Compaq) then these disks are worthless. Further the OS is suspect if it was supplied with these disks.
Yes there are ways to cheat but fraught with problems.
If this computer was made then it should have a full retail installation disks not a branded set like Compaq restore CD's. They aren't even XP. 98 Compaq Restore CD's can be bought for pennies.
It sounds like Ken and Nev said. I think whoever installed Windows did so illegally. No volume license here. Your disks are either a ruse or a hacker supplied set.
If the above assumptions are true then your options are to buy an OS that is legal and fully supported. Not hacked. After that take up the issue with the vendor and raise the legal issues with them.
There is also the matter of validation which can also be hacked temporarily. Any OS from XP on needs activated. Not exactly sure what you have?
I could go on and on but the point is if we are correct you need to fully reinstall with a retail set of disks not Compaq disks since your computer is not Compaq.