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Everything posted by Goku

  1. Please read the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles and perform the troubleshooting instructions suggested. See if they help or not. Windows XP logon screen does not appear and the computer continuously restarts Computer stops responding with a black screen when you start Windows XP Let us know how it goes, though. Good Luck. -- Goku
  2. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Sishow. :) Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  3. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Blitz. :) Glad to have you here. Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  4. It does seem to be a problem with your ISP New but it is not unusual. I myself experience this problem and am unable to access some sites unless I use a proxy server. Guess there are some sites you can't access with a specific ISP. Hopefully, it should sort itself out. If not, then you should contact your ISP and inform them about this. -- Goku
  5. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Katti. Please read the following article and configure your settings appropriately. See if it helps or not. General Error Messages : JavaScript / Flash Player error - YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. If the above method, does not work, then try the following solution. Flash install problems - how to fix Flash player installation problems such as the Youtube error - Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player. Please read through the instructions carefully and follow the test. If it fails, then please remove the uninstaller utility suggested and download the standalone package for Internet Explorer 7. Install it and reboot the computer. See if it makes any difference. Let us know how it goes though. Good Luck. -- Goku
  6. This is the closes I could get Shrimply. How to add a custom dictionary in Word Hope that helps. :) -- Goku
  7. Here are some instructions that elaborate Seth's previous set of suggestions. 1. How to use Reset Internet Explorer Settings (RIES) 2. Try to get HijackThis on external media like CD, DVD or flash drive and then perform the instructions Seth suggested. Post back the requested log file and he will read it for you and deduce the source of the problem. 3. To get into the Windows 2000 / XP Safe Mode with Networking, as the computer is booting press and hold your F8 Key which should bring up the Windows Advanced Options Menu as shown below. Use your arrow keys to move to Safe Mode with Networking and press the Enter key. http://www.theeldergeek.com/images/Repairing%20Windows%20XP/pic1A.gif 4. Use System Restore to Undo Changes if Problems Occur Hope that helps. -- Goku
  8. There is a method for deleting selective system recovery points but it will cause inconsistency in the restore points database and will prevent you to use any system restore point. You can't delete one restore point selectively. Frequently Asked Questions Regarding System Restore in Windows XP So, the only options is to clear all restore points and set up a new one instructions for which are available here. Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance. -- Goku
  9. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Hyper. :) Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  10. Hello and Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Harty. :) Under usual circumstances, I wouldn't recommend you to do so but since the problem you state is very rare, I suggest you use a little utility called BootVis. BootVis was released a few years ago by Microsoft though it is unsupported by Microsoft now. Many users reported to have improved boot times after using it. Whether it was a placebo effect or some real change, I cannot tell but I think it is safe for you to use it. If nothing happens even after using the utility, then please report back. It might be some conflicting drivers that might be causing a lag in loading XP. Hope that helps. Let us know how it goes. Good Luck. -- Goku
  11. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Andrew. :) Glad to have you here. Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  12. Sorry, confused myself. I was stating that on the basis of Steve a.k.a stevie85's review. Scotty's review was about Comodo. Steve, I believe, still uses Norton and vouches loyally to it. This might be a good time to bring up some poits of debate with him. For that, the customer will soon have the button at the bottom of their Windows if they continue their policy. :p Seriously though, despite its awful reputation as a resource hog, Norton still has a good detection rate; of course it does not bear Avira or Nod32 in that field! If I had the bucks, I would buy Avira's Premium Suite. It definitely looks a great package to me for Internet Security. :) -- Goku
  13. No, I meant it for the better. I was relying on a review that was put by Scotty some time ago. :) -- Goku
  14. If you are in Recovery Console and are talking about the prompt where the it asks for the Administrator password, then it will be the same that you or someone else set up for the Administrator's account. This is usually the primary account on the computer. But if you are asking for assistance cracking it, then I am afraid we cannot help you further due to the reasons Seth has already stated. Our apologies for that. Hope that helps. -- Goku
  15. What version of Norton was it? The newer version is rumored to be better than its predecessor. -- Goku
  16. Well, there is no specific reason for it Caskin. Mostly, it is caused due to installation of new software or drivers. However, like you, many people have reported to have lost their settings after they returned from a vacation. This is peculiar and no known reason for it. I just guess that someone used your computer in your absence and changed something accidentally. Anyways, glad you got it resolved. :) -- Goku
  17. OK, it seems that you are now past the error. At least, it doesn't show in the picture you attached. There is a Microsoft Knowledge Base article that concerns the problem you state. Have a read and follow the troubleshooting instructions provided and see if they resolve the problem or not. Computer stops responding with a black screen when you start Windows XP Also, if possible, please try my previous suggestion of resetting the BIOS as it might still be necessary. As always, let us know if it helps or not. Good Luck. -- Goku
  18. Hello Froggy. It seems that you are either infected with Malware or there is a hardware conflict in your system. As I am a expert in neither field, all I can do to assure you is to please wait patiently till someone more experienced comes and reviews your problem. Thank you for your patience and co-operation. :) -- Goku
  19. Please bear with me as I am not very good at Networking. Meanwhile, here are two more articles to peruse while someone more experienced may come and put in some suggestions. :) Error 550 Relaying not allowed Relaying not allowed (Error 550 or 530) As always, let us know how it goes though. Good Luck. -- Goku
  20. Hello Caskin. Try the instructions provided in the below article and see if they help or not. Outlook 2000 - Error - Relaying not allowed Let us know how it goes though. Good Luck. -- Goku
  21. Great tutorial. I will definitely have a read of it when I can spare some time. Thanks Mike and Randy. :) Wish James was here now. I have seen some of his posts and he was really an asset here. -- Goku
  22. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Adaam. :) Before you try to format, please try and see if you can download and execute Avira AntiVir or not. It is an open secret that AVG is a very heavily targeted AntiVirus and therefore many forms of Malware stop you from downloading it. Avira is less targeted and if you are able to execute it, then your computer is infected. In that case, install Avira and update it. Next run a full system scan and see if there is an improvement or not. Hope that helps. -- Goku
  23. It seems that the power surge messed up the BIOS settings. In that case, do the following: 1. Unplug your computer. 2. Depress the power switch for about five seconds to insulate off any latent power in the system. 3. Remove the CMOS battery. If you are unsure of doing this, you might find this guide useful. 4. Keep the battery out for 5 minutes. Then re-insert the battery and plug back the system. Are you able to boot into Windows now? Let us know how it goes. Good Luck. -- Goku
  24. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Daventry. :) Glad to have you here. Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  25. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Andrani. :) Glad you found us. Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
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