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Everything posted by BeeCeeBee

  1. Mike, That addresses my concern. The rest is all internal and entirely up to you. I did mention the banner ads but that was just an aside. I don't believe that it was me who raised any security issues.
  2. This is an example of the worst. There are others almost as bad. http://i425.photobucket.com/albums/pp336/beeceebee123/th_arrow.png
  3. My suggestion Nev is that you take a look using IE or disable your ad blocker for a bit. It is less a matter of them being intrusive than it is that they are often dangerous and appear in such a way as to suggest that the ad contains a solution to the member's problem. Some actually have little arrows one that appears to be coming from the post. I know you guys well and these are programs that you would not suggest to your worst enemies.
  4. You need to keep in mind that your VGA output is only for analogue video. You will need the standard yellow for it to have any chance of working. Even then you will need to connect a separate cable from your audio output jack to the TV. If your PC has an SVideo jack (round) or an HDMI output and your TV has corresponding inputs then you can and should use one of them.
  5. I have been a member of this forum since 2008 and, to the best of my recollection have never said a single derogatory word about it in public. I know I have had my differences in the past but I still try to help out when I can. This latest “upgrade” has left me actually appalled. It is not for me to say when a forum owner should or should not allow advertisements on their boards. But in this case I feel that the owner has gone too far. It is bad enough that even members (not just visitors) have to get the full gamut of the banner ads but to have large full color ads placed onto a members post is a bit over the top in terms of generating revenue. My guess is that the old skin would not allow for this kind of thing. While some of the ads are harmless such as ones for Internet Explorer. Others are downright dangerous. Worse still is the fact in many cases they appear linked to the subject matter and are worded in such a way as to appear that they are a recommended first step in solving a problem. I do not know if this post will remain in public view but I strongly feel that there should be some warning given to posters that the ads appearing in their own posts are not forum recommendations. I fully appreciate that this is not under control of the non-owner administrators and that they should not be blamed for this. No one should be compelled to carry advertisements on their own posts and no one, not even an unregistered guest, should be mislead by having these “recommendations” appear on the posts they read. Were a member to post links to these sites on their own they would be quickly and properly labeled as spammers and probably banned. This is far worse because it appears to have the official stamp of approval from the forum itself. Let me repeat, I do not believe that this is anything contemplated by any staff who give of their time freely and without compensation. it nonetheless exists and, in the long run, will undo much of the otherwise good work of this forum.
  6. Here is a possible fix. Open your task manager (Control + Alt + Delete) open the "Processes" tab and find "explorer.exe". Highlight it and then click end process at the bottom of the window. All of your desltop icons should disappear. Then, while still in Task manager go to "file" at the top and select new task. A box will appear type "explorer.exe" (without the quotation marks ) and then OK. Your icons should reappear. Now the question is whether they will appear in working order. I don't know but they should if there is nothing corrupt underlying the problem. Most icon shortcuts can just be replaced but My Computer in XP is not a shortcut.
  7. Leaving aside the possibility of a malfunctioning optical drive, burning disks is more a software issue than it is with the hardware. What program are you using to burn your disks? I am reasonably sure that is not what you did. You downloaded onto your computer and the problem is with the burning process.
  8. Try actually going into the bios when you are prompted. If you get there and can see it that will eliminate the monitor itself as a possible issue. Is the light for your hard drive lighting up on the case? Are you hearing any strange sounds like clicking or grinding? It is quite possible that you have an issue with the hard drive.
  9. I am a little confused. (Not unusual) Ribbon cables are IDE and SATA has a much thinner (Usually Red but not always) cable with a small L shaped end. You speak of SATA but seem to be describing IDE. Maybe Dalo will understand but I am, as I said, confused as to your configuration.
  10. I am not all that sure what that window is that you are showing. I have tried to find a similar window but can't. It does not appear to be Windows explorer and the reference is to your Music. ???
  11. I have one simple question. When you tested out the other monitors etc. did you use the same cable? I have seen and been guilty of lots of little simple solutions like that. But we just kick ourselves, wait till our faces get a little less read and then move on. Probably not the problem but it is worth mentioning
  12. I know very little about audacity or that kind of software but it seems that you have compressed the audio to the point of distortion. A standard CD has a large enough capacity to handle the lecture as is with or without breaks. I did find this bit of software Free MP3 Splitter,MP3 Joiner,MP3 split,MP3 Cutter,MP3 trim software ! I know nothing about it except that it appears to be a cnet download and the site carries no warnings.
  13. The first thing you need to do is find out the size of the file and not the length of the lecture. Locate the file and right click on it. Select properties and tell us what it says about the size of the file. Do you have a CD/DVD writable drive or is it only CD?
  14. Acronis True Image will allow you to both image and clone your entire drive and will allow a compete restore to the last image without the need of additional boot media. Acronis True Image Home - Timeless backup. Fast and easy recovery
  15. The reference to cables threw me Ken, you are right it is a laptop. (thanks google!)
  16. I am not a hardware expert but it seems to be a Power supply problem. If it were anything else like the CPU you would get more than a momentary flash of the indicator lights.
  17. That's odd I would think it would be the reverse. I would first try deleting the entire thing from the laptop and copy it from the PC and see if that works. Otherwise I would try a fresh download. You may have to contact Big Fish but they are a reputable outfit.
  18. Is your laptop XP as well. Was the game downloaded individually to each computer or did you copy it?
  19. What is the screen size on the netbook?
  20. Not all problems are the same even if they appear similar. Please start your own thread Robison where you will get a better chance of finding a solution. Thankyou BeeCeeBee, Robisons post has been moved to its own thread. PseFrank.
  21. is something I am striving for myself in my old age. I hope it's not too late for me. Sorry that train has left the station!
  22. I have an opinion but I am waiting to see how Jelly Bean really feels. :D
  23. You are truly a welcoming sole! Starbuck! (sumtimes spelchek jest don work gud. Sole?) http://i425.photobucket.com/albums/pp336/beeceebee123/SMILEY/thjajaja121.gif
  24. You need to contact an Administrator.
  25. I do not own a Sony but have 2 laptops and never needed a driver for a battery. Was this an off brand replacement?
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