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Everything posted by BeeCeeBee

  1. As far as I can tell an HP 7590 is a printer not a computer. Will you recheck please?
  2. Did you always have 2 hard drives or is it possible that these games were installed at a time when you only had 1.
  3. Just to add a bit to Dalo Harkin's comments. Your line attenuation, which as I understand it deals with quality, is not very good. It should be around 30 give or take. That being said, it should not keep you from getting better download speed than what you are showing. I would suggest though that getting anything over 2000 is wishful thinking at best.
  4. Good to have you Douglas. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help! Just start a thread in the appropriate forum, for example if you are talking about internet speed then try the Network forum. We can always move it later.
  5. If the games are installed they should be able to be found by using your windows explorer. In addtion they should also show up in your add or remove programs in your control panel. Instead of double clicking on the icon try a right click and then explore. Let us know what you see.
  6. Before we get into any detail try safe mode one more time but tap up and down on the F8 key. Do not hold it down just keep tapping. If you can get that far it would go a long way to getting your problems sorted without resorting to drastic measures.
  7. To those of you who use Gmail and/or Gtalk be very careful if you receive a notice that your account needs updating or that it is about to be canceled (etc.) unless you re-register. It is most likely a fraud that is attacking these google sites in search of passwords and personal information. ID thieves go phishing for GTalk, GMail passwords | Zero Day | ZDNet.com
  8. Where are these .qic files now, zebkaz? What media are they stored on?
  9. Are you able to attach the file and send it by opening Outlook express?
  10. Just keep tapping steadily. Sometimes it gets picky and you need to try again.
  11. Yes you can do a system restore but you can't do it if you can't boot the computer. Can you get into safe mode? To do that simply begin tapping F8 as soon as the first screen starts to come up. You should be given a number of choices. If so, first try "last good configuration." If that does not work for you try "safe mode." Once you get into safe mode you will be able to try a system restore. First see if you can get into the computer.
  12. Ok now I have read through all this from the perspective of a non vista user. Accepting everything that you say, Vista has incorporated an improved sleep mode as part of its normal setup. Knowing that, It just seems unusual that the problems that were solved by disconnecting certain peripherals should have happened in the first place. I am sure that Vista does not suggest that you detach every usb device for sleep mode to function. Dirty Polo has gone through most, if not all, of the obscure settings that may have been involved in your issue without success. I agree that disconnecting would have the same effect as removing the batteries but if it works, it may still be more than just the mouse,, etc. Something odd is going on with your usb ports and it may well be hardware related.
  13. I am glad that Dalo caught that. I had intended to add that if you are unsure about any item leave it and ask here. But I didn't:)
  14. It sounds like it may be an overheating problem or at least something to eliminate, This is way outside my expertise but it is possible that with the external drive attached the CPU may be working to write to it or source it for some reason and that may be causing it to work harder and get hotter. Try getting a can of compressed air and blowing it into the vents on the laptop. Be careful to use only short bursts to avoid any buildup of condensation in that closed environment.
  15. I admit to not having studied this entire thread so this may have been dismissed early on. However, it seems to me that you have a very sensitive mouse (possibly the keyboard as well) and that any little vibration is taking your machine out of sleep mode.
  16. Hi BeeBs, The best way is to click on start and then run. A box will come up. Type msconfig in the box and and then ok. The Sytem Configuration Utility will come up. Go to the startup tab and you will get a list of all programs that run on startup. You can disable them by removing the tick mark and then apply when you are completed. Once you click on reply you will be prompted to reboot. Do so. The Sytem Config box should be back on the screen after you reboot. Make sure the items that you disabled remain that way and then go to the General tab and click normal startup. You can exit without resarting. The next time you boot the utility should be gone.
  17. Welcome Beebs! Feel free to post on any specifics and we will give you the individual attention you deserve.:)
  18. Just to be on the safe side, the POP settings for incoming and outgoing mail on tiscali are not the same. The incoming is pop.tiscali.co.uk while the outgoing is smtp.tiscali.co.uk. I know it is basic but sometimes it looks right and just gets glossed over. The fact that it is only 1 account out of 3 not working would seem to indicate that it may be just that basic.
  19. Have you done a system restore back to when the mouse was working. It may also help to check the mouse. Is a wired, wireless, usb or ps2? Have you made any changes to your registry? Used any registry cleaners?
  20. Now i am totally confused. If there is no vga output then I assume that the old card was not onboard. Is that correct? And, if you physically removed it did you uninstall the drivers for it? If you know how to go into device manager please check your graphics card and see if there are any warning icons. (Right Click "my computer" select "manage" from drop down menu and then open "device manager.")
  21. You are jumping way ahead of things. When you installed the nvidia card did you uninstall the old drivers? What how long has the new card been installed and how does that relate to when your problems started?
  22. Was this nvidia card installed with the machine or is it an upgrade? Is there an onboard card as well? The math seems to indicate that there may well be. Also, why are you running with sp2, have you had any difficulties that you may have blamed on SP3 or has it never been downloaded?
  23. Hi tidy, When did this begin to occur with relationship to your "pixel issue" that you also posted today. I am starting to think that these may stem from a single issue and, perhaps, be merged into one thread. Comment on this please.
  24. It would not be a bad idea to remember us before you do. :D Glad you are all sorted out!
  25. We all got here the same way, ari, at least most of us! :) Welcome to FPCH!
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