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My C: drive is a small SSD drive that I only install important things such as the Operating System to. I do NOT want to install Office on the SSD drive, but instead on the regular HDD, D: drive. I just purchased Office2013 Pro Plus through https://www.microsofthup.com for $10 and it gives me a One-Click installer. It doesn't let me choose the install path, or pick which office programs/components I want it to install. Is there a way to specify the installation directory so that I can install it to D:Program FilesOffice2013? Surely they wouldn't remove such basic, yet necessary functionality.. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks View this thread
Olá boa tarde Digno Senhor Luis Henrique!!! Espero o vir encontrar de novo e com boa saúde e boa paz e ainda e com votos sinceros de uma boa continuação de um bom dia do trabalhador e que seja um Digno e verdadeiro Profissional e no fundo para todos os seres humanos em geral pois sempre disse e digo não a discriminação independentemente das suas raças ou cores existentes pois todos somos iguais como e quando somos seres humanos e digo sempre não a toda a discriminação das Pessoas!!!? Humildemente venho pedir a sua digna ajuda que é sempre muito útil em informação e em um todo um computo mais geral e vou passar a expor e a mais escrever para existir a melhor e mais informação e procuro como posso iniciar de novo no meu local do Messenger que não desativei e que o mesmo e muito gosto!!!? Paço a descrever os mesmos Emails e contas *** Email address is removed for privacy *** e *** Email address is removed for privacy *** são estes dois IDSS Associados e que exponho para uma boa colaboração informação da sua Digna Pessoa como Digno Profissional e que muito entendo e tenho que realçar todas as suas grandes capacidades de Um Digno Profissional que se honra é Amigo!!! Como posso fazer no seguinte tenho estas duas contas IDSS Associados que funcionam muito bem e em ambas tenho as minhas caixas de correio e home pages e etc e etc as minhas amizades das duas respectivas contas e que são quase as mesmas Amizades embora existindo sempre as suas e algumas diferenças nas boas Amizades e no computo geral como fazer e optar por toda uma opção mais fácil e com toda uma verdadeira e ainda melhor na boa eficacia!!!? Passo a dar como um bom exemplo esta boa razão que se passa nas duas caixas de correio pois digo e é existe o limite máximo de mensagens a enviar por diariamente!!!? Tenho conhecimento dos meus Amigos melhores Amigos que se poderá criar uma caixa nova de correio em que não existe o limite de mensagens a enviar diariamente o que seria muito bom para mim assim como o adicionar outras contas de outros sites e que deixo a sua total consideração Senhor Luis Henrique porque sei muito poder confiar e agradeço!!!? Passo a informar sobre os seus emails enviados pelo Senhor para fossem processadas todas e novas atualizações e informações e na qual passo a informar e honrar o Senhor Luis Henrique e que ainda nenhuma usei ou fiz abertura das suas mesmas mensagens e seus bons conte udos!!!? Atenciosamente os meus sinceros e respeitoso cumprimentos quer a seu nível Pessoal e também em todo o seu Digno Profissionalismo das altas marcas e assim vou terminar e mais dizendo que em suas mãos vou passar a depositar toda a minha confiança em todas as suas atualizações!!!? Atenciosamente todo o meu voto sincero e de toda a plena confiança na sua Digníssima Pessoa como todo o seu Digníssimo Profissionalismo!!! Assinatura António José Marques Coimbra View the thread
Windows update KB2813170 still fails since April 11. I have Windows Vista and the error code is FFFFFFFE. Since this failure to update, I can't open another window to see PDF files when I am online. It goes to "crash dump" and reboots which is very annoying. I tried uninstalling updates (but I don't know for sure if I uninstalled everything) and running the FIX IT program from another Windows Link but it still fails. Please help! View the thread
I have looked at all the instructions online try to fix wow.dll error message that pops up when right clicking on a file. C:UsersdougeAppDataLocalTempsqopwuvsvdwnviwow.dll I have done the following Safe Mode reboot. Clean Boot. Malware scan. Spyware scan. No luck. Anything else that I can use? I am afraid to download just anything. Please advise something safe. Thank You Doug Epker View the thread
i had a xp lap-top lovley,i decided to try windows 7,arrrr what a mistake.Question.can i re-install my xp and use my product key again for my lap-top,ive got my product id,and my product key but ive had to use a diffrent instalation disk because of my cats love for scratching things? View this thread
What is Diskpart utility ? View the thread
After doing a system restore, I am having continuing issues with files being hidden that shouldn't be and hidden files not being indexed. Nothing seems to work for unhiding files. The file property dialog is useless so I am attempting (once again) to use the attrib -H command. Wondering if the -I would help me as well, but I can't find any MS doc that actually explains the attrib. Does it mean the file IS NOT indexed or that the file CANNOT be indexed? Regards, Soooo missing XP View the thread
I have tried everything, even doing and doing resore....windows won't update my files, at all after 4/27/13...I was having an issue, and I deleted the one to install Iternet Explorer 10. I don't want to have that browser at this time, all was fine, I did a restore to delte the Explorer 10, and just kept the box unmarked, so it would not be reinstalled another time. Everything was working perfecrrly, as of Monday 4/29/13....I did all the test, checked all my settings, and when I hit to insttall updates (I have it to install everyday at 3:00AM), but I had to restore because of the Internet Explorer 0 update, but even after tht all was good. so, anyway, I hit install, and it just stays at 0%, for 1 hour this am, that's when I realized something is realy wrong here. So, I did everything windws suppoirt stated, and nothing wrked. Now no updates show thaatt need to be installed, you just hit install updates, and it goes around and around and around..never stops! Internet is hooked-up...y laptops are working fine...It's my HP-Touchsmart desktop that I'm having issues with...It's windws 7 premuim 64 Nit, 6gb, with 750RAM intel icore3. what is happening, I'm at a total lost...I don't want to have to do a whole recovery resse back to factory settings...Oh my gosh...Please no, is there anyone that can help me...I'm computer frindly, just not computer literate, but getting better all the time. Please don't tell me I have to start fresh, oh please no :( that would be so saad, double sad :( :( ANYONE...PLEASE PLEASE ANY ADVICE, I'D BE VERY GRATEFUL... THANK-YOU SO MUCH, KELLI *** Email address is removed for privacy *** IS MY EMAIL IF THAT IS NECESSARY? PEACE OUT, KELLI View the thread
Sir, I purchased a laptop hp pavillion g6 with win 7 home basic pre installed one year ago. After that I purchased windows 7 ultimate and windows 8 and installed it as another boot due to game supporting problems. So I have three boots, win7 home basic on c, win7 ultimate on g, and win8 on h partition and also i have a logical partition E which contains my personal files, musics, setups, etc. When I was making partitions from C first time with a third party software, some MFT, $log files, and some system files were drawn to another partition and some windows files on c gets corrupted that diskchk did not recovered. Now I want to recover my files using hp recovery cd I created during laptop purchasing. My question is 'Is it possible to do recovery with cd that format and recover only c drive (which has more than 100 GB free) and do not affect other boots on G and H and also my personal files on E?' View the thread
When I try to copy an Excel or Word file by right click I then the following message as module is missing C:userrexappdatalocaltempsicfctjsndsnnfwowdll is missing View the thread
When I sign it and make an error, or someone that uses my computer makes an error, the predictive text shows all the users that ever signed on and all of the ones entered in error. So I now have 12 users that show and only one of them is good, how do I get the drop down list erased and only show my one correct Id. I can keep picking the right one but it's in the middle and I want the others gone. View the thread
I use my xbox to stream music from my pc on windows media center but some songs that appear on the pc do not appear on the xbox. on the pc, i get 3503 songs but on the xbox, i only get 3368. can anyone help? View the thread
windows xp Problems with graphics and power
News Bot posted a topic in Operating Systems Help & Support
So lately ive been having this problem that visual artifacts appear on my screen every time i start my pc. When i start the pc, some parts of the letters are more colored white and bold than the rest, so i think the artifacts appear already in the beginning. When i use 32 color(True color) in the display options, the artifacts are colored light blue on every light shade and when i use 16 color(high color) then they are transparent and pink. Also if i install my graphics driver on and play windows media player then it crashes and the screen goes black with a message: Power saving mode. Hmm where to start, umm the first thing what happened after everything was okay was that i was listening to music and watching youtube videos, everything was fine and suddenly when my brother started talking on the phone my screen went black: power saving mode. This has happened before but then it when on power saving mode not after loading os screen(about some weeks ago) i didnt know what to do and fixed the problem just by moving my pc a little(by 45 degrees) and i blew some cool air into the power supply thingy and it was gone, but then i had no artifacts. Everytime i started my pc, the screen went black: power saving mode after the windows os loading screen. After some attempts to restart and in hopes itd go back, the artifacts appeared. I could go into safe mode, where it was on vga mode and artifacts where there too, they were everywhere, but when i changed my screen resolution in safe mode to a higer one, everything was still okay till i restarted and i couldnt enter safe mode anymore: the screen was black and i could see and move my mouse pointer there. I panicked: restarted, spammed F8 and did a system restore under repair tools to an eariler point(7 days before) and i could enter safe mode again. I had windows 7 ultimate 64x bit on then. I am not overclocking(checked BIOS), put the "go into standby mode" option to never(doesnt work), I reinstalled graphics driver(doesnt work). When i uninstalled my graphics driver i could go into normal mode again. Then i thought maybe the issue was in os configuration, i used my old xp dvd to install windows xp on(clean install)(didnt fix it), but now i can go into normal mode with the graphics driver on but if i use higher resolution it crashes and power saving mode, so yeah this is whats been happening and i dont get whats wrong. i got lots of cables and tried a different monitor(didnt work) so the problems definetly in the pc. I also tried using another powersupply cable and dfferent locations. Im using a vga cable right now and its very tightly connected. I tried resetting my video card, cleared the dust off from everywhre, resetted bios with the battery thingy, tried using different ram, less ram, so it must be either power supply, GPU, video card or(dont think so) motherboard Some info: using nvidia geforce 7300 GT videocard, flatron LG monitor, 2,5GB RAM(dual), award modular bios v6.00PG, system model awardacpi, 149GB harddrive, 5GB used atm, intel pentium D CPU 2.8Ghz also i looked for my gpu and found a similiar thing on my motherboard which had a black cover on it and said intel, so i think the thermal paste option is out, the system isnt making loud noise, cpu temperature at 49degrees Celsius, video card was hot before, now its kinda warm after using the pc, fan RPM 2200, oh and when i want to check which video device im using, its all N/A no information, like the video card isnt connected and yet it is, and when i use the device manager to check it, then theres avg general video device event viewer: Initialization failed because the transport refused to open initial Addresses. Source: NetBT event id: 4307 For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp. ill update when i find my eariler report on event viwer View this thread -
I have a odd problem. I am running Windows 7 ultimate on a modern SATA 3 intel motherboard with 16GBs of RAM. I run MSE once every 24 hours. I update the defections before each scan. I noticed that when I right click on my desktop, and select "new", I no longer have the ability to pick create a new file folder. I have down loaded the Mr Fixit programs and they have found nothing wrong. I have run all the things I know how to run, and I still do not have the ability to choose to make a new file folder. This happens in Safe mode as well.I have run CCleaner and Comodo System Utilities and they did not fix it. I am at a loss as to what to do next. I have run many 3rd party virus and rootkit killers and they have not helped.Suggestions?Thank you in advance.jack View the thread
Bonjour. (5em. demande sans réponse d'un responsable de Outlook). Quand je clique sur NOUVEAU pour envoyer un message avec une ou Plusieurs Pièces jointes , " JOINDRE DES FICHIERS" ne s'ouvre pas en cliquant dessus ainsi que " G (Gras) , I (Italique) , S (Souligné) etc... etc... " Comment faire pour que ça fonctionne ?????? Merci , Cordialement. Samuel TOPALIAN. View the thread
My outlook 2013 is functioning well except that everytime I open it, a message pops ups as if it's installing OUTLOOK again. The message says "Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to your computer?" I've read somewhere that I need to not open it with administrator permission, is that the case? View this thread
Original title: Microsoft *Natural* Wireless Ergonomic Keyboard 7000 and Laser mouse Purchased April 9, 2013 the keyboard and mouse are not working right. They freeze and stick for no reason and freeze the whole system. I had to buy a different set because I couldn't get help to find any problem. I paid big bucks for this set up. Have there been problems with this model and how can I have it replaced or repaired. Thank you Pam Lawhon View the thread