I am a Microsoft enthusiast, but, it seems that with all the great items that are available, if you are not the current consumer...you are left behind? My WP7.8 phone is great...but I only hear of new capabilities/opportunities for WP8. I have not heard
of iPhone users who are not on iPhone 5 NOT being able to use apps and most functionalities? Zune.net v XBox live? It just feels that Zune.net is not really getting any attention. However, all you are left with if you have not adopted a full-fledged W8 computer...not
a converted W7 computer, IS Zune.net. As far as Apps go, is it possible that more can be made for both platforms? I got my WP7.5 phone last year and the model was ONLY introduced 5 months before WP8 came out. It would seem that if if apps can be made across
different styles of phones, than at least WP7,7.5,7.8 can be included to? And if not the 3rd party developers, DEFINITELY Microsoft...?
For the record I have WP7.8, W8 (converted), W7 and even a Zune & Zune HD. I like my products...just wish I didn't feel like I am penalized for being in the 'old school' vs the 'new school'. Is this likely to change with acceptance and encouragement for
ALL Windows consumers, eventually? Or am I wrong in this assumption?
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