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Everything posted by BeeCeeBee

  1. Good news! Hopefully you can get a backup before it goes for good. Don't wait and dont ask it to do anything but copy files and data to an outside source and then take it in for a new HDD. Once you have created your backup delete everything that you don't want anyone to see and make sure that whoever you take it to wipes it clean before returning it to Delll.
  2. Save the link page and reboot before you panic. Some of what you say leads me to believe that there may be more involved. Before you worry about the installer try installing the full NETframework on the bottom.
  3. If you go back to the link I gave you you will find a link to windows installer 3.1 toward the bottom (it will be blue) since you have uninstalled all previous instances of NETframework you may need to install the full package. That too is on the same link all the way at the bottom.
  4. I just noticed that some Dell warranties are only 90 days. Good luck!
  5. Please read this from Microsoft. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyId=333325fd-ae52-4e35-b531-508d977d32a6&displaylang=en The key is that you must be current on you MS updates and have make sure that you did not delete windows installer. The link I gave you should get you going unless there is another problem.
  6. A 4 month old computer will still be under warranty. I do not know where you are located but you should have a Dell service tag number on the bottom of your laptop. There also should be a written copy of your warranty and perhaps that is also on a PDF file. This is the US site but you can change it to another country at the very top of the page. You will need to call customer support in any event. Dell System Information / Dell Warranty Extensions & Upgrades / Dell Warranty Status
  7. That sounds like a faulty Hard Drive. Copy and/or backup to an external medium so that your data is preserved and get on to Dell ASAP. The only moving part in a laptop is the drive arm. A clicking or grating sound is almost always a failing drive. I used the word "faulty" above because it is brand new and was probably bad from the start.
  8. You need to check your power setting for your laptop. What you are describing is a monitor shut down after a certain period of inactivity and that is followed by a hrd drive shut down etc. You should be able to hit any key or (if set) wake the machine with a mouse click.
  9. Just to be clear, my last post standing on its own appears a bit nasty. Originally the poster had a link directing people to his computer repair business or I would not have referred to "spam." I have never in my life heard of a computer professional suggesting taking a vacuum cleaner (Hoover) to the inside of a PC.
  10. Taking a hoover to the inside of your machine is wonderful advice. An even simpler solution to remove dust is to pack the case with explosives. In either instance there is a reasonably good chance that you wont have a working machine when you are done. It is clear to me that this member is just a spammer trying to drum up business at your expense. Short bursts of compressed air will do the most good in removing dust accumulations.
  11. I don't know what that means. That message must have come from some installed security program. What AV and anti malware programs are you running. You have not mentioned doing an AV scan only SUPERantispyware. Clearly you have been infected the only question remaining is whether it can be fixed by using your existing software. Probably not! I would suggest that you prepare for malware removal per Starbucks instructions in the malware forums. http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/malware-infection-removal/10689-before-posting-malware-removal-help.html
  12. I did not know that but still you should be able to find outgoing mail settings on each of the sites where you have a mail account.
  13. What you need to do is make certain that the outgoing mail settings are consistent with the settings that should be given you be esch account separately on their sites. If you are using POP3 then you are looking for the those settings.You can use the same outgoing setting for all your mail but then they will only "appear" to come from the various accounts,
  14. No problem that is the best possible. Do let us know but I am betting on that being the case otherwise it is in the machine and we will wait for a hardware expert to weigh in on this. If that does not work it may be just the connection on the laptop side.
  15. It sounds like the power supply may be fried and not supplying any power to the machine. It may be worth trying to get your hands on another (perhaps borrow one) and see if that solves the problem. They are normally fairly generic. Just make sure the numbers (voltage etc.) on yours matches the substitute. If the connector is the same you should know right away. Otherwise just take it to any computer store and simply ask them to plug it in for you. If they charge you for that they are jerks. If it powers up they can sell you a new converter.
  16. Are you seeing any lights on the machine? Is the power converter warm to the touch?
  17. .nds files are designed for Nintendo DS and .gbs are for Gameboy. My guess is that there are no legal avenues to get games over the internet for these devices unless provided for or licensed by the manufacturers. Not having either of them I would wonder how they would be transferred to the platforms even if you could find them.
  18. Restart your computer and as it is starting up(no later than the splash screen) start tapping the F8 key. (That is the proper key for most computers.) You should come to a screen like this. Clickable Thumbnail http://i425.photobucket.com/albums/pp336/beeceebee123/Forum%20stuff/th_advancedbootoptions.png Use your arrows to select safemode and then enter. Once you are in safemode try everything that was suggested above. (Don't worry if your colors and resolution appear off. That is supposed to happen.) If the same thing happens in safemode try seeing if your control panel will open (in fact you can try that even before.) If you can get there you can try some of the above by opening the "Display" icon in the Control panel. You never did answer Randy's inquiry regarding a second monitor. Did you ever have one?
  19. I think that Randy may be right. Here is a simple way to check. Right click on an empty part of your desktop. Select Graphic Properties or Properties from the drop down menu. You should see a window that shows 2 screens numbered 1 and 2. There should also be a box that allows you to set how you want to use your screens. As a simple test select Clone and apply. If your programs show up on the screen you will know that it is trying to recognize a second display. If that works go back and select "single Display". After all that you can go back again and remove the settings for the second screen buy clicking on the 2 display.
  20. I don't know what you mean by "the side of your screen" does the program show as being open on your taskbar? It may be that they are opening minimized. But again I am only guessing because I cant visulaize the problem. Can you explain and describe it a bit better?
  21. I have replaced one laptop keyboard from instructions found on the net. (Actually I found instructions for removing something else but it required the keyboard removal ) It was an easy job. I then looked at others and found the job would have been far too risky for me to try myself. It just depends on your model etc. The key thing is that nothing is obvious and not to be played with unless you can see specific instructions and are comfortable with them.
  22. Have you tried another keyboard? Sounds like the one you are using has been fried. Is it hard wired or wireless. Does the laptop keyboard work when the other is disconnected? All this assumes that you are referring to a keyboard and not the laptop itself.
  23. Going back to my original premise in my reply as bolstered by Synapse, I never said it wouldn't work only that using an adapter is a better way of accomplishing the task at hand. It is easy and reasonably foolproof if the drive is OK and the adapters are not all that expensive.
  24. I would think a better solution would be to get a USB connector and treat your drive as an external. Exact is not always exact and while it may work physically, windows may not boot in your friends computer.
  25. Heatsink Past re-applied in a very small amount right? :)
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