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Everything posted by Goku

  1. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Prodda. :) Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  2. Hello Layler. What happens when you try to connect the printer physically to the computer? Does it give you an error message or does it just sit there doing nothing? -- Goku
  3. OK, this is a tediuous one but please describe what exactly did you do. Please keep it as detailed as possible as I need to know what you have tried to advise you further. Await your response. -- Goku
  4. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Handbaggirl. :) Enjoy the Forums. -- Goku
  5. Here is a direct download version. Hope that helps. :) -- Goku
  6. If you ran through the procedure once then it means that you successfully deleted the file on your first attempt. Now comes the trickier part as you have no Windows installation disk. Here is a download from Microsoft that allows you to make a disc containing the recovery features in Vista. However, you will need to create an ISO from the package and that is a tricky procedure. Instead, please download the direct ISO version from their partners NeoSmart Technologies and continue with the second step of instructions provided in the article. Please let us know how it goes though. Good Luck. :) -- Goku
  7. Hello Jason. Posting a HijackThis log is not a breach of rules but you must understand that in the present state, we do not have any Malware Specialists to look over your log. We are working hard to recruit some and when we are done, we will be able to assist with HijackThis logs too. Please don't take anything at heart and feel free to ask any more questions or doubts you may have. :) -- Goku
  8. Hello Ron. The registry fix will perform the same task as described in the article and perhaps is more safer as the user will not have to venture into the registry. Thank you for posting the link to Microsoft Knowledge Base article. I am sure other users will find it handy. :) -- Goku
  9. You need to type the command at the command prompt screen. I am not very experienced with Linux but I think it says that first you need to identify the device which you are going to mount. To do so, enter the following in command prompt. /dev/hd* OR /dev/sd* After you have identified the volume that you are required to mount, type in the following command: ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows -o force Just replace the sda1 with the device name and number you are required to mount. Then, continue with step 3. Also, please follow the instructions from here as they are more readable. If you are stuck somewhere, then please post back and I or someone else will try to help you out. Good Luck. :) -- Goku
  10. Well, if you need a software to burn then there are plenty out there that you can use but if you are saying that your CD / DVD reader doesn't have burning capabilties, then I am at a loss to advise you any further as you need a bootable media to resolve the least of your problems. Can you afford burning the image on some other computer if your computer doesn't support it? -- Goku
  11. Well, that is bad news indeed. Have a read of the below article and perform the troubleshooting instructions suggested. See if they help or not. Workaround for STOP 0x0000C1F5 / 0xC1F5 / C1F5 / BSOD / CLFS.SYS / KB946084 - Delmartian Technologies Good Luck. -- Goku
  12. Have you tried booting into Safe Mode? -- Goku
  13. That is very bad news indeed Doug. And losing all your backup data on top of that is really depressing. I am crap at hardware so I don't know what red cable you are talking about but I am sure the others will know. -- Goku
  14. Hello an Welcome to FPCH Nathan. :) Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  15. Service Pack 3 will integrate all the hotfixes and patches released after Service Pack 2 so you might want to consider removing the SP2 updates if you have been upgraded to Service Pack 3. .NET Framework is a useful and essential utility as many applications use it and cannot be executed if it is absent. Hope that helps. :) -- Goku
  16. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Storming. :) Storm the Forums in your stride and ask and learn as much as you can. -- Goku
  17. Hello and Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Jay. :) Please read the following article from the Microsoft Knowledge Base and perform the troubleshooting instructions suggested. See if it helps or not. Stop error message when you start a Windows Vista-based computer: "0x0000C1F5" Good Luck. :) -- Goku
  18. Most recovery disks will not continue the restoration process unless they are run on the same computer on which the disks were created, or at least till the computers are of the same brand. So, try as you might, the results won't be very fruitful. -- Goku
  19. Or you can press the Quote button located at the end of every person's post. Though Barry's and Carlos's procedure save time and have the same effect. :) -- Goku
  20. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Penguin. :) A very happy new year to you too. Enjoy the Forums. -- Goku
  21. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Treerat. :) Enjoy the Forums and feel free to ask any questions or doubts you may have. -- Goku
  22. Glad it worked for you Sycho and thanks for letting us know. Feel free to ask any more questions you may have. :) -- Goku
  23. Well as Randy says, Dialers are legitimate too. In fact, a major part of them are legitimate, only a small ratio is malicious. Now, if the dialer was packed into another installer then it is most likely to be malicious. The symptoms you state are also known to be caused by malicious dialers so it may well be that it was not a false positive. 'Dialers' are not the worst of the infections but they are difficult to detect as they belong to the Trojan family. And remember, no one scanner will find and detect all threats. Avira itself betrayed me once last week. Therefore, screen the suspicious ones through the site in my previous post as it will run the file through a series of scanners. If they all come clean, then the file is probably clean too. You don't need to screen every file through the procedure; just the suspicious ones. Hope that helps. :) -- Goku
  24. Hello Anjomo. If Diurno's suggestion doesn't work, then try the following. Please download the attached archive and extract it. If you are unsure on how to open the archive, use the instructions from here and continue. After you have extracted the archive, you should obtain a file labeled Fix CD Drive.reg. Double-click on the file and you will be asked whether you want to import the information into the registry or not. Answer Yes to the prompt and sometime later another dialog box will pop up informing you that the operation was successful. After you have done the above, reboot your computer. You should now be able to access and use your CD drive. http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/images/colortheory/attach/zip.gif Fix CD Drive.zip Note: Please backup your registry before you apply any of the above changes so that we can revert back your system to working condition if something goes awry. Note: Using the above registry fix might cause some programs to dysfunction or work incorrectly. In that case, please reinstall the affected programs to resolve their respective errors. You might say that you have already tried the fix but I recommend you to rerun the fix since I have now modified the code. Please try the fix again and see if it helps or not. If the problem persists, then the CD drive is probably useless and therefore it might be wiser to buy a new one. Hope that helps. :) -- Goku
  25. Basically a Dialer is a variant of an infection that creates many hoax connections or bars you from connecting through a legitimate connection. It might also compromise your bandwidth so they should be avoided as much as they can. As another precaution, you can upload files from suspicious sites to this site and see if it finds anything. If the site classifies it as safe, then it probably is. If it doesn't, then dispose of the file immediately. Hope that helps. :) -- Goku
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