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Everything posted by ONY

  1. Hiya and welcome :D
  2. Hiya and welcome :D
  3. lol...sorry Bob, it's 3.0.5.....is that the latest one? :D Typical that it hasn't crashed yet...lol.
  4. Hiya Bob, i think so...it's the 3.0 version and it updated itself last night. :)
  5. Hiya Bob and Polo, havent tried unistalling and re-installing yet. Later after i sent this thread it seemed to stay open ok and ive yet to see if it crashes today.When it did keep crashing, it couldn't send the crash reports either. :( Do you think i should wait and see if it happens again before i re-install? Many thanks as always for your help. :D
  6. Hiya guys, just got my new laptop and it has Vista on it. The problem im having is Firefox keeps crashing on me. Ive done the scans and there doesn't seem to be any problems with trojans and stuff. So i was wondering if you had any ideas why this would be happening? Im using Firefox 3.0. Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated thanks. :D
  7. lol, Bob....they wouldn't have a leg to stand on. I for one know everything i have stated is the absolute truth. :D
  8. Good idea Bob.....you see people are easily decieved especially with a company called PC World, they assume they must know all about computers. But sadly the reality is very different. Just alot of sales talk to get the products out and in my opinion that is so very unfair. Im not saying they dont have good products but personally i would suggest someone picks out a product they are interested in, either on their website or instore then come onto this site for your guys opinion on the product itself. Then and only then if they got the OK from you guys go and buy ONLY that product. DO NOT listen to any sales talk whatsoever. Get the product, then leave. :D Im sure that would apply to alot of other companies too and i would give the same advice. Check with you guys first.
  9. Very true but companies like that dont care if you have the knowledge on the products just so long as you got the sales talk to get rid of the stuff. I find it sickening but it's certainly a fact and i know that first hand. :mad: They're not stupid either, they mainly employ the youngsters.
  10. I totally agree Bob and my son would be the first to admit although he works at PC World, he has very little knowledge on the workings of computers. As he says, he's just a salesman and totally admits to their policies of trying to sell warranties all the time. Im not sure if your'e aware but they get very little out of selling the computers themselves....the bonuses come from selling the warranties or other products on top. He knows my views on that company and he also knows it's you guys on here i trust and come to for advice and always will. Hence me always recommending this site to people. Genuine unbiased, helpful advice. :D :D :D
  11. Thanks Bob....can i just say as i have said many times before, i genuinely think you guys are great and i have total trust in you guys above any shop or any other website. Hence my pestering you ...lol :D ;) :D
  12. Thank you Tootech...that one im going to get on the link Shrimply gave has 4GB i believe so that's plenty then, right? :D
  13. Hiya and welcome :D
  14. Thank you Bob....will do. :D ;) :D
  15. Yes i see it Bob....ive never heard of shrink volume?
  16. Will do Bob. :D You'll probably be seeing me back on here regarding help with the partitioning when i get it...lol.
  17. Im sure i'll get used to it Bob but ive heard it has compatability issues with alot of other equipment. IE: older printers, scanners, etc....well the last thing i need is to be paying out for all new appliances as well. Not sure if that is true or not? Also, maybe a silly question but will it be hard to partition the Hard Drive?....as i always have 3 partitions on mine. :D
  18. Thank you Shrimply, im going to go for that one you suggested. Ive just got to transfer money into bank first so i hope it's still there by then. Should be next couple of days. :D
  19. Hiya and welcome :D
  20. lol, Bob...im dreading Vista. :eek:
  21. Thanks Shrimply and Bob, it's much appreciated. Yes i did find the gallery pics on Ebuyer, guess i was finding my feet still....lol Ive just spoken to my son and he said the cheaper ones i was looking at would be no good with 1GB because of Vista and he also suggeted i go for a slightly dearer one with minimum of 2GB, is that true? Also is it easy enough to remove all of the software on there i dont need?.....many thanks to you all. Your'e a great bunch but you already know that....lol . :D :D :D
  22. Thank you Shrimply and Tootech, im checking the site out at the moment...ive just registered with them. Cant seem to bring up bigger pictures of the laptops though, or maybe im missing something. Thanks to you both for your input though. :D
  23. That's pretty cool.....very good price too. I am looking to pay under £400, so it even fits into that bracket. Ive seen cheaper laptops but by unknown names and therefore im a bit wary. How does Ebuyer work by the way? By that i mean is it like Ebay but for computer stuff? Are they private sellers? Many thanks for your response, Ony
  24. Hi guys, well my laptop is having problems. I think it's going to die on me very soon. It's making an awful grinding noise. It is a Dell Inspiron 2500 and has served me well for many years. As i am on a budget and have to look to the lower end of the scale now, i would appreciate your advice on the best cheap laptop. My main preferences that i would like are pretty simple (a bit like myself...lol). I would prefer a 15" screen and for it to have a DVD and CD re-writer. Other than that i dont really mind. Your help and suggestions would be very much appreciated thanks, as i have no idea what brands are best and more reliable. :D See i trust you guys and my next laptop is in your hands....lol. :D ;) :D
  25. Typical...ive just tried to order and reserve online (as delivery is not an option for that item) only for them to say they are all out of stock in the shops surrounding my area....lol Guess i'll just have to keep checking back there. :D
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