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Everything posted by BeeCeeBee

  1. The last posted reply was mine at 10:48 my time. Yours shows as 12:08. There does not seem to be anything in between the two. If it shows as unsecured on your computer it will be unsecured on the others as well. The problem may lie with the wireless card in the computer that has been causing you problems or with the router itself. If the others were working with the security enabled then the problem seems to be with the one PC. You need to be able to have a secured network and that may mean resetting the whole network which may or may not solve the problem you have been having on this one machine.
  2. I have a real concern here if I am reading this right. It seems to me that whoever you were dealing with got you up and running by eliminating yourrouter's security. My guess is that you now have a totally unsecured wireless network which will allow anyone within a short distance to access your network. When you show your networks using the little single monitor icon in the XP system tray does it show as a secured network? Is it still named the same as it was?
  3. I assume by E system you mean that your computer is emachine branded. A BSOD is a Blue screen that will display an error message. From what I can tell you are just getting a blank black screen. Is that correct? Assuming it is, there are a number of things that could account for it with a failed hard drive being high among them. What exactly are you seeing and hearing when you try to start the machine? Does this happen every time? The "hearing" part is a bit more difficult. Are you hearing any clicking or grinding sounds and do you get any beeps when you start?
  4. The fact that you moved seems to indicate that whatever the settings you had on your router have changed. The first thing that I would check is the security settings (WEP, WPA etc ) and make sure that they still match. When it says that it is connected, does it show as secured or unsecured? Next you have to make certain that it is not recognizing the old IP address from the other location. If you do not know how to access your router let us know and someone will guide you through the process.
  5. I am not in the UK and have no means of evaluating this "offer." However there are many tried and true antimalware programs that are known to be effective. That being said, I would be very very carefull about any unsolicited offers or suggestions that appear on Twitter, Facebook, etc. (Note some of Starbuck's recent posts) You can not even be fully certain that they are legitimate. I assume that if Virgin is making an offer it would appear on their website. To be sure do not follow a link supplied by the social network. Go to the Virgin (or any) site on your own.
  6. In fairness that linked thread was about GPUs and the member did ask about processors at the very end and whether the same applies.
  7. That is nothing more than a common default address for many routers. Using it in TCP/IP will not get you connected to the internet. Return to the same place and remove the numbers. Use the button that sets to select automatically (Whatever language to that effect in Vista) Click ok and then navigate out. See if that helps at all. (I have my doubts in that it was probably set that way to begin with.) However, since this is your friend's laptop, if the numbers that you typed in before replaced other numbers that were already there. Your friend may have set it for a specific IP (static?) and that would be one reason why it would not connect to your network.
  8. My only advice is to either post in one forum or at least advise the people who are trying to help you as to what you have already tried. Please note that your very first post contains a link to another forum. That is your right (to post in more than one place) and nobody is complaining about that. But when you do, you have to at least update the folks who are helping you. Otherwise they may be just wasting their own time and yours.
  9. Randy you are beginning to sound like me. Well done grasshopper! :D
  10. Hi Margaret :) There are a number of different ways but here is one simple one. 1. Create a folder where you want the information to go and give it a name. Family Tree as an example. 2. Open that folder, it will be empty. Make it smaller than full screen. 3. Open your Attache drive and make it smaller too. Now you should be able to see windows for both the new folder and the usb drive. 4. Select what you want to be on the computer and simply drag it from the Attache window to the new folder window. Allow it to transfer and you will see the files appear in the new folder. They will still remain on the Attache since you are copying not actually moving the files.
  11. I still think it would be a good idea to either check the monitor on another computer or the computer with another monitor and possibly switch out the cable. Everything above is 100% correct unless, as RandyL has pointed out, it is a hardware problem.
  12. :) Two things 1. When you get a blue screen it will give you an error message usually with a lot of 0s in it. what message are you getting? 2. What is the Brand Name of your Computer and what is the Model Number. I would not worry too much yet. At worst you should be able to retrieve your data.
  13. It would be nice if Amazon went back to being Amazon and gave up this ebay wannabe attempt. At very least they should stop playing with software sales unless it is for products that they actually own and purchased legitimately for resale. There is clearly a reason for the price disparity. I am sure you will be made whole through Amazon but look at the hassle. At least with ebay we are on the lookout for the con. People do not expect that from Amazon. Craigs list anyone? (A totally US reference but you should google if if you are elsewhere. Lots of good stuff mixed with more scams than you can imagine.)
  14. Before anyone go to deep into this, have you tried another monitor (I know that they are not always just hanging around ) perhaps a friends? The first thing that comes to mind is that safe mode uses a much lower resolution and color settings. While in safe mode you could try changing the resolution and color settings (keeping a record of your normal settings) and then reboot. If you get a image on the monitor my guess is that it is a hardware (monitor) issue and it may be time for a change. There is also the possibility that the cable is not fully set or that the cable itself and not the monitor is the issue. Try reseating it at both ends making certain that all pins are straight. If none of that works and you get the same result from another monitor it is time for someone with more expertise than mine to step in.
  15. There was a poll taken here once http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/fpch-polls/5426-sleep-shut-down.html and the majority favored not using either sleep or hibernate. My personal opinion with a laptop is to allow it to go into "sleep" rather than hibernate but if I am not just moving the thing from one spot to another I prefer the safety of a complete shut down. Of course I am one of those people who remember that "getting mail" meant a possible papercut when I stuck my finger into the envelope to tear it open. So waiting a few extra seconds or a minute or so really does not bother me all that much. :smile:
  16. As a confirmed Firefox user (who would never go back) I really don't know why this thread has gone so far. I feel a bit badly for the original poster who just asked for some insight. Apparently my use of the word "you" in a post. (#14 I think) made one member conclude that I was talking about him/her rather than a collective "you." It sort of reminds me of an old Carly Simon song (..........I bet you think this song is about you! :)) I have faith that when it is ready for general distribution Mozilla will get it right and we will all use it. In the meantime there is no need to bow to my superior knowledge since I never suggested that I had any. I do, however, have opinions and am never shy about expressing them. ;) By the way, all I said was that a beta is rarely as secure as a final release I did not suggest that your computer would burst into flames. I stand by that opinion.
  17. Nah! You're grand!
  18. I am glad of that Bunni, this kind of thread is based upon opinions as to what constitutes safe practice. It is really up to you what advice you decide to follow. I hope I have been of some help for the future. The bottom line is, when in doubt opt for safety,
  19. Sorry BunniLeigh, I was only trying to protect you from possible mishaps. Quote: you are in no position to asses whether there are risks or not When he stops trying to show how clever or rude he is Synaps will figure out that he made my point. Anyhow my opinion remains the same.
  20. That is the point, you are in no position to asses whether there are risks or not. If it proves to be lacking in security they will make adjustments. I am sure Mozilla is not deliberately exposing anyone to risk and are hoping there are none. But as we all know even the tried and true undergoes frequent updates and that is long after the Beta testing. I have no problem with testing a beta version as long as you are doing it on a machine where you can afford the risk. As a rule you should never involve yourself with beta testing on a primary machine.
  21. I am often tempted and may yet give it a try on an old machine but I still say that playing with betas is a serious risk. The fact that it works is not the point. I would expect it to work if it is from FireFox. BUT consider this. How many security updates and new versions of the stable Firefox have you received. Plenty!! Now if the stable version keeps needing security updates (as do all browsers ) what do you think will occur with a beta. However nice it appears I will still give it a pass. http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/../images/smilies/frown.gif
  22. To me Beta is synonymous with "use at your own riisk ! " So no thanks!
  23. Have a look at this 10 year old Jackie Evancho from America's Got Talent a few days ago. [YOUTUBE]SKhmFSV-XB0&feature=popular[/YOUTUBE]
  24. Here is another idea, in your search box in XP search for all files with *.pdf You should get a complete list of files with that extension.
  25. I agree with DSTM in all respects. That being said are you experiencing any problems that would cause you to run CCleaner? You should not use it for anything other than a general cleanup of your temp and cache files unless you know exactly what you are doing. While that entry is clearly a registry command, I don't understand what it is doing in your startup??? If you look in msconfig in the start tab, does it appear there as well?
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