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Everything posted by ONY

  1. Hiya and Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help owzatsteve.
  2. Hiya and Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Mother.....lol :eek:
  3. Hiya and Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help BeeKeeper.
  4. Hiya and Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Olblue.
  5. Hiya and Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Albert.
  6. Hiya and Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Joe.
  7. Hiya and Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Ezekiel.
  8. "I think we can agree. The past is over." "I have learned from mistakes I may or may not have made." "It was just inebreating what the Midlands was all about then." (A slip on exhillerating) "It's clearly the budget. It has a lot of numbers on it." "The most important job is not to be governor, or first lady in my case." "Will highways on the internet become more few?" "Like your neighbor just like you like to be liked yourself." "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning? Laura and I really don't realize just how bright our children is." "I was raised in the West. The West of Texas. It's pretty close to California. More so than Washington, D.C. is close to California." "I propose that every city have a telephone number 119 -- for dyslexics who have an emergency." "There ought to be limits to freedom." Said about parody websites of him. "I believe that we are on an irreversible trend toward democracy and more freedom- but that could change." "One word sums up probably the responsibility of any governor, and that one word is 'to be prepared.'" "Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things." "I have made good judgements in the past. I have made good judgements in the future." "A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls." "Illegitimacy is something we should talk about, in terms of not having it." "We are ready for any unseen event that may or may not occur." "For NASA, space is still a high priority." "We have a firm committment to NATO; we are a part of NATO. We have a firm committment to Europe; we are a part of Europe." "Who is to blame for riots? The rioters are to blame." "The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation's history. I mean in this century's history. But we all lived in this century. I didn't live in this century." "Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children." "It isn't pollution that's ruining the environment; it's all the impurities in the air and water that's doing it." "It's time the human race entered the solar system."
  9. Thanks CrazyComputerMan....hope it doesn't offend anyone.
  10. Hiya and welcome lilias.
  11. Hiya and Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help ParanoidAndroid.
  12. Lol Advancedsetup....i clearly do it for quick access. We all like that don't we?....lol ;)
  13. Hiya and welcome aidacuk. Please be patient and someone will be along to assist you.
  14. Bet you can't see the pic with that amount of icons.....lol http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w47/ONY44/DESKTOPPIC.jpg
  15. Hiya and welcome saibhy.
  16. Hiya and welcome nickos.
  17. Thanks Advancedsetup, just done it and now i intend to bore you lot with my pic.....lol. Probably get it wrong when i try and put it on here.
  18. Thanks Maynard but what is PrtSc, please?
  19. How do you get a pic of your desktop or is that a silly question and just use a camera?.....lol
  20. Hiya and welcome Monkey. :)
  21. Thanks for that Advancedsetup.....may give that a go oneday.....lol I do appreciate your help and advice but think i'll be leaving that one for awhile as i just thought it was a matter of if it says a certain size, then thats what you get. Not like you get told that when you buy these data sticks. They were brought as a back up purpose and to use as a convenience if i were at someone elses place. I guess i will use them as they are for the time being. Thanks all the same.
  22. Hiya Advancedsetup, why do both my 8gb and 16gb data sticks show up the right amount of space on them in properties and can it be altered from FAT32?
  23. Thanks Seth i'll try that. I did also have the problem that the video clip took about 6gb for 14 minutes of footage but got that sorted now i think. Have also had Bob and Randys help. Still doesn't explain why it wouldn't fit onto data stick to begin with though when there was plenty of space. But i will try what you suggest. Many thanks
  24. Hiya Kelly, im sure ive had more than the two clips i spoke of earlier on it....weird thing is, ive also got an 8GB memory stick and i transfered both the video clips onto that also but when empty it says not enough space for the 6.58GB video clip. All clips came from Windows media player but this particular one wont load onto either. Both memory sticks came from totally different places.
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