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Everything posted by AWS

  1. Hi Techies, We're looking for a way where we can prevent users to access settings icon from Touch keyBoard. Is there any way to disable this? Please let me know!! https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/getfile/1308106 Thanks! More...
  2. This forum contains an archive of threads and posts for operating systems that Microsoft has declared EOL ( End of Life ). This is a read only collection of old threads.
  3. Glad you got it working. Thanks for letting us know.
  4. Network routers, modems and such are susceptible to power surges. It is possible that all or some of the ports on the router were damaged. I have seen it happen. Wireless works fine, but, all the ports dead. Can you connect directly to the modem? If you can and if you get a good connection then you'll know that the router ports are bad. If you don't get a connection then the problem is in the computer. Judging by a problem with the monitor I would bet the problem is the computer.
  5. xenForo released a new version that fixes a security vulnerability in the software. I have upgraded the site to that version. If you find any problems let me know.
  6. Howdy and welcome to the community.
  7. I only checked the one in the post. Since the IP changed and from his post he doesn't know why that leads me to think his box is compromised. Something must have changed the way he connects to the internet. That IP is a VPN. Maybe @Starbuck can take a look at this and move it if he thinks there is a problem.
  8. I have got that error myself. It happens if Google seen your IP access the site in a way that is bot like. Navigating pages faster then normal is one way to trigger it. There seems to be something else going on though. Your IP is from France. I checked it and found that there are abuse reports submitted to AbuseIPDB. I think you should post in our Malware Infection Removal forum and let the experts take a look. You could very well be infected with something.
  9. One of the benefits of Windows 7 when it first came out was that it would run on older hardware. Vista wouldn't so Windows 7 made a nice transition for those that stayed on XP because Vista was a mess.
  10. Sorry to hear that. You have my condolences.
  11. This is fixed. I have turned the default style on again.
  12. I still use it. Some of my friends are still stuck in the old days when it was popular.
  13. The certificate used by the CDN to deliver the icons used for the site has expired. Until they can resolve the issue I have turned off th styles that rely on those icons. Once the issue is resolved I will turn the default style on again.
  14. I have upgraded the site to the newest version of xenForo. This version added the tools to make FPCH compliant with the EU GDPR. If you find any problems or issues let me know.
  15. I can't seem to find any software for doing what he wants to do. I am sure there is something. I just can't find any. I did find the sound finalizer which is a piece of hardware. Don't know if that's what he wants. Problem is the site selling them is in German and they are expensive.
  16. I found the info below in this thread at Microsoft's forums. There are a couple other steps in that thread, some of which it looks like you tried, that you could try. Here is an article with fixes at Microsoft's support site. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/929833/use-the-system-file-checker-tool-to-repair-missing-or-corrupted-system
  17. I upgraded to newest version of software and also upgraded to the newest version of the style. You might have to do a hard refresh of your browser to load the new JS files. The JS libraries were also upgraded.
  18. Do you know the name of the file? Can you get copy the name of the file and post it next time that happens?
  19. Go to the app store and search for ringtones. You don't need a app for that.
  20. All done. Had a small snafu, but, worked through it.
  21. I will be doing some long needed upgrades to the network this weekend. Expected downtime will be 2-3 hours while new hardware is installed and configured.
  22. If you have a Microsoft account you can now login at Free P Help with your Microsoft account. To do so select the Microsoft login button when you login. Once you do you'll always be able to login with your Microsoft account. You can also go to https://extremetechsupport.com/account/connected-accounts/ and associate your Microsoft account with the forum account.
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  23. I am seeing a trend where hackers are leaving Microsoft alone for the most part and spending that time on the most popular phone OS.
  24. You should be able to export the list as CSV and then import into SQLServer. You can Download SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to import the file.
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