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Everything posted by Goku

  1. Great look Mike. I have seen this template on one other site but it bogged me down. The loading times here are still the same if not better. Definitely a vast improvement. :) -- Goku
  2. OK, after a brief search, I managed to find a few articles that might contain useful instructions for you. Resolving "Setup did not find any hard disk drives" during Windows XP Installation Microsoft's Windows XP Professional Install Setup did not find hard drive Print out the instructions if you need them for future reference and follow them on the troubled machine. Let us know if it helps or not. Good Luck. :) -- Goku
  3. What is the exact error message you receive during the Setup? It does seem that the drive has indeed gone bad. -- Goku
  4. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Syrup. :) Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  5. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Chris. :) Glad to have you here. Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  6. What version of Internet Explorer are you using? Also, is the occurrence random or it happens when you visit a specific web page? -- Goku
  7. That is indeed a marginal diffrence Rob. However, I doubt Firefox's loading time is that much. It is about 10 seconds on my system and it is not a very high end one. Do you have a lot of add-ons installed? You are right Dave but some people just like to customize these applications and Internet Explorer is not very accommodating in that aspect. Thats where other browsers beat the share. I liked Internet Explorer till I found Netscape and later still Mozilla Firefox. Guess, it all boils down to each one's personal preference. :) -- Goku
  8. I tried it but didn't notice much difference. I think the difference will be more noticeable in a faster computer. -- Goku
  9. Thanks for the code Randy. Do, I need to close the tag or is the tag meant to be open. Also, could you give me a base code on how to align the image properly? -- Goku
  10. OK, I am a complete novice in programming and need help regarding some basic HTML codes. I can compose a simple page with just a header and text but a friend of mine needs a code to embed images from external sources. I cannot elaborate on it but is there a code that might work similar to the code in vBulletin. Any help is very much appreciated? -- Goku
  11. Don't pull on the wrong end mate or I will get banned! :D Just give me some Pizza instead of the drinks! :p -- Goku
  12. Please read the instructions provided here and see if they help or not. Good Luck. -- Goku
  13. Windows will put the icon in the taskbar unless: 1. You Disable Security Centre (Not Recommended). 2. You install an AntiVirus. 3. You have an updated AntiVirus. Just update or install the AntiVirus and turn on the Windows Firewall and you will be good to go. -- Goku
  14. OK, when you both are signed in, are you able to chat with anyone else except your mother? Or do all the people appear offline? -- Goku
  15. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Deb. :) Are you able to hear any of the Windows' log on / log off sounds? If yes, then it might be a problem with an application you are trying to launch. -- Goku
  16. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Cathy. :) What you state leads me to believe that they are two different set of files you are trying to extract. The first file that is the one with *.rar extension should extract fine without any prompts but the second file with the *.r01 extension and so on will need to be extracted by rejoining them first. In that case, you can use Randy's instructions to extract the file successfully. Hope that helps. -- Goku
  17. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Mal. :) Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  18. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Sapper. :) Glad to have you here. Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  19. What version of Windows Live Messenger are you using? -- Goku
  20. Thanks for your sincere words Dean. These are what keep us going. :) I don't drink so you owe me one. :D -- Goku
  21. I use VLC as it can play a variety of video formats. Besides, its lightweight and simple. You can also configure it to play Audio and Playlist files, but I use Winamp for that. -- Goku
  22. That is a very extensive list Ron. An absolutely great post! -- Goku
  23. Please read the following article and try the troubleshooting instructions. See if they help or not. Computer stops at verifying dmi pool data.... Let us know how it goes. Good Luck. :) -- Goku
  24. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Mc. :) Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  25. Thanks for putting it up Dalo. Co-incidentally, I downloaded the program just 2 days ago and now they have updated it! I will have to download it again now. -- Goku
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