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<img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Integrate your favorite search engine into Windows Vista TechRepublic, KY - 22 minutes ago This download is also available as an entry in the TechRepublic Microsoft Windows blog. (Is this item miscategorized? Does it need more tags? Let us know.) More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
<img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Integrate your favorite search engine into Windows Vista TechRepublic, KY - 22 minutes ago This blog post is also available in the PDF format in a TechRepublic download. As you may now, back in September 2006, I covered Vista’s Start Search ... More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
Hi*guys, i'm trying to create a data-driven subscription for a report, where the report should be sent as*email for a specified reciepiant. Everything works fine till i need the command of the delivery extension settings parameters to use a user defined*function. For example, i need the comment part of the email to be configured by parameters, so i have a function that gets those parameters and returns the body as a string. my command should be like this : SELECT Alias,'CONSOL' LoanType,'PDF' Format, dbo.EmailBody('CONSOL') Comment. my problem exactly in the Comment part.... do u have any idea how to solve such issues or any workarounds for this :( thank you indeed More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
Hi!, I've created a new component, in constructor i set default properties (Nothing in special) ******* public LookUpCentroContable() : base() ******* {*********** *********** *********** Properties.Columns.Add(new LookUpColumnInfo("IdCentro", 70, "Id.")); *********** Properties.Columns["IdCentro"].FormatType = Numeric; *********** Properties.Columns.Add(new LookUpColumnInfo("Nombre", 250, "Nombre")); *********** Properties.Columns.Add(new LookUpColumnInfo("CentroAbrev", 90, "Abreviatura")); *********** Properties.PopupWidth = 410; *********** Properties.NullText = ""; ******* } But when i drop this control on a form myForm.Designer.cs creates these lines automatically :-( *********** // *********** // lookUpCentroContable *********** // *********** this.lookUpCentroContable.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(128, 0); *********** this.lookUpCentroContable.Name = "lookUpCentroContable"; *********** this.lookUpCentroContable.Properties.Buttons.AddRange(new DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.EditorButton[] { *********** new DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.EditorButton(DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.ButtonPredefines.Combo)}); *********** this.lookUpCentroContable.Properties.Columns.AddRange(new DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.LookUpColumnInfo[] { *********** new DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.LookUpColumnInfo("IdCentro", "Id.", 70, DevExpress.Utils.FormatType.Numeric, "", true, DevExpress.Utils.HorzAlignment.Default, DevExpress.Data.ColumnSortOrder.None), *********** new DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.LookUpColumnInfo("Nombre", "Nombre", 250), *********** new DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.LookUpColumnInfo("CentroAbrev", "Abreviatura", 90)}); *********** this.lookUpCentroContable.Properties.NullText = ""; *********** this.lookUpCentroContable.Properties.PopupWidth = 410; *********** this.lookUpCentroContable.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 20); *********** this.lookUpCentroContable.TabIndex = 39; And the result is these columns are setting twice, so it appears twice in execution :-( How can I avoid these designer automatic initializations. I supose i should move code from constructor to an override method based on Control, any idea? Thanks in advance More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
I have the following in my .dtsConfig file: *** *** *** Data Source=myPC\sqlInstance;Initial Catalog=QISUAT;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;User ID=user;Password=xxxyyyzzz123; *** But I keep getting this: Error: 2008-04-09 11:50:42.91 ** Code: 0xC0202009 ** Source: Package Connection manager "QIS" ** Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.* An OLE DB error has occurred. *Error code: 0x80040E4D. An OLE DB record is available.* Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client"* Hresult: 0x80040E4D* Description: "Login failed for user 'qisuser'.". End Error If I drop the connection string into a .UDL file, and test, it works fine. What am I missing? SQL 2005 dev is running on my system (myPC) and I'm running dtExec from my local command prompt. H:\>"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\DTS\Binn\DTExec.exe" /File C:\CSCQIS\ImportProcess\SSISPackages\RegistryInitialLoadPackage.dtsx /ConfigFile C:\CSCQIS\ImportProcess\SSISConfigFiles\RegistryInitialLoad.dtsConfig More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
So my M4 came in from repairs last week, so I went through the usual rigmarole of reconfiguring it, reinstalling all my stuff, etc. Whilst I installed VS05 the day later, it wasn't until today I got round to doing some work in it. ...fortunately it was work I could do, because for some reason my properly licesed, legit, etc... Visual Studio 2005 Professional seems to think it's Express. It still says it's Professional in the About box, my keys are fine, but: When I create an empty solution, when I add/create a project for it VS only lets me load one project in the solution (and hides the top-level Solution entry) Same thing for any existing*Solutions I was working on earlier, (but they're all single-project ones, I couldn't test opening existing solutions with multiple projects in) My "Build" menu is missing all the options except "Build %projectName%" and "Publish %projectName%" The Tools and Debug menus are missing the stuff related to Remote Debugging The "Attach to Process" entry on the Debug menu only appears after loading a project And some other quirks, like how all but the "Breakpoints" Debug window is missing from the Debug Windows list when I'm not Debugging I thought it might have been caused by the recent Security patch for VS released a short time ago, but after uninstalling that it remains gimped. What's going on? I need to do some Remote Debugging soon next week. More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
<img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Blog and/or Die InfoWorld, CA - 12 minutes ago So: Bill Gates makes an offhand comment about Windows 7 coming out "some time in the next year or so," and everybody's treating it like the Book of ... More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
I bought an HP*4GB*RAM 32 bit laptop yesterday.. boot windows and I only found 3GBs :( I call the store and they say that 32 bit computers only supports up to 3GBs of RAM... Why would HP do that?!! make me pay for an extra 1 GB of RAM that I'm not going to use.. :s This is really*frustrating!!! More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
Recently, I’ve been having a lot of problems with Windows Media Player 11. It plays a few .wmv files, but cannot play most of them. .avi files play fine always with the divx codec, but I’m at sixes and sevens trying to find the problem with .wmv files. I can, for instance, stream a video from Channel 9, but if I download it, all I get is sound and weird colours on screen. I have tried to no avail. On one site I could view files that were encoded in WP7 but not WMP 9. I have tried to find the codecs for this again to no avail. Looking through my Windows updates, no WMP 11 specific updates are available, so I can roll back to the previous version. Why is this? I cannot use system restore because I have installed a lot of programs, and in truth I don’t know when this problem started. All I know is that I could watch .wmv files now most don’t play the picture. I have gone inst cmd.exe and run ‘sfc / scannow’ and that reported no problems. What would have saved me a great deal of time (days) and frustration was the ability to re-install the application but this appears impossible? Under what justification was this decision made? If a program stops working for me a two minute reinstall is usually sufficient. Is Windows Media Player 11 flawless as to not warrant reinstallation? I cannot believe that even a repair utility is unavailable. I suspect that the problems occurred after the Vista SP1 install but cannot be certain. I am now wasting valuable time trying to locate a fix for this and am severely out of temper. Any ideas? More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
/begging for sympathy I briefly mentioned this in my Windows Update thread. I hope anyone who's going to be making installers reads this and takes note ;) Why the Windows XP install/restore experience I've just had sucked Recently, due to hard drive corruption, I had to reinstall Windows XP. In my box I have two hard drives - one running XP the other (was) running Server 2003. The XP install had broken and wasn't even booting in safe mode, so I booted into Server 2003 to try and troubleshoot the problem. The fact that this was booting fine pointed away from any hardware issues with the system and mean something had gone wrong with the XP install. I hadn't modified any software, but it's possible some of my family had. So I opened the system logs from the XP system in Event Viewer and noticed a whole load of weird stuff (a plethora of "anonymous login" events, usernames replaced with strings of letters and numbers, the systematic failure of the "DCOM" service to start every few seconds or so and something adding a whole load of exceptions to Windows Firewall (which I wasn't even using) some of which should already have been added). Normally I'd put these symptons down to a virus, but there was a third event which caught my eye. In the "System" section of the log was an event relating to "disk" which was reporting errors paging files (Windows help recomended using a different disk as the main system disk if this error occured regularly) so I put the whole thing down the disc corruption - it would make sense that would cause several of these problems. * So I used the Server 2003 installation to perform*a CHKDSK on the XP drive. This found and repaired many errors and - lo and behold - the drive was now bootable again. However there were many problems with it - CHKDSK had had to replace all the security IDs on all the files resulting in most of my programmes complaining that they didn't have the required permision to do stuff, the start menu was behaving badly and most of the administrative stuff (like services.msc) were completely broken. I tried to run a system restore but that too was broken. * At this point I decided that I'd stick the XP restore disk in and hoped that that would either allow me to boot off hdd with CD support or, at least, do a repair install - without formatting. So I put the CD in. Next thing I see is "Copying Windows XP setup files." I wait for this and all of a sudden it says "Formatting 38000mb volume." I'm just like "what the heck?" I'd expected it to at least give me some options - repair, formatt and reinstall. At the very least it should have said "this is what I will do, Yes or Cancel?" Fortunately I was saved by the fact that I broke my one golden rule of OS installing - unplug all other drives. This meant it wiped the Server 2003 drive which didn't have any user files on it. If it had wiped the 250000mb volume that had xp on it I would have lost an awful lot of files - my important ones were backed up, but the same cannot be said for other family members. * So there you have it - I had a close brush with formatt and a bad install experience. If anyone from my OEM (Novatech) is reading this - please make sure your restore disks don't do this again. * I really notice the difference between running on a SATA II drive and an IDE drive too. My system, although faster now, seems less responsive for disk accessing tasks than it used to. * Also, can anyone tell me whether the corect spelling is disc or disk? :p Directly Cross posted from my blog. More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
Hi, I am bit confused by some of the security options in WCF. Are WSHttpBinding messages encrypted by default? What is the simplest way to implement the following: Secure transport (https? or is there some inbuilt encryption mechanism for messages) Ensure integrity of message Pass username/password It is for an application that will be communicating over the internet to a web based service. I dont want to use any of that generating certificate stuff as it looks a pain to deploy.**It would be nice to give some kind of session token as well so we would not have to authenticate the user each time. I guess the most straight forward way is to use SSL and just pass a username, password into the service? Thanks, Alex More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
- CNET <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Discovery on hold in 'Vista capable' lawsuit CNET, CA - 37 minutes ago The lawsuit revolves around customers' complaints that PCs they bought had been advertised as "Windows Vista capable," but turned out to be capable of ... As expected, next year's H-1B visa limit met CNET all 139 news articles More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
I am looking to make a service in that will watch a pop3 email account that is set up to receive excel spreadsheets as attachments. As soon as an email arrives, the attachment needs to be copied to a local server or disk. It is then processed (already up and working). I really don't have a clue as to what I should be looking at to connect to, watch and copy attachments from the email account.:s Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
Ars have even drawn a graph to illustrate the difference in pricing! I can only hope that its a play to get publicity about the game( like they need it) and then allow siginificant discounts....... More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
<img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Security: Microsoft's vision, and its patches Seattle Post Intelligencer - 1 hour ago Microsoft says the idea wasn't to announce a new security strategy, or to talk about reductions in security-related vulnerabilities in Windows Vista. ... More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
ok so I know nobody can really answer this, just wondering. With yet another OS looming a*couple years away is the focus from MS going to be on that and hope the hang in until it comes out and then dump Vista ... like Windows ME ...? I don't like these "big" OS releases and would prefer just incremental updates .. anyway the company I work for has cancelled our Vista/Office07 rollout to some 200 developers since the initial batch had so many problems. Vista on its own was so so but add office 2007 and we just had the machines being returned all the time ... we gave it until SP1 but at some point you have to give in. any thoughts on if there'd be an upgrade path to Windows 7? ta More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
"Apple Should Buy Adobe," Cringeley Thinks – And He Explains Why - SYS-CON Media <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> "Apple Should Buy Adobe," Cringeley Thinks – And He Explains Why SYS-CON Media, NJ - 6 minutes ago "This bold strategy is based on the high probability that - if something called Windows Vista ships at all next January - it will really be Windows XP SP4 ... More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
<img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Security: Microsoft's vision, and its patches Seattle Post Intelligencer - 32 minutes ago Microsoft says the idea wasn't to announce a new security strategy, or to talk about reductions in security-related vulnerabilities in Windows Vista. ... More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
I was wondering whether anyone has been able to get find_if working when using a vector of string, searching for a paritcualr string. [I've documented what I've found so far on my blog], and would be interested if any of you have found a solution - although it's just an academic one, now. Thanks. More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
RANT* (...or the straw that broke the cammels back) i bought a silly little desktop mic (with the arm) of course just plugging it in wouldnt work. (its vista!) "high definition audio device"* ..hmm* maybe i should load the MB audio drivers: Soundmax HD... so....i did: reboot ...then....* which loops infinately .. then - device cannot start... no solution available... so.. after trying figure out why i couldnt open an important excel attachment all day - till i finally tried rebooting - (which fix it cause vista loses ram programs links or some crazy bull___*) it works because it... decided too! ..and then this. NO HUMAN ON EARTH SHOULD SPEND over 3k ON a machine - and have to change the motherboard because of SATA blue screens - to buy over 4 video cards to get aero to work ( 200, 350, 200$ +) to have on board VISTA ready audio - that DOESNT work im literally looking at this and ready to push over my f'in desk i am formating this PISTA SH__ this weekend - going back to XP - if ONLY to see if it works (*blue screens are gone at least) * i just wanted to try singing something on acoustic guitar heaven forbid! AARRRGGGGGGG edit: and yes - i tried the new asus website drivers...same thing... and yes - i plugged into the "pink" line in mic jack - the one in back of machine - AND the one in front. Voice Recog:* "your mic isnt working blabla ... More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
Supporting Your Family, Friends, and Neighbors Steve Riley did a great job on this: More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
I finally got to upgrading my RAM and I've been looking around. First off, I've got a couple of questions... I'm looking at 2GB of OCZ PC2-4200 ram on eBuyer, for £30 delivered. It's got 4-4-4-12 latency. I also saw some OCZ Pro for £50 which has 3-3-3-12 latency. I was just wondering if there was a noticable difference? Also, the 3-3-3-12 RAM isn't quite right; my PCs RAM is rated at 1.8V, and the OCZ Pro is rated at 1.9V - how hard would that be to change, and would there be anything else involved? Otherwise, I'm just wondering if there's a massive difference between 2 and 4GB RAM? As in, noticably. I've noticed that lately when I've been running blend/word/corel/outlook at the same time... 1GB just isn't up to it! So it's definately time for an update.