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News Bot

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  1. This particular error has become a nightmare for me. I have been struggling with almost a week now. I am trying to copy file from my hard disk to my new laptop (windows 7, dell 14z). Few files are throwing error, you will need administrator permission to copy this file, despite i logged in as administrator. I have given all the tries with changing ownership, full permission, removing UAC everything... no help at all.. .PLEASE suggest someting. SARA View the thread
  2. it's just that the game doesn't load it's just a blank space View the thread
  3. Alt + F4 and Ctrl + F4 won't work - Windows 7 Normally: Alt + F4 closes program; Ctrl + F4 closes file (or TAB in Internet Explorer); both stopped functioning on 12/06/2012 - no new software installed, no other known issues. I also notice that pressing "Alt" alone toggles on and off the accellerator keys' letter underline indicators for items in the File menus (File, Edit, View, etc.). This applies to all software I'm operating (that I've noticed thus far) under Windows 7. ... any help will be appreciated ... View the thread
  4. 0xc101008f (0xc00d5212) wmv codec is missing in windows 8 Please help me resolve this question. I can play a windows media file on my old windows 7 computer but now that I have a new windows 8 machine the windows media player on my new computer says it can't play the video because of the codec error above. View the full article
  5. Windows Update KB2596660 wont Install on my Windows Vista Computer and The Error Message number KB259660 View this thread
  6. I purchased Streets & Trips 2013 (CD in a box) and have installed it on my Dell Latitude with XP. I have not been able to connect to the Internet from my Dell so I need to register my new S&T from a different computer (Apple Power Book G4 with OS X 10.4.11). How can I register/activate my S&T 2013? Thank you. View this thread
  7. For a week receiving calls from someone saying they are an authorized windows technician and they are getting messages that there's a problem with my computer, can barely understand them and have done nothing they've asked me to do such as accessing my computer so that they can show me "hidden files". Would I ever legitimately get a call like this, older lady who is very nervous, can anyone give me advice? View this thread
  8. Hi Everyone, Can anyone tell me if I need a Video and Audio Capture Card to record my old VHS tapes to my PC? Or could I, as I have Nero 12 and Premier Elements 10 both capable of capturing film, just use a video and sound (RGB) cable? Regards Goozzie View this thread
  9. When I go to Windows update it always comes up "12 important update 1.9mb" which is Vista SP! which has already been downloaded 4 time? View this thread
  10. What is a network adapter ? Can i download it on a flash drive and download it to my desktop ? View this thread
  11. The screen on Outlook email moved to the right covering up the scroll bar. How can I move the screen to show the scroll bar again? Glenn View this thread
  12. les fonctionnalités windows ne s'affiche pas quand je veux activer ou désactivé une fonctionnalité, comment je puis faire pour que les fonctionnalités windows s'affiche View the thread
  13. why wmp12 in win7 dont set selected visualisation? how to set as defaut then? View the thread
  14. i face trouble in installation of SPSS. it gives an error of 1317.How i can get rid of it? please quickly solve my problem View the thread
  15. original title: code 6D9E on my "windows 7 home premium" I am trying to install "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Service Pack 4 (KB2463332)" update on my "windows 7 home premium" but an unknown error (code 6D9E) is shown up View the thread
  16. My employer sends me attachments in email but they are .eml and .dat and it says to download as zip but i still cant open View the thread
  17. I used elements 6 under windows7 with my external hard drive. Lightning fried my hard drive and I installed a new one and upgraded to windows 8. I installed elements6. It will not recognize my external hard drive now. Under windows 7 my external hard drive was designated "H". Under windows 8 it is now "D". Is there anything I can do to not lose all of my work on the external drive? I went to adobe but no help there. Larry View the thread
  18. I had to delet all of my files including Windows from a old compter as it had become extreemly sluggish. I did a clean install using my Windows XP disk, but when I am trying to install XP SP1 I get the following message partway trough the intallation process; " ... while Servicepack1 setup atemted to download SP1 files from the internet Server did not respond. Server address was : http://xpsp1.microsoft.com/isapi/pstream3.dll/xp/sp1.USA.1106a.i386.p I have tried several times but I keep om getting the same message/hang-up. What do I have todo to get this resolved, I also tried to install SP3 directly, but got an upgtrade incompatibility notice. Regards, Rudi View this thread
  19. hello. I hope someone can help. I had a nasty virus that my virus program did not detect in time. after it was detected and deleted my computer did not work right. the virus program had deleted some core XP files when it got rid of the virus. I tried to repair windows with the XP cd but that made my HDD freeze up. well I ended up getting a new HDD and I did full format before installing windows xp. XP installed fine and I then proceded in installing all the drivers that came with my computer when it was new, which was about 15 cds. well now I have more problems. my screen is HUGE and I am unable to change the screen resoltion and IE crashes after being opened. before I reinstalled windows I took out my wireless card and reinstalled it after windows was installed. it shows that I have a good connection to the internet but it still crashes. can anyone help. my XP cd has SP2 on it. View this thread
  20. I am unable to update windows xp with service pack 3. and I have tried the fixit utility but that won't work without service pack 3! I have scanned for viruses and downloaded and used malicious software tool from msoft. I have tried all the corrective actions listed for this error code. I always receive an error code when I attempt to run windows update, usually it is Error number: 0x80244019 [Error number: 0x80244019] http://extremetechsupport.com/data/MetaMirrorCache/4a5d00b42098fb70f4d1c27149eebeb0.gif The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are trying to view. The options provided below might help you solve the problem. For self-help options: Frequently Asked Questions Find Solutions Windows Update Newsgroup Help Please! View this thread
  21. I am using windows 7 and when trying to copy files to my external hard disk, message "Invalid Ms-Dos function" appears! is there any solution for that? View the thread
  22. Unable to sign into www.zone.com without receiving a warning that reads: Certificate Error: Navigation Blocked There is a problem with this websites security certificate. When I continue to the website, I am unable to open only three of the many game sites within the MSN game zone. These three sites, Hearts, Spades and Backgammon, initially required a file download to operate. Operations have been quite normal for many years, but suddenly, this “certificate error” keeps me out of these three sites. · Using Windows XP · I have checked the clock setting and it is okay · I have two other computers on my wireless LAN and they can both get into the specific game sites (one using Vista and the other Windows 7) · I have had the computer checked by a couple of licensed technicians, and one said the motherboard seems slightly corroded, and the other thought the clock setting might be incorrect. View this thread
  23. Probleemoplosser verwijst naar de systeembeheerder (Dat ben ikzelf, die 't ook niet weet) Printer HP photosmart 3210 verbonden met een ethernetkabel. View the thread
  24. bonjour, voilà je dispose de deux DD externes, l'un est de la marque LaCie et l'autre de la marque Freecom, donc voilà le premier marche niquel sur tous mes ordis, mais voilà le deuxième, pas moyen de le faire démarrer sur mon PC (Asus R.O.G. G75VW), alors que tous les pilotes sont à jour, et que le disque dur marche sur tous les autres pc ou mac auquels j'ai pu les connecter, il n'y a que ce disque dur là qui ne marche pas, je ne comprends pas pourquoi cela arrive ! Merci de votre aide ! View the thread
  25. Installatie probleem Update KB2698365 Vista 32Bit Geeft foutcode 8024200D Wat nu? Servicepack 2 is al aanwezig. View this thread
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