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Dalo Harkin

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Everything posted by Dalo Harkin

  1. Hmm - I personally would not allow anyone remote access to my pc (other than me) If there is no other way then she would need to remove the files that she does not want accessed - say to a CD/DVD and then put them back on once the repairs are done. She will still have windows firewall and although it is not as strong as other programs it should suffice - if your friend does not use the net alot then she may have got away with not having an AV program. To get a screenshot - I normally get what I want on screen and then press print screen - then you can open say excel or paint and right click on a new page and paste (shortcut CTRL and V)
  2. Just as a quick note to people with 360's:- a 360 will not recognise the NTFS system.
  3. I think thats meant to read:- I believe you, Dalo. Just want to satisfy my curiosity myself, mate. :D:D
  4. Right there are a few issues to address first - I used to love AMD but Intel really is the better chip at the moment in both price and performance - a 280 GTX is a waste of money - I know you arent going to like this :D the ATI 4870 is a far better option. And that MOBO is not an enthusiast board - Gigabyte are more of a middle-low range MOBO manufacturer - have a look at ASUS for enthusiast. My personal preference and advice for you would be a Q6600, ASUS P5K, and a 4870 :) It can be very easily overclocked to 3.3Ghz - with the above MOBO and some decent RAM - The Seasonic PSU was good around 2 years ago - have one myself :) I would look at the corsair range of PSU's now Save your cash on the RAM and opt for 2GB - not many games or apps use more and you would have 512mb on the GPU anyway I dont mean to seem to tear peoples threads apart, I merely try and offer the best performance based on what is available in the market :) Any questions - if I dont get back to you I am sure Dirtypolo will as he has a pretty identicle system based on what I have recommended above :)
  5. You will notice major changes with a system restore - programs that you installed since would not be there (normally)
  6. Sounds to me like the App you are using to run the video is the problem, or you have the quality (Hz) set higher than the speakers can handle is it ok with windows sounds? The only connectors that you need to use are normally BLACK (rear audio) GREEN (front audio) and normally RED or ORANGE for (SUB)
  7. That picture is odd as 'normally' AMD use 2x2 - Intel use 4x2 :)
  8. Also ajackson - why are you thinking of upgrading to 4GB - there are not many programs that utilise that type of RAM especially if they are not 64bit OS' Dont opt for a 1GB GPU - the 512 version is cheaper and offers the same results (that you could notice anyway)
  9. You cannot do this on Vista though - as the OS is tied to your specific Hardware and whenever you change anything major like the MOBO - you HAVE to reinstall the OS - with the amount of errors that you would get even if your new MOBO is the same chipset as the old - the drivers will be different and cause lots of issues - If you replace a MOBO on any system - then reinstall the OS
  10. Hi, Welcome to FPCH :)
  11. I would trust what windows says over the crucial website - check in system
  12. Take whichever of the 2 GPU's you have OUT of the MOBO and then try it - that MOBO has onboard a built in GPU and you probably need to set it up in the BIOS for the Add in cards :) If you are still getting no joy after this - check that all the PSU connectors are in place - especially the 24pin cable and the 8 pin cable on the MOBO
  13. The people that lose money - normally do so through lack of understanding - I still know people now that order from internet sites that are NOT secure - I am sure that some people do lose money - but thats why companies have protection in place - if you order online - use a credit card as you are protected if anything happens. I know there are loopholes in all systems that people try and exploit - you trust a bank with your money and it is then their responsibilty to make sure your money is safe - anyone with a Barclaycard will have like a little calculator that you insert your card into when purchasing online - it gives you a kind of reference number that the company then know is secure :) There are always gaps in technology that people will try and capitalise on. we see them everyday from Malware, to car tax disk fraud.
  14. Its snowing again in Manchester - 3rd time today
  15. Getting the info off the card is relatively easy - then using that information is not so easy. Credit card and bank companies spend an absolute fortune on these cards mate and making then secure - If you take for example Holographic designs like those on the Barclaycard - that is not technology that you can easily replicate -
  16. Even if you burn what you need to media of some kind - it's better to have a copy as even a brand new HDD can fail. Just one more note - some of the MOBO's now have the SATA ports directly next to where the GPU goes once installed - with the larger GPU's you MOBO may have 4-8 SATA II ports, but you may not be able to access ANY of them - so check reviews on your MOBO and study the pictures carefully as for placement of parts - the same can be said of cases - some cases house the PSU at the top - but most are now situated at the bottom and depending on the PSU the ATX cables do not always reach :eek: And you dont want to have to nip out to Maplin halfway through a build, or even worse PC WORLD :eek:
  17. Speaking of space invaders - (I was going to make a whitty comment about Barry :D but he would expect that) Space invaders ruled - as did frogger :D Best gaming console ever was without doubt the sega mega drive
  18. RFID cards are more commonly used in Access control for buildings - they have a copper strip sandwiched between pieces of plastic and it sends out a constant signal that is recognised by your place of work and opens the doors - I should know as I work in that industry :D They only broadcast a signal - you then need something that interprits it - and they are VERY secure - so dont worry
  19. Just a ferw things to note here - You system is going to get VERY hot ATI cards are like radiators - You need a full tower case - not a midi - DO not opt for the 1GB version over the 512 as you will NOT notice the difference - its just a gimmick, the bandwith of the RAM is so high if it had 4GB on it would make no difference. Hard drives - I ALWAYS recommend to people that are building a new system to have a couple of HDD's have one for the OS and programs 80GB normally suffices - and then use another drive for storage - If you play alot of games then get say a 250GB OS drive and a 500GB storage as when you install games to the C:/ drive if anything ever goes wrong and you need to reinstall the OS - you need to reinstall the games anyway. PSU - do not skimp on this as a cheap PSU can cost you your CPU and/or GPU :eek:
  20. Mara - the slowdowns that most pcs tend to suffer from the most are startups and shut downs and these are caused by lots of start up items being loaded unnecessarily. If there are lots of items in the bottom right taskbar then thats normally a bad sign. If there are then you can get her to post a screenshot and send it to you where you can then post it and we can have a look. Get her to open a run window and then type msconfig and look at the startup tab - EXPAND the view and then screenshot. (print screen and paste into whatever program to send to you) Depending on what type of Security Suite your friend has there may be an inbuilt 'tune up utilty' these are normally only VERY limited - but they should help somewhat - they are normally just a one click start program
  21. Linkin Park - Minutes to midnight - AWESOME ALBUM :)
  22. he he Wasnt the oldest person that ever lived 115? and she died the other week? If you make it to 120 years old - get FPCH tattood somewhere incase your memory escapes you like Beeceebee :D
  23. It could be a number of things - most likely the server that you are using is crowded - try switching to another server. As you say that it runs fine in single player then it must be there servers. Try and avoid American PEAK times.
  24. It was extremely good - but you cant beat the classics like streets of rage and altered beast or golden axe - that were released on the sega mega drive! AND thankfully they are being re-releaesed on the XBOX 360 in a huge bundle pack WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :D
  25. I take it you changed the MOBO aswell then :D
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