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<img alt="" height="1" width="1"> What Bugs Apple Fans Forbes, NY - 14 hours ago ... applications they've still got to have a copy of Windows somewhere on their Mac--and that means plunking down $200 for an editions of Windows Vista. ... More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
HTML frames (FRAMESETs and IFRAMEs) are a feature of all modern web browsers that enable content from multiple pages to be displayed within a single view. Historically, frames were primarily used to enable partial page updates, where page navigation was contained in one frame, and page content was contained in another. Over time, use of frames expanded to include advertising, mashup, and AJAX scenarios. Today, the majority of popular websites use IFRAMEs for myriad reasons. From a security point of view, frames can help increase the security of web applications by creating isolation between content delivered from different sources. For instance, a Web mail account ( might choose to render HTML email within an IFRAME ( to ensure that any script in the HTML mail cannot execute in the context of the Web mail application delivered from Instead, any script would execute in the context of the “” domain. This isolation prevents tampering with the Web mail UI, leaking user credentials and cookies, snooping on other messages, etc. For frames rendered in Internet Explorer 6 and later, security can be further increased by setting the frame’s SECURITY attribute to the value “restricted”. Doing so causes Internet Explorer to treat the contents of the frame, regardless of their source, as content that should be rendered in the Restricted Sites Security Zone. Frames running in the Restricted Sites zone cannot run script, invoke ActiveX controls, redirect to other sites, and so on. This technique is particularly useful in cases where the frame’s content cannot be assumed to be trustworthy (as in the case of web mail scenario above). However, it is important to understand that HTML frames are not a security panacea. In order to remain secure, a website which chooses to include content from another website in a frame must generally trust that other website to be non-malicious. Otherwise, a number of security threats are exposed. For instance, consider a web mail application containing two IFRAMEs: one that is used to display an advertisement, and one that is used to display the contents of an HTML email. In the best case, both frames are tagged with the SECURITY=”restricted” attribute to ensure that the HTML email or the advertisement cannot contain any script which might be used to navigate the user away from the web mail page to a malicious site (e.g. ). The user will likely recognize that the email frame contains content of questionable trustworthiness. While the email may contain a phishing attack or other malicious content, it is unlikely that the user will mistake such content as a part of the web mail application itself. In contrast, in the advertising case, unless there is an indication around the IFRAME indicating that the contents are an advertisement, the user could be fooled into taking an unsafe action. For instance, an ad banner could be crafted to match the web mail user-interface, containing text that suggests that there’s a system outage and the user should email their name and password to a given address. The user may mistake the content as a trusted message from the web mail application, and undertake an unsafe action. Therefore, Web developer best practices for using frames can be summarized as: If possible, do not include frames containing content from unknown/untrusted sites. If possible, use the SECURITY=”restricted” attribute to reduce the privileges of content in the IFRAME. If it is not already obvious to users, clearly mark any frames containing untrusted content.Eric Lawrence Program Manager More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
<img alt="" height="1" width="1"> What Bugs Apple Fans Forbes, NY - 12 hours ago ... applications they've still got to have a copy of Windows somewhere on their Mac--and that means plunking down $200 for an editions of Windows Vista. ... More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
Partial List of Menu items in SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS) . MenuBar *** &File(26) *** *** Connect Object &Explorer... *** *** &Disconnect Object Explorer *** *** Connect New Query to Registered Server *** *** Connect Object Explorer to Registered Server *** *** &New(7) *** *** *** New &Project... *** *** *** Query &with Current Connection *** *** *** Database Engine Query *** *** *** Analysis Services MDX Query *** *** *** Analysis Services DMX Query *** *** *** Analysis Services XMLA Query *** *** *** SQL Server Mobile Query *** *** &Open(2) *** *** *** Open &Project... *** *** *** &Open File... *** *** A&dd(2) *** *** *** &New Project... *** *** *** &Existing Project... *** *** &Close *** *** Close Solu&tion *** *** &Save Selected Items *** *** Save Selected Items &As... *** *** Sa&ve Results As... *** *** Sa&ve Execution Plan As... *** *** Save &Copy of Selected Item(s) As... *** *** Save Select&ion *** *** Save A&ll *** *** Sou&rce Control(20) *** *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** *** &Get Latest Solution Files *** *** *** &Get... *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit... *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** *** Check &In... *** *** *** Check &In *** *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** *** View &History *** *** *** E&xclude Selection from Source Control *** *** *** &Refresh Status *** *** *** &Share... *** *** *** &Compare... *** *** *** &Properties... *** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** *** *** Open &from Source Control... *** *** *** A&dd Project from Source Control... *** *** *** Change Source C&ontrol... *** *** *** Lau&nch Perforce SCM *** *** View in &Browser *** *** Page Set&up... *** *** Print Previe&w... *** *** &Print... *** *** Print S&ubtopics... *** *** Recent &Files(1) *** *** *** Recent File List *** *** Recent Pro&jects(1) *** *** *** Recent Project List *** *** Move &into Project(2) *** *** *** Move into Project List *** *** *** &Locations... *** *** E&xit *** &Edit(19) *** *** &Undo *** *** &Redo *** *** Cu&t *** *** &Copy *** *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** *** &Paste *** *** &Delete *** *** D&elete from Database *** *** Re&move *** *** Move &Up *** *** Move D&own *** *** Select &All *** *** &Find and Replace(4) *** *** *** Quick &Find *** *** *** Quick &Replace *** *** *** F&ind in Files *** *** *** Replace in File&s *** *** &Go To... *** *** Hide Ad&vanced Completion Members *** *** Insert File As Te&xt... *** *** Ad&vanced(13) *** *** *** Form&at Document *** *** *** &Format Selection *** *** *** &Tabify Selected Lines *** *** *** Unta&bify Selected Lines *** *** *** Make &Uppercase *** *** *** Make &Lowercase *** *** *** Delete &Horizontal White Space *** *** *** Word W&rap *** *** *** Incremental &Search *** *** *** Co&mment Selection *** *** *** Uncomm&ent Selection *** *** *** &Increase Line Indent *** *** *** &Decrease Line Indent *** *** Boo&kmarks(11) *** *** *** &Toggle Bookmark *** *** *** Enable All Bookmarks *** *** *** Enable Bookmark *** *** *** &Previous Bookmark *** *** *** Next &Bookmark *** *** *** &Clear Bookmarks *** *** *** Previous Bookmark In Folder *** *** *** Next Bookmark In Folder *** *** *** P&revious Bookmark In Document *** *** *** N&ext Bookmark In Document *** *** *** Clear All Bookmarks In Document *** *** &IntelliSense(4) *** *** *** &List Members *** *** *** &Parameter Info *** *** *** &Quick Info *** *** *** Complete &Word *** &View(26) *** *** Data &Grid *** *** &Edit Template *** *** &Open *** *** &Script *** *** &New Query *** *** &Open *** *** Ob&ject Explorer *** *** &Arrange objects by(3) *** *** *** By &Object Type *** *** *** &Prefixed Schema *** *** *** By &Schema *** *** Su&mmary *** *** &Registered Servers *** *** Re&gistered Server Types(5) *** *** *** &Database Engine *** *** *** &Analysis Services *** *** *** &Reporting Services *** *** *** SQL Server &Mobile *** *** *** &Integration Services *** *** Template Exp&lorer *** *** Solution Ex&plorer *** *** Properties &Window *** *** &Bookmark Window *** *** Toolbo&x *** *** Web Brow&ser(5) *** *** *** First Web Browser *** *** *** &Back *** *** *** &Forward *** *** *** &Home *** *** *** S&earch *** *** Oth&er Windows(6) *** *** *** Variable&s *** *** *** Log &Events *** *** *** Web &Browser *** *** *** &Output *** *** *** Find Results &1 *** *** *** Find Results &2 *** *** Show Dep&loyment Progress *** *** &Toolbars(12) *** *** *** Database Diagram *** *** *** Help *** *** *** Query Designer *** *** *** Source Control *** *** *** SQL Editor *** *** *** SQL Mobile Editor *** *** *** SQL Server Analysis Services Editors *** *** *** Standard *** *** *** Table Designer *** *** *** Text Editor *** *** *** View Designer *** *** *** &Customize... *** *** &Zoom(8) *** *** *** 200% *** *** *** 150% *** *** *** 100% *** *** *** 75% *** *** *** 50% *** *** *** 25% *** *** *** 10% *** *** *** To &Fit *** *** F&ull Screen *** *** Pending C&heckins *** *** &Zoom... *** *** St&op *** *** Re&fresh *** &Query(17) *** *** &Connection(4) *** *** *** &Connect... *** *** *** &Disconnect *** *** *** Disconnect &All Queries *** *** *** C&hange Connection... *** *** &Open Server in Object Explorer *** *** &Specify Values for Template Parameters... *** *** E&xecute *** *** P&arse *** *** Ca&ncel Executing Query *** *** Display Est&imated Execution Plan *** *** Analyze Query in Database Engine Tunin&g Advisor *** *** &Design Query in Editor... *** *** Incl&ude Actual Execution Plan *** *** Include C&lient Statistics *** *** R&eset Client Statistics *** *** SQLC&MD Mode *** *** &Results To(3) *** *** *** Results to Te&xt *** *** *** Results to &Grid *** *** *** Results to &File *** *** &Query Options... *** *** &Display Cell Properties *** *** S&how Metadata *** &Project(27) *** *** New &Data Source... *** *** New Data Source &View... *** *** New D&imension... *** *** New &Linked Dimension... *** *** New &Cube... *** *** New &Mining Structure... *** *** New Assembly &Reference... *** *** New &Role *** *** &New SSIS Package *** *** SSIS Import and Export &Wizard... *** *** &Migrate DTS 2000 Package *** *** Add E&xisting Package *** *** Add Existin&g Item... *** *** &New Connection *** *** &New Query *** *** &New Template *** *** New &MDX Query *** *** New &DMX Query *** *** New &XMLA Query *** *** New Fol&der *** *** Exclude From Pro&ject *** *** Sh&ow All Files *** *** Re&load Project *** *** Un&load Project *** *** &Hide Folder *** *** U&nhide Folders *** *** Set as St&artUp Project *** &Build(1) *** *** &Process... *** Tab&le Designer(10) *** *** Table V&iew(6) *** *** *** &Standard *** *** *** &Column Names *** *** *** &Keys *** *** *** &Name Only *** *** *** C&ustom *** *** *** &Modify Custom ... *** *** Set Primary Ke&y *** *** Insert Colu&mn *** *** Delete Colum&n *** *** Relations&hips... *** *** &Indexes/Keys... *** *** &Fulltext Index... *** *** &XML Indexes... *** *** Check C&onstraints... *** *** Generate Change &Script... *** Database Diagra&m(15) *** *** New &Table... *** *** Add Ta&ble... *** *** Add &Related Tables *** *** D&elete from Database *** *** Remo&ve from Diagram *** *** A&utosize Selected Tables *** *** &Arrange Selection *** *** Arran&ge Tables *** *** &Zoom(8) *** *** *** 200% *** *** *** 150% *** *** *** 100% *** *** *** 75% *** *** *** 50% *** *** *** 25% *** *** *** 10% *** *** *** To &Fit *** *** &New Text Annotation *** *** Set Text Annotation &Font... *** *** Show Relationship &Labels *** *** &View Page Breaks *** *** Re&calculate Page Breaks *** *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** Que&ry Designer(15) *** *** E&xecute SQL *** *** &Verify SQL Syntax *** *** Add &Group By *** *** Change T&ype(6) *** *** *** &Select *** *** *** Insert &Results... *** *** *** Insert &Values *** *** *** &Update *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** &Make Table... *** *** Select All Ro&ws From *** *** S&elect All Rows From *** *** Table Displa&y(2) *** *** *** &Column Names *** *** *** &Name Only *** *** Add Ta&ble... *** *** Add New De&rived Table *** *** Add to &Select *** *** Remove &Filter *** *** Sort &Ascending *** *** Sort &Descending *** *** Pa&ne(4) *** *** *** &Diagram *** *** *** &Criteria *** *** *** &SQL *** *** *** &Results *** *** C&lear Results *** D&atabase(4) *** *** Edit Data&base *** *** &Process... *** *** Generate Relational &Schema... *** *** Validate &Database... *** F&ormat(4) *** *** Aut&osize *** *** &Switch to Rectangular Layout *** *** &Switch to Diagonal Layout *** *** Auto &Layout(2) *** *** *** &Diagram *** *** *** &Selection *** Data &Source View(24) *** *** &Edit Data Source View *** *** Add/Remo&ve Tables... *** *** Refres&h... *** *** New Dia&gram *** *** New Named &Query... *** *** New Named &Calculation... *** *** New Relationshi&p... *** *** &Edit *** *** &Edit Named Query... *** *** &Edit Named Calculation... *** *** &Edit Relationship... *** *** Set Logical Primary &Key *** *** Rep&lace Table(2) *** *** *** With New Named &Query... *** *** *** With Other &Table... *** *** E&xplore Data *** *** Generate &Cube *** *** Sho&w Data Source View in(2) *** *** *** &Diagram *** *** *** &Tree *** *** Copy Dia&gram from(7) *** *** *** Diagram 1 *** *** *** Diagram 2 *** *** *** Diagram 3 *** *** *** Diagram 4 *** *** *** Diagram 5 *** *** *** Diagram 6 *** *** *** Diagram 7 *** *** Show &Friendly Names *** *** F&ind Table... *** *** Show &Tables... *** *** Sh&ow All Tables *** *** &Show Related Tables *** *** Show Only &Used Tables *** *** &Hide Table *** C&ube(72) *** *** Add B&usiness Intelligence... *** *** &Process... *** *** &Browse *** *** New Ca&lculated Cell *** *** New Calculated &Member *** *** New Acti&on *** *** New Reporting Act&ion *** *** New &Drillthrough Action *** *** New &Named Set *** *** New Sc&ript Command *** *** New &KPI *** *** Go &to(7) *** *** *** &Form *** *** *** Script Organi&zer *** *** *** Action Organi&zer *** *** *** KPI Organi&zer *** *** *** F&unctions *** *** *** &Metadata *** *** *** &Templates *** *** Show Calculations &in(2) *** *** *** &Script *** *** *** &Form *** *** Show KPIs &in(2) *** *** *** &Form *** *** *** Bro&wser *** *** &Check Syntax *** *** &Font... *** *** &Color... *** *** Calc&ulation Properties... *** *** &New Partition... *** *** R&ename Partition *** *** Des&ign Aggregations... *** *** &Storage Settings... *** *** Writeback Settin&gs... *** *** &Usage Based Optimization... *** *** &Security Context... *** *** Re&connect *** *** &Refresh *** *** &Perspectives... *** *** &Language... *** *** &View(9) *** *** *** C&ube Structure *** *** *** &Dimension Usage *** *** *** &Calculations *** *** *** &KPIs *** *** *** &Actions *** *** *** &Partitions *** *** *** &Browser *** *** *** P&erspectives *** *** *** &Translations *** *** &New Measure... *** *** New Measure &Group... *** *** Show Measures &in(2) *** *** *** &Tree *** *** *** &Grid *** *** &New Translation... *** *** &Delete Translation *** *** &New Perspective *** *** &Delete Perspective *** *** Auto &Filter *** *** &Export to Microsoft Excel *** *** Remo&ve Field *** *** Remo&ve Total *** *** &Subtotal *** *** Drop Areas *** *** Show Empty &Cells *** *** Add &Cube Dimension... *** *** Sor&t Ascending *** *** Sort Desce&nding *** *** Clear Custom Ordering *** *** New &Linked Object... *** *** &Expand Items *** *** Collapse &Items *** *** Drill Through *** *** &Edit Dimension *** *** Show &Details *** *** Hide De&tails *** *** Sho&w Only the Top(11) *** *** *** 1 *** *** *** 2 *** *** *** 5 *** *** *** 10 *** *** *** 25 *** *** *** 1% *** *** *** 2% *** *** *** 5% *** *** *** 10% *** *** *** 25% *** *** *** &Other *** *** Show Only the &Bottom(11) *** *** *** 1 *** *** *** 2 *** *** *** 5 *** *** *** 10 *** *** *** 25 *** *** *** 1% *** *** *** 2% *** *** *** 5% *** *** *** 10% *** *** *** 25% *** *** *** &Other *** *** Filter by &Selection *** *** Show &As(6) *** *** *** &Normal *** *** *** Percent of &Row Total *** *** *** Percent of &Column Total *** *** *** Percent of &Parent Row Item *** *** *** Percent of P&arent Column Item *** *** *** Percent of &Grand Total *** *** Group Items *** *** Ungroup Items *** *** Move to &Row Area *** *** Move to Col&umn Area *** *** Move to &Filter Area *** *** &Move to Detail *** *** Show Properties in Report(22) *** *** *** Show All Properties in Report *** *** *** Hide All Properties in Report *** *** *** Pivot Property A 1 *** *** *** Pivot Property A 2 *** *** *** Pivot Property A 3 *** *** *** Pivot Property A 4 *** *** *** Pivot Property A 5 *** *** *** Pivot Property A 6 *** *** *** Pivot Property A 7 *** *** *** Pivot Property A 8 *** *** *** Pivot Property A 9 *** *** *** Pivot Property A 10 *** *** *** Pivot Property A 11 *** *** *** Pivot Property A 12 *** *** *** Pivot Property A 13 *** *** *** Pivot Property A 14 *** *** *** Pivot Property A 15 *** *** *** Pivot Property A 16 *** *** *** Pivot Property A 17 *** *** *** Pivot Property A 18 *** *** *** Pivot Property A 19 *** *** *** Pivot Property A 20 *** *** Show Properties in Screen Tips(22) *** *** *** Show All Properties in Screen Tips *** *** *** Hide All Properties in Screen Tips *** *** *** Pivot Property B 1 *** *** *** Pivot Property B 2 *** *** *** Pivot Property B 3 *** *** *** Pivot Property B 4 *** *** *** Pivot Property B 5 *** *** *** Pivot Property B 6 *** *** *** Pivot Property B 7 *** *** *** Pivot Property B 8 *** *** *** Pivot Property B 9 *** *** *** Pivot Property B 10 *** *** *** Pivot Property B 11 *** *** *** Pivot Property B 12 *** *** *** Pivot Property B 13 *** *** *** Pivot Property B 14 *** *** *** Pivot Property B 15 *** *** *** Pivot Property B 16 *** *** *** Pivot Property B 17 *** *** *** Pivot Property B 18 *** *** *** Pivot Property B 19 *** *** *** Pivot Property B 20 *** *** Commands and &Options ... *** *** Edit &MDX *** *** E&xecute MDX *** *** &Security Context... *** *** Highlight Changed Ce&lls *** &Role(1) *** *** &View(8) *** *** *** &General *** *** *** &Membership *** *** *** &Data Source View *** *** *** &Cube Access *** *** *** C&ell Data Access *** *** *** D&imension Access *** *** *** Dime&nsion Data Access *** *** *** Mining &Structure *** Di&mension(23) *** *** Add B&usiness Intelligence... *** *** &Process... *** *** &Browse *** *** Re&connect *** *** &Refresh *** *** &Filter Members ... *** *** &Member Properties... *** *** &Hierarchies... *** *** &Language... *** *** &Writeback *** *** &View(3) *** *** *** &Dimension Builder *** *** *** &Translations *** *** *** &Browser *** *** Show Attributes &in(3) *** *** *** &Tree *** *** *** &List *** *** *** &Grid *** *** &New Translation... *** *** &Delete Translation *** *** New &Caption Column *** *** &Edit Caption Column *** *** De&lete Caption Column *** *** &Show All Attributes *** *** Start New &Hierarchy *** *** Create &Level *** *** Create &Parent-Child Level *** *** Create Attribute &Relationship *** *** Set Attribute &Usage(4) *** *** *** &Regular *** *** *** &Key *** *** *** &Parent *** *** *** &Account type *** &Mining Model(25) *** *** Process Mining Structure and &All Models... *** *** &Process Model... *** *** Bro&wse Model *** *** N&ew Mining Model... *** *** Create a Data Mining Di&mension... *** *** &Set Algorithm Parameters... *** *** Add a Co&lumn... *** *** Add a &Nested Table... *** *** Define Mining Structure Cube &Slice... *** *** Define Nes&ted Table Cube Slice... *** *** Desi&gn *** *** &Query *** *** &Result *** *** Single&ton Query *** *** S&ave Query Result... *** *** &Select Mining Model... *** *** &Select Mining Structure... *** *** Select &Case Table... *** *** Select &Nested Table... *** *** R&emove Table *** *** Modify &Join... *** *** &Modify Connections... *** *** &View(5) *** *** *** Mining &Structure *** *** *** Mining &Models *** *** *** Mining Model &Viewer *** *** *** Mining Model Accuracy &Chart *** *** *** Mining Model &Prediction *** *** &Process... *** *** &Browse *** &SSIS(9) *** *** &Logging... *** *** Package &Configurations... *** *** Di&gital Signing... *** *** Check&points... *** *** Variable&s *** *** Work &Offline *** *** Log &Events *** *** Ne&w Connection... *** *** &View(5) *** *** *** &Control Flow *** *** *** &Data Flow *** *** *** &Event Handlers *** *** *** Pac&kage Explorer *** *** *** &Progress *** &Tools(32) *** *** DB Object QuickFind *** *** SQL Server &Profiler *** *** &Database Engine Tuning Advisor *** *** Choose Toolbo&x Items... *** *** [New Tool 1] *** *** External Command 2 *** *** External Command 3 *** *** External Command 4 *** *** External Command 5 *** *** External Command 6 *** *** External Command 7 *** *** External Command 8 *** *** External Command 9 *** *** External Command 10 *** *** External Command 11 *** *** External Command 12 *** *** External Command 13 *** *** External Command 14 *** *** External Command 15 *** *** External Command 16 *** *** External Command 17 *** *** External Command 18 *** *** External Command 19 *** *** External Command 20 *** *** External Command 21 *** *** External Command 22 *** *** External Command 23 *** *** External Command 24 *** *** &External Tools... *** *** &Customize... *** *** &Options... *** &Window(20) *** *** N&ext Pane *** *** P&revious Pane *** *** &Show Results Pane *** *** &New Window *** *** S&plit *** *** &Floating *** *** Doc&kable *** *** &Tabbed Document *** *** &Auto Hide *** *** &Hide *** *** A&uto Hide All *** *** &Cascade *** *** New Hori&zontal Tab Group *** *** New &Vertical Tab Group *** *** Move to Ne&xt Tab Group *** *** Move to P&revious Tab Group *** *** C&lose All Documents *** *** &Reset Window Layout *** *** &1 Summary *** *** &Windows... *** &Community(4) *** *** &Ask a Question *** *** Send &Feedback *** *** Check &Question Status *** *** &Developer Center *** &Help(12) *** *** How &Do I *** *** &Search *** *** &Contents *** *** &Index *** *** Hel&p Favorites *** *** Dynamic &Help *** *** Inde&x Results *** *** Microsft SQL Server Customer &Feedback Settings... *** *** H&elp on Help *** *** &Tutorial *** *** &Microsoft SQL Server Customer Feedback Options... *** *** &About... *** F&ull Screen Standard *** &New Query *** Database Engine Query *** Analysis Services MDX Query *** Analysis Services DMX Query *** Analysis Services XMLA Query *** SQL Server Mobile Query *** &Open File... *** Sa&ve Selected Items *** Save A&ll *** &Registered Servers *** Su&mmary *** Ob&ject Explorer *** Template Exp&lorer *** Properties &Window Shortcut Menus *** Class View Context Menus(7) *** *** Class View Project(11) *** *** *** Set as St&artUp Project *** *** *** &Save Selected Items *** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** *** Check &In *** *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** *** &Get... *** *** *** View &History *** *** Class View Item(11) *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** *** Check &In *** *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** *** &Compare... *** *** *** &Get... *** *** *** View &History *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** *** &Delete *** *** Class View Folder(4) *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** *** &Delete *** *** Class View Multi-select(11) *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** *** Check &In *** *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** *** &Compare... *** *** *** &Get... *** *** *** View &History *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** *** &Delete *** *** Class View Multi-select members(11) *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** *** Check &In *** *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** *** &Compare... *** *** *** &Get... *** *** *** View &History *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** *** &Delete *** *** Class View Member(11) *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** *** Check &In *** *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** *** &Compare... *** *** *** &Get... *** *** *** View &History *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** *** &Delete *** *** Class View Project Reference(1) *** *** *** &Delete *** Debugger Context Menus(11) *** *** Autos Window(4) *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** Select &All *** *** Call Stack Window(2) *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** Select &All *** *** Data Tip Window(1) *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** Locals Window(4) *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** Select &All *** *** Memory Window(1) *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** Modules Window(2) *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** Select &All *** *** Processes Window(2) *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** Select &All *** *** QuickConsole Window(3) *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** Registers Window(2) *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** Select &All *** *** Threads Window(2) *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** Select &All *** *** Watch Window(4) *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** Select &All *** Project and Solution Context Menus(16) *** *** Project(38) *** *** *** Edit Data&base *** *** *** Generate Relational &Schema... *** *** *** Validate &Database... *** *** *** New &Data Source... *** *** *** New Data Source &View... *** *** *** New D&imension... *** *** *** New &Linked Dimension... *** *** *** New &Cube... *** *** *** New &Mining Structure... *** *** *** &New DTS Package *** *** *** Import/Export &Wizard... *** *** *** New Assembly &Reference... *** *** *** New &Role *** *** *** &Sort by name *** *** *** Show Dep&loyment Progress *** *** *** &Process... *** *** *** &Browse *** *** *** Standalone &Browse *** *** *** Re&fresh *** *** *** A&dd(3) *** *** *** *** E&xisting Package *** *** *** *** Add Existin&g Item... *** *** *** *** New Fol&der *** *** *** Set as St&artUp Project *** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** *** Check &In *** *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** *** &Get... *** *** *** View &History *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** *** Re&load Project *** *** *** Un&load Project *** *** *** &Hide Folder *** *** *** U&nhide Folders *** *** Solution Folder(9) *** *** *** A&dd(3) *** *** *** *** &New Project... *** *** *** *** &Existing Project... *** *** *** *** Add Existin&g Item... *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** *** Re&load Project *** *** *** Un&load Project *** *** *** &Hide Folder *** *** *** U&nhide Folders *** *** Cross Project Solution Project(8) *** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** *** Check &In *** *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** *** &Get... *** *** *** View &History *** *** Cross Project Solution Item(8) *** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** *** Check &In *** *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** *** &Get... *** *** *** View &History *** *** Cross Project Project Item(10) *** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** *** Check &In *** *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** *** &Get... *** *** *** View &History *** *** *** &Delete *** *** Cross Project Multi Project(16) *** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** *** Check &In *** *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** *** &Get... *** *** *** View &History *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** Re&load Project *** *** *** Un&load Project *** *** *** &Hide Folder *** *** *** U&nhide Folders *** *** Cross Project Multi Item(16) *** *** *** &Open *** *** *** View &XML *** *** *** View &Editor *** *** *** View in &Browser *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** *** Check &In *** *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** *** &Compare... *** *** *** &Get... *** *** *** View &History *** *** *** Exclude From Pro&ject *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Delete *** *** Cross Project Multi Solution Folder(8) *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** *** Re&load Project *** *** *** Un&load Project *** *** *** &Hide Folder *** *** *** U&nhide Folders *** *** Cross Project Multi Project/Folder(7) *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** Re&load Project *** *** *** Un&load Project *** *** *** &Hide Folder *** *** *** U&nhide Folders *** *** Item(26) *** *** *** Set as St&artUp Object *** *** *** E&xecute Package *** *** *** &Process... *** *** *** &Browse *** *** *** Standalone &Browse *** *** *** Re&fresh *** *** *** &Open *** *** *** &Save Selected Items *** *** *** Add Business &Intelligence... *** *** *** View &XML *** *** *** View &Editor *** *** *** View in &Browser *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** *** Check &In *** *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** *** &Compare... *** *** *** &Get... *** *** *** View &History *** *** *** Exclude From Pro&ject *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** *** Reload with Upgrade *** *** Folder(16) *** *** *** View in &Browser *** *** *** A&dd(3) *** *** *** *** E&xisting Package *** *** *** *** Add Existin&g Item... *** *** *** *** New Fol&der *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** *** Check &In *** *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** *** &Compare... *** *** *** &Get... *** *** *** View &History *** *** *** Exclude From Pro&ject *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** Reference Item(2) *** *** *** &Open *** *** *** &Delete *** *** Web Reference Folder(15) *** *** *** View in &Browser *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** *** Check &In *** *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** *** &Compare... *** *** *** &Get... *** *** *** View &History *** *** *** Exclude From Pro&ject *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** App Designer Folder(9) *** *** *** &Open *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** *** Check &In *** *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** *** &Compare... *** *** *** &Get... *** *** *** View &History *** *** Misc Files Project(5) *** *** *** &Open File... *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** Solution(13) *** *** *** A&dd(3) *** *** *** *** &New Project... *** *** *** *** &Existing Project... *** *** *** *** Add Existin&g Item... *** *** *** Set as St&artUp Project *** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** *** Check &In *** *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** *** &Get... *** *** *** View &History *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** *** U&nhide Folders *** Other Context Menus(89) *** *** Analysis Server Category Context Menu(7) *** *** *** New(4) *** *** *** *** &Folder *** *** *** *** &DMX Template *** *** *** *** &MDX Template *** *** *** *** &XMLA Template *** *** *** &Search... *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** *** &Delete *** *** Analysis Server Template Context Menu(9) *** *** *** New(4) *** *** *** *** &Folder *** *** *** *** &DMX Template *** *** *** *** &MDX Template *** *** *** *** &XMLA Template *** *** *** &Open *** *** *** &Edit *** *** *** &Search... *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** *** &Delete *** *** AnchorContext(6) *** *** *** &Open Link *** *** *** Open Link in &New Window *** *** *** Open Link in &External Window *** *** *** Save Target &As... *** *** *** P&rint Target... *** *** *** Proper&ties... *** *** AutoHidden Windows(1) *** *** *** AutoHidden Windows *** *** Autos Window(4) *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** Select &All *** *** Bookmark Window(3) *** *** *** Delete *** *** *** Rename *** *** *** Enable All Bookmarks *** *** Call Stack Window(2) *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** Select &All *** *** Checkin Dialog Context Menu(3) *** *** *** Com&pare Versions... *** *** *** &Columns... *** *** *** &Sort... *** *** Check Out Dialog Context Menu(4) *** *** *** Force exclusive *** *** *** Com&pare Versions... *** *** *** &Columns... *** *** *** &Sort... *** *** Code Window(9) *** *** *** Marker Commands *** *** *** &Open File *** *** *** &View Data Grid *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** *** Check &In *** *** *** Leo's addin btn *** *** Command Window(3) *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** Database Designer(11) *** *** *** New &Table... *** *** *** Add Ta&ble... *** *** *** &New Text Annotation *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** Select &All *** *** *** Show Relationship &Labels *** *** *** Arran&ge Tables *** *** *** &Zoom(8) *** *** *** *** 200% *** *** *** *** 150% *** *** *** *** 100% *** *** *** *** 75% *** *** *** *** 50% *** *** *** *** 25% *** *** *** *** 10% *** *** *** *** To &Fit *** *** *** &View Page Breaks *** *** *** Re&calculate Page Breaks *** *** *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** *** Database Designer Relationship(1) *** *** *** D&elete from Database *** *** Database Designer Table(15) *** *** *** Table V&iew(6) *** *** *** *** &Standard *** *** *** *** &Column Names *** *** *** *** &Keys *** *** *** *** &Name Only *** *** *** *** C&ustom *** *** *** *** &Modify Custom ... *** *** *** Set Primary Ke&y *** *** *** Insert Colu&mn *** *** *** Delete Colum&n *** *** *** D&elete from Database *** *** *** Remo&ve from Diagram *** *** *** Add &Related Tables *** *** *** A&utosize Selected Tables *** *** *** &Arrange Selection *** *** *** Relations&hips... *** *** *** &Indexes/Keys... *** *** *** &Fulltext Index... *** *** *** &XML Indexes... *** *** *** Check C&onstraints... *** *** *** Generate Change &Script... *** *** Data Tip Window(1) *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** DefaultContext(14) *** *** *** &Back *** *** *** &Forward *** *** *** &Save Background As... *** *** *** &Copy Background *** *** *** Select &All *** *** *** Quick &Find *** *** *** A&dd to Help Favorites *** *** *** &View Source *** *** *** &Encoding(7) *** *** *** *** Auto-Select *** *** *** *** Western European (Windows) *** *** *** *** CpMRU1 *** *** *** *** CpMRU2 *** *** *** *** CpMRU3 *** *** *** *** CpMRU4 *** *** *** *** &More(33) *** *** *** Text Si&ze(5) *** *** *** *** Lar&gest *** *** *** *** &Larger *** *** *** *** &Medium *** *** *** *** &Smaller *** *** *** *** Smalles&t *** *** *** &Print... *** *** *** &Refresh *** *** *** &New Window *** *** *** Proper&ties... *** *** Docked Window(5) *** *** *** &Floating *** *** *** Doc&kable *** *** *** &Tabbed Document *** *** *** &Auto Hide *** *** *** &Hide *** *** Drag and Drop(3) *** *** *** &Move Here *** *** *** &Copy Here *** *** *** C&ancel *** *** Easy MDI Document Window(9) *** *** *** &Save Selected Items *** *** *** &Close *** *** *** Close &All But This *** *** *** Copy &Full Path *** *** *** &Open Containing Folder *** *** *** New Hori&zontal Tab Group *** *** *** New &Vertical Tab Group *** *** *** Move to Ne&xt Tab Group *** *** *** Move to P&revious Tab Group *** *** Easy MDI Dragging(5) *** *** *** New Hori&zontal Tab Group *** *** *** New &Vertical Tab Group *** *** *** Move to Ne&xt Tab Group *** *** *** Move to P&revious Tab Group *** *** *** C&ancel *** *** Easy MDI Tool Window(9) *** *** *** &Floating *** *** *** Doc&kable *** *** *** &Tabbed Document *** *** *** &Auto Hide *** *** *** &Hide *** *** *** New Hori&zontal Tab Group *** *** *** New &Vertical Tab Group *** *** *** Move to Ne&xt Tab Group *** *** *** Move to P&revious Tab Group *** *** Execution Plan Context(6) *** *** *** Sa&ve Execution Plan As... *** *** *** Zoom In *** *** *** Zoom Out *** *** *** Custom Zoom... *** *** *** Zoom to Fit *** *** *** P&roperties *** *** Expansion Manager(2) *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** Select &All *** *** External Tools Arguments(15) *** *** *** Item Pat&h *** *** *** &Item Directory *** *** *** Item &File Name *** *** *** Item E&xtension *** *** *** C&urrent Line *** *** *** Current &Column *** *** *** Current &Text *** *** *** T&arget Path *** *** *** Ta&rget Directory *** *** *** Tar&get Name *** *** *** Targ&et Extension *** *** *** &Project Directory *** *** *** Project File &Name *** *** *** &Solution Directory *** *** *** Solution Fi&le Name *** *** External Tools Directories(4) *** *** *** &Item Directory *** *** *** Ta&rget Directory *** *** *** &Project Directory *** *** *** &Solution Directory *** *** EzMDI Files(1) *** *** *** EzMDI File List *** *** Favorites Window Context Menu(4) *** *** *** Move Up *** *** *** Move Down *** *** *** Rename *** *** *** &Delete *** *** Find Regular Expression Builder(18) *** *** *** .* Any single character *** *** *** ** Zero or more *** *** *** +* One or more *** *** *** ^* Beginning of line *** *** *** $* End of line *** *** *** <* Beginning of word *** *** *** >* End of word *** *** *** \n** Line break *** *** *** [ ]* Any one character in the set *** *** *** [^ ]* Any one character not in the set *** *** *** *|* Or *** *** *** \* Escape Special Character *** *** *** { }* Tag expression *** *** *** :i** C/C++ identifier *** *** *** :q** Quoted string *** *** *** :b** Space or Tab *** *** *** :z** Integer *** *** *** Complete Character List *** *** GetVersion Dialog Context Menu(4) *** *** *** Com&pare Versions... *** *** *** &Refresh *** *** *** &Columns... *** *** *** &Sort... *** *** ImageContext(9) *** *** *** &Open Link *** *** *** Open Link in &New Window *** *** *** Open Link in &External Window *** *** *** Save Target &As... *** *** *** P&rint Target... *** *** *** S&how Picture *** *** *** &Save Picture As... *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** Proper&ties... *** *** Locals Window(4) *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** Select &All *** *** MDX Files Editor Context(10) *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** &Connection(4) *** *** *** *** &Connect... *** *** *** *** &Disconnect *** *** *** *** Disconnect &All Queries *** *** *** *** C&hange Connection... *** *** *** &Open Server in Object Explorer *** *** *** E&xecute *** *** *** Display Est&imated Execution Plan *** *** *** Analyze Query in Database Engine Tunin&g Advisor *** *** *** Properties &Window *** *** *** &Query Options... *** *** Memory Window(1) *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** Menu Designer(6) *** *** *** &Undo *** *** *** &Redo *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** &Delete *** *** Metadata(3) *** *** *** Add to &Query *** *** *** Add to &Filter *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** Modules Window(2) *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** Select &All *** *** New Connection(1) *** *** *** Re&fresh *** *** No Commands Available(1) *** *** *** No Commands Available *** *** Open Drop Down(2) *** *** *** &Open *** *** *** Open &With... *** *** Pending Checkin Window Context Menu(5) *** *** *** Com&pare Versions... *** *** *** &Open with Editor *** *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** *** &Columns... *** *** *** &Sort... *** *** Processes Window(2) *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** Select &All *** *** Properties Window(1) *** *** *** &Description *** *** PropertyBrowser(3) *** *** *** &Reset *** *** *** &Commands *** *** *** &Description *** *** Query Diagram Join Line(3) *** *** *** Re&move *** *** *** Select All Ro&ws From *** *** *** S&elect All Rows From *** *** Query Diagram Multi-select(1) *** *** *** Re&move *** *** Query Diagram Pane(7) *** *** *** E&xecute SQL *** *** *** Add &Group By *** *** *** Change T&ype(6) *** *** *** *** &Select *** *** *** *** Insert &Results... *** *** *** *** Insert &Values *** *** *** *** &Update *** *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** *** &Make Table... *** *** *** Add Ta&ble... *** *** *** Add New De&rived Table *** *** *** Pa&ne(4) *** *** *** *** &Diagram *** *** *** *** &Criteria *** *** *** *** &SQL *** *** *** *** &Results *** *** *** C&lear Results *** *** Query Diagram Table(4) *** *** *** &Column Names *** *** *** &Name Only *** *** *** Select All Colu&mns *** *** *** Re&move *** *** Query Diagram Table Column(4) *** *** *** Add to &Select *** *** *** Remove &Filter *** *** *** Sort &Ascending *** *** *** Sort &Descending *** *** Query Grid Pane(9) *** *** *** E&xecute SQL *** *** *** Add &Group By *** *** *** Change T&ype(6) *** *** *** *** &Select *** *** *** *** Insert &Results... *** *** *** *** Insert &Values *** *** *** *** &Update *** *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** *** &Make Table... *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** Pa&ne(4) *** *** *** *** &Diagram *** *** *** *** &Criteria *** *** *** *** &SQL *** *** *** *** &Results *** *** *** C&lear Results *** *** Query Results Pane(7) *** *** *** E&xecute SQL *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** Pa&ne(4) *** *** *** *** &Diagram *** *** *** *** &Criteria *** *** *** *** &SQL *** *** *** *** &Results *** *** *** C&lear Results *** *** Query SQL Pane(10) *** *** *** E&xecute SQL *** *** *** &Verify SQL Syntax *** *** *** Change T&ype(6) *** *** *** *** &Select *** *** *** *** Insert &Results... *** *** *** *** Insert &Values *** *** *** *** &Update *** *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** *** &Make Table... *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** Select &All *** *** *** Pa&ne(4) *** *** *** *** &Diagram *** *** *** *** &Criteria *** *** *** *** &SQL *** *** *** *** &Results *** *** *** C&lear Results *** *** QuickConsole Window(3) *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** Registers Window(2) *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** Select &All *** *** Replace Regular Expression Builder(11) *** *** *** 'Find What' Text *** *** *** Tagged Expression 1 *** *** *** Tagged Expression 2 *** *** *** Tagged Expression 3 *** *** *** Tagged Expression 4 *** *** *** Tagged Expression 5 *** *** *** Tagged Expression 6 *** *** *** Tagged Expression 7 *** *** *** Tagged Expression 8 *** *** *** Tagged Expression 9 *** *** *** Complete Character List *** *** ResListContext(1) *** *** *** Sort By(10) *** *** *** *** Column 1 *** *** *** *** Column 2 *** *** *** *** Column 3 *** *** *** *** Column 4 *** *** *** *** Column 5 *** *** *** *** Column 6 *** *** *** *** Column 7 *** *** *** *** Column 8 *** *** *** *** Column 9 *** *** *** *** Column 10 *** *** Results List(1) *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** SelectionContext(3) *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** Select &All *** *** *** &Print... *** *** Server Menu(10) *** *** *** &Disconnect *** *** *** &Start *** *** *** Pa&use *** *** *** S&top *** *** *** R&esume *** *** *** Rest&art *** *** *** Searc&h... *** *** *** &Filter *** *** *** Re&fresh *** *** *** P&roperties *** *** SQL Files Editor Context(17) *** *** *** Create a Region *** *** *** Parse Regions *** *** *** Add Debug Section *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** &Connection(4) *** *** *** *** &Connect... *** *** *** *** &Disconnect *** *** *** *** Disconnect &All Queries *** *** *** *** C&hange Connection... *** *** *** &Open Server in Object Explorer *** *** *** E&xecute *** *** *** Display Est&imated Execution Plan *** *** *** Analyze Query in Database Engine Tunin&g Advisor *** *** *** &Design Query in Editor... *** *** *** Incl&ude Actual Execution Plan *** *** *** Include C&lient Statistics *** *** *** &Results To(3) *** *** *** *** Results to Te&xt *** *** *** *** Results to &Grid *** *** *** *** Results to &File *** *** *** Properties &Window *** *** *** &Query Options... *** *** SQL Mobile Category Context Menu(7) *** *** *** New(2) *** *** *** *** &Folder *** *** *** *** &Template *** *** *** &Search... *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** *** &Delete *** *** SQL Mobile Template Context Menu(9) *** *** *** New(2) *** *** *** *** &Folder *** *** *** *** &Template *** *** *** &Open *** *** *** &Edit *** *** *** &Search... *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** *** &Delete *** *** SQL Results Grid Tab Context(10) *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** Select &All *** *** *** Select All *** *** *** Clear All *** *** *** Sa&ve Results As... *** *** *** Page Set&up... *** *** *** Print Previe&w... *** *** *** &Print... *** *** *** Print S&ubtopics... *** *** *** Font *** *** SQL Results Messages Tab Context(14) *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** D&elete from Database *** *** *** Re&move *** *** *** Sa&ve Results As... *** *** *** Page Set&up... *** *** *** Print Previe&w... *** *** *** &Print... *** *** *** Print S&ubtopics... *** *** *** Font *** *** SQL Server Category Context Menu(7) *** *** *** New(2) *** *** *** *** &Folder *** *** *** *** &Template *** *** *** &Search... *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** *** &Delete *** *** SQL Server script project connection node(12) *** *** *** &New Query *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** *** Check &In *** *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** *** &Get... *** *** *** View &History *** *** *** Properties &Window *** *** SQL Server script project folder node(11) *** *** *** &New Connection *** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** *** Check &In *** *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** *** &Get... *** *** *** View &History *** *** *** Properties &Window *** *** SQL Server script project folder node(15) *** *** *** &New Query *** *** *** &New Template *** *** *** New &MDX Query *** *** *** New &DMX Query *** *** *** New &XMLA Query *** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** *** Check &In *** *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** *** &Get... *** *** *** View &History *** *** *** Properties &Window *** *** SQL Server script project folder node(10) *** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** *** Check &In *** *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** *** &Get... *** *** *** View &History *** *** *** Properties &Window *** *** SQL Server script project project node(16) *** *** *** A&dd(9) *** *** *** *** E&xisting Package *** *** *** *** Add Existin&g Item... *** *** *** *** New Fol&der *** *** *** *** &New Connection *** *** *** *** &New Query *** *** *** *** &New Template *** *** *** *** New &MDX Query *** *** *** *** New &DMX Query *** *** *** *** New &XMLA Query *** *** *** &Save Selected Items *** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** *** Check &In *** *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** *** &Get... *** *** *** View &History *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** *** Properties &Window *** *** SQL Server script project query node(14) *** *** *** &Open *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** *** Check &In *** *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** *** &Compare... *** *** *** &Get... *** *** *** View &History *** *** *** Properties &Window *** *** SQL Server script project template node(8) *** *** *** &Edit Template *** *** *** &Open *** *** *** &Script *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** *** Properties &Window *** *** SQL Server Template Context Menu(9) *** *** *** New(2) *** *** *** *** &Folder *** *** *** *** &Template *** *** *** &Open *** *** *** &Edit *** *** *** &Search... *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** *** &Delete *** *** SQL Templates Plan Context(3) *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** Standard TreeGrid context menu(2) *** *** *** &Columns... *** *** *** &Sort... *** *** Stub Project(8) *** *** *** Re&load Project *** *** *** Un&load Project *** *** *** &Hide Folder *** *** *** U&nhide Folders *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** Task List(8) *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** D&elete from Database *** *** *** Re&move *** *** Test Menu(8) *** *** *** change *** *** *** Process(1) *** *** *** *** change *** *** *** Writeback Options(1) *** *** *** *** change *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** Searc&h... *** *** *** Re&fresh *** *** *** P&roperties *** *** Text Annotation(5) *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** Select &All *** *** *** Set Text Annotation &Font... *** *** Threads Window(2) *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** Select &All *** *** TocContext(2) *** *** *** &Print... *** *** *** Print S&ubtopics... *** *** Toolbox(14) *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** &Rename Item *** *** *** &List View *** *** *** &Show All *** *** *** Choose &Items... *** *** *** S&ort Items Alphabetically *** *** *** &Add Tab *** *** *** &Delete Tab *** *** *** &Rename Tab *** *** *** Move &Up *** *** *** Move Do&wn *** *** Topic Menu(8) *** *** *** &Open *** *** *** Open in &New Window *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** A&dd to Help Favorites *** *** *** Copy Shor&tcut *** *** *** Open &Source *** *** *** O&pen Source in New Window *** *** *** Show &Abstract *** *** Topic Source Menu(6) *** *** *** &Open *** *** *** Open in &New Window *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** A&dd to Help Favorites *** *** *** Copy Shor&tcut *** *** *** Show &Abstract *** *** Watch Window(4) *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** Select &All *** *** Wild Card Expression Builder(7) *** *** *** ** Zero or more of any character *** *** *** ?* Any single character *** *** *** * Any single digit *** *** *** [ ]* Any one character in the set *** *** *** [! ]* Any one character not in the set *** *** *** \* Escape Special Character *** *** *** Complete Character List *** *** Wild Card Expression Builder(2) *** *** *** 'Find What' Text *** *** *** Complete Character List *** *** XMLA Files Editor Context(10) *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** &Connection(4) *** *** *** *** &Connect... *** *** *** *** &Disconnect *** *** *** *** Disconnect &All Queries *** *** *** *** C&hange Connection... *** *** *** &Open Server in Object Explorer *** *** *** E&xecute *** *** *** Display Est&imated Execution Plan *** *** *** Analyze Query in Database Engine Tunin&g Advisor *** *** *** Properties &Window *** *** *** &Query Options... *** *** XMLA Results Grid Tab Context(4) *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** Select &All *** *** *** Select All *** *** *** Clear All *** *** XMLA Results Messages Tab Context(8) *** *** *** Cu&t *** *** *** Cop&y *** *** *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** *** *** &Paste *** *** *** Rena&me *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** D&elete from Database *** *** *** Re&move Text Editor *** &List Members *** &Parameter Info *** &Quick Info *** Complete &Word *** &Decrease Line Indent *** &Increase Line Indent *** Co&mment Selection *** Uncomm&ent Selection *** &Toggle Bookmark *** &Previous Bookmark *** Next &Bookmark *** Previous Bookmark In F&older *** Next Bookmark In &Folder *** P&revious Bookmark In Document *** N&ext Bookmark In Document *** &Clear Bookmarks Source Control *** Change Source C&ontrol... *** Get &Latest Version *** &Get... *** Chec&k Out for Edit *** Check &In *** &Undo Checkout... *** View &History *** &Refresh Status *** &Share... *** &Compare... *** &Properties... *** Lau&nch Perforce SCM Help *** &Back *** &Forward *** &Stop *** &Refresh *** Online* S&earch *** &Text Size *** How &Do I(24) *** *** How Do I Page 0 *** *** How Do I Page 1 *** *** How Do I Page 2 *** *** How Do I Page 3 *** *** How Do I Page 4 *** *** How Do I Page 5 *** *** How Do I Page 6 *** *** How Do I Page 7 *** *** How Do I Page 8 *** *** How Do I Page 9 *** *** How Do I Page 10 *** *** How Do I Page 11 *** *** How Do I Page 12 *** *** How Do I Page 13 *** *** How Do I Page 14 *** *** How Do I Page 15 *** *** How Do I Page 16 *** *** How Do I Page 17 *** *** How Do I Page 18 *** *** How Do I Page 19 *** *** How Do I Page 20 *** *** How Do I Page 21 *** *** How Do I Page 22 *** *** How Do I Page 23 *** &Search *** &Index *** &Contents *** Hel&p Favorites *** A&dd to Help Favorites *** Sav&e Search *** Sync with &Table of Contents *** &Ask a Question *** Check &Question Status *** Send &Feedback Query Designer *** &Diagram *** &Criteria *** &SQL *** &Results *** Change T&ype(6) *** *** &Select *** *** Insert &Results... *** *** Insert &Values *** *** &Update *** *** &Delete *** *** &Make Table... *** E&xecute SQL *** &Verify SQL Syntax *** Add &Group By *** Add Ta&ble... *** Add New De&rived Table View Designer *** &Diagram *** &Criteria *** &SQL *** &Results *** E&xecute SQL *** &Verify SQL Syntax *** Add &Group By *** Add Ta&ble... *** Add New De&rived Table Database Diagram *** New &Table... *** Add Ta&ble... *** Add &Related Tables *** D&elete from Database *** Remo&ve from Diagram *** Generate Change &Script... *** Set Primary Ke&y *** &New Text Annotation *** Table V&iew(6) *** *** &Standard *** *** &Column Names *** *** &Keys *** *** &Name Only *** *** C&ustom *** *** &Modify Custom ... *** Show Relationship &Labels *** &View Page Breaks *** Re&calculate Page Breaks *** A&utosize Selected Tables *** &Arrange Selection *** Arran&ge Tables *** &Zoom... *** Relations&hips... *** &Indexes/Keys... *** &Fulltext Index... *** &XML Indexes... *** Check C&onstraints... Table Designer *** Generate Change &Script... *** Set Primary Ke&y *** Relations&hips... *** &Indexes/Keys... *** &Fulltext Index... *** &XML Indexes... *** Check C&onstraints... SQLEditor *** &Connect... *** &Disconnect *** C&hange Connection... *** Available Da&tabases *** E&xecute *** P&arse *** Ca&ncel Executing Query *** Display Est&imated Execution Plan *** Analyze Query in Database Engine Tunin&g Advisor *** &Design Query in Editor... *** &Specify Values for Template Parameters... *** Incl&ude Actual Execution Plan *** Include C&lient Statistics *** SQLC&MD Mode *** Results to Te&xt *** Results to &Grid *** Results to &File *** Co&mment Selection *** Uncomm&ent Selection *** &Decrease Line Indent *** &Increase Line Indent ASEditors *** &Connect... *** &Disconnect *** C&hange Connection... *** Available Da&tabases *** E&xecute *** P&arse *** Ca&ncel Executing Query *** &Specify Values for Template Parameters... *** Co&mment Selection *** Uncomm&ent Selection *** &Decrease Line Indent *** &Increase Line Indent CEEditor *** &Connect... *** &Disconnect *** C&hange Connection... *** E&xecute *** Ca&ncel Executing Query *** Display Est&imated Execution Plan *** Incl&ude Actual Execution Plan *** &Specify Values for Template Parameters... *** Results to Te&xt *** Results to &Grid *** Results to &File *** Co&mment Selection *** Uncomm&ent Selection *** &Decrease Line Indent *** &Increase Line Indent Project Node *** Edit Data&base *** Generate Relational &Schema... *** Validate &Database... *** New &Data Source... *** New Data Source &View... *** New D&imension... *** New &Linked Dimension... *** New &Cube... *** New &Mining Structure... *** &New DTS Package *** Import/Export &Wizard... *** New Assembly &Reference... *** New &Role *** &Sort by name Folder Node *** New &Data Source... *** New Data Source &View... *** New D&imension... *** New &Linked Dimension... *** New &Cube... *** New &Mining Structure... *** &New DTS Package *** Import/Export &Wizard... *** New Assembly &Reference... *** New &Role *** &Sort by name *** &Paste Data Mining Training *** &Edit Mining Model *** &Edit *** &Edit... *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move Data Mining *** Process Mining Structure and &All Models... *** &Process Model... *** Bro&wse Model *** N&ew Mining Model... *** Create a Data Mining Di&mension... *** &Set Algorithm Parameters... *** Add a Co&lumn... *** Add a &Nested Table... *** Define Mining Structure Cube &Slice... *** Define Nes&ted Table Cube Slice... *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move Association Viewer List Header *** Sort &Ascending *** Sort &Decending *** Drill &Through *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move Data Mining *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move Cluster Viewer Profiles *** &Show Legend *** Hide Le&gend *** &Hide Column *** &Rename Cluster... *** Drill &Through *** &Copy Graph View *** Copy &Entire Graph *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move Tree Viewer *** &Show Legend *** Hide Le&gend *** Ex&pand *** Co&llapse *** Expand &All descendants *** Collapse &All descendants *** Drill &Through *** H&ide Node *** &Copy Graph View *** Copy &Entire Graph Query Builder *** Desi&gn *** &Query *** &Result *** Single&ton Query *** S&ave Query Result... *** &Select Mining Model... *** &Select Mining Structure... *** Select &Case Table... *** Select &Nested Table... *** R&emove Table *** Modify &Join... *** &Modify Connections... *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move Cluster Viewer Diagram *** &Rename Cluster... *** Drill &Through *** &Copy Graph View *** Copy &Entire Graph Neural Network Viewer *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move Result Grid *** Desi&gn *** &Query *** &Result *** Copy &All *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move Query Builder Switch View *** Desi&gn *** &Query *** &Result Dependency Network Viewer *** H&ide Node *** &Copy Graph View *** Copy &Entire Graph Mapping Surface *** &Select Mining Model... *** &Select Mining Structure... *** Select &Case Table... *** Select &Nested Table... *** R&emove Table *** Modify &Join... *** &Modify Connections... Chart *** &Legend *** &Bar Chart *** &Column Chart *** &Pie Chart Table *** Copy &All *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move &Hierarchies *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move *** Rena&me &Attributes *** Start New &Hierarchy *** Create &Level *** Create &Parent-Child Level *** Create Attribute &Relationship *** Set Attribute &Usage(4) *** *** &Regular *** *** &Key *** *** &Parent *** *** &Account type *** Show Attributes &in(3) *** *** &Tree *** *** &List *** *** &Grid *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move *** Rena&me Attribute Pane View Type *** &Tree *** &List *** &Grid Calculated Members *** Add to &Query *** Add to &Filter *** New Ca&lculated Cell *** New Calculated &Member *** New Acti&on *** New Reporting Act&ion *** New &Drillthrough Action *** New &Named Set *** New Sc&ript Command *** New &KPI *** &Edit *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move MDX Menu *** Query &Parameters *** P&repare Query *** &Execute Query *** &Cancel Query MDX Design Menu *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move *** &Include Empty Cells *** &Auto Execute *** &Show Aggregations in Preview Results *** P&repare Query *** &Execute Query *** &Cancel Query *** &Clear Grid Dimension Browser Menu *** Create &Sibling *** Create &Child *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move *** Rena&me *** Move &Up *** Move &Down *** &Increase Indent *** Decrease I&ndent *** &Filter Members ... *** Expand &All *** Co&llapse All *** E&xpand Member *** Colla&pse Member *** &Writeback Time attribute sources *** &New Attribute from Time Period *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move Metadata *** Add to &Query *** Add to &Filter *** Cop&y Measures *** &New Measure... *** New Measure &Group... *** Show Measures &in(2) *** *** &Tree *** *** &Grid *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** Move &Up *** Move D&own *** New &Linked Object... Cube Dimensions *** Add &Cube Dimension... *** &Edit Dimension *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** Move &Up *** Move D&own *** New &Linked Object... Dimensions *** &Edit Dimension Measures *** &New Measure... *** New Measure &Group... *** Show Measures &in(2) *** *** &Tree *** *** &Grid *** New &Linked Object... Dimensions *** Add &Cube Dimension... *** New &Linked Object... Organizer *** New Ca&lculated Cell *** New Calculated &Member *** New Acti&on *** New Reporting Act&ion *** New &Drillthrough Action *** New &Named Set *** New Sc&ript Command *** New &KPI *** Move &Up *** Move D&own *** &Delete Functions *** Cop&y Metadata *** Cop&y *** &Filter Members... Templates *** &Add Template Attribute Grid *** &Delete Filter Grid *** &Paste *** &Delete *** Move &Up *** Move D&own &Pivot table *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move *** Auto &Filter *** &Export to Microsoft Excel *** Remo&ve Field *** Remo&ve Total *** &Subtotal *** Drop Areas *** Show Empty &Cells *** Pivot Action 1 *** Pivot Action 2 *** Pivot Action 3 *** Pivot Action 4 *** Pivot Action 5 *** Pivot Action 6 *** Pivot Action 7 *** Pivot Action 8 *** Pivot Action 9 *** Pivot Action 10 *** Pivot Action 11 *** Pivot Action 12 *** Pivot Action 13 *** Pivot Action 14 *** Pivot Action 15 *** Pivot Action 16 *** Pivot Action 17 *** Pivot Action 18 *** Pivot Action 19 *** Pivot Action 20 *** Sor&t Ascending *** Sort Desce&nding *** Clear Custom Ordering *** &Expand Items *** Collapse &Items *** Drill Through *** Show &Details *** Hide De&tails *** Sho&w Only the Top(11) *** *** 1 *** *** 2 *** *** 5 *** *** 10 *** *** 25 *** *** 1% *** *** 2% *** *** 5% *** *** 10% *** *** 25% *** *** &Other *** Show Only the &Bottom(11) *** *** 1 *** *** 2 *** *** 5 *** *** 10 *** *** 25 *** *** 1% *** *** 2% *** *** 5% *** *** 10% *** *** 25% *** *** &Other *** Filter by &Selection *** Show &As(6) *** *** &Normal *** *** Percent of &Row Total *** *** Percent of &Column Total *** *** Percent of &Parent Row Item *** *** Percent of P&arent Column Item *** *** Percent of &Grand Total *** Group Items *** Ungroup Items *** Move to &Row Area *** Move to Col&umn Area *** Move to &Filter Area *** &Move to Detail *** Show Properties in Report(22) *** *** Show All Properties in Report *** *** Hide All Properties in Report *** *** Pivot Property A 1 *** *** Pivot Property A 2 *** *** Pivot Property A 3 *** *** Pivot Property A 4 *** *** Pivot Property A 5 *** *** Pivot Property A 6 *** *** Pivot Property A 7 *** *** Pivot Property A 8 *** *** Pivot Property A 9 *** *** Pivot Property A 10 *** *** Pivot Property A 11 *** *** Pivot Property A 12 *** *** Pivot Property A 13 *** *** Pivot Property A 14 *** *** Pivot Property A 15 *** *** Pivot Property A 16 *** *** Pivot Property A 17 *** *** Pivot Property A 18 *** *** Pivot Property A 19 *** *** Pivot Property A 20 *** Show Properties in Screen Tips(22) *** *** Show All Properties in Screen Tips *** *** Hide All Properties in Screen Tips *** *** Pivot Property B 1 *** *** Pivot Property B 2 *** *** Pivot Property B 3 *** *** Pivot Property B 4 *** *** Pivot Property B 5 *** *** Pivot Property B 6 *** *** Pivot Property B 7 *** *** Pivot Property B 8 *** *** Pivot Property B 9 *** *** Pivot Property B 10 *** *** Pivot Property B 11 *** *** Pivot Property B 12 *** *** Pivot Property B 13 *** *** Pivot Property B 14 *** *** Pivot Property B 15 *** *** Pivot Property B 16 *** *** Pivot Property B 17 *** *** Pivot Property B 18 *** *** Pivot Property B 19 *** *** Pivot Property B 20 *** Commands and &Options ... *** Design &mode Show Only *** Sho&w Only the Top(11) *** *** 1 *** *** 2 *** *** 5 *** *** 10 *** *** 25 *** *** 1% *** *** 2% *** *** 5% *** *** 10% *** *** 25% *** *** &Other *** Show Only the &Bottom(11) *** *** 1 *** *** 2 *** *** 5 *** *** 10 *** *** 25 *** *** 1% *** *** 2% *** *** 5% *** *** 10% *** *** 25% *** *** &Other &Metadata browser *** Add to Data Area *** Add to Column Area *** Add to Row Area *** Add to Subcube Area *** Add to Filter Area *** Cop&y *** &Filter Members... Menu for watch window *** Edit &MDX *** E&xecute MDX *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move *** &List Members *** Complete &Word *** Quick &Find *** Quick &Replace *** &Security Context... *** Highlight Changed Ce&lls &Pivot table *** Add &Cube Dimension... *** New &Linked Object... *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move *** Rena&me Text editor Menu for debugger *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move *** &List Members *** Complete &Word *** Quick &Find *** Quick &Replace DSV Background context menu *** New Named &Query... *** Add/Remo&ve Tables... *** New Relationshi&p... *** Generate &Cube *** Show &Tables... *** Sh&ow All Tables *** Show Only &Used Tables *** Show &Friendly Names *** Select &All *** F&ind Table... *** &Arrange Tables *** &Switch to Rectangular Layout *** &Switch to Diagonal Layout *** Refres&h... *** Sho&w Data Source View in(2) *** *** &Diagram *** *** &Tree *** Copy Dia&gram from(7) *** *** Diagram 1 *** *** Diagram 2 *** *** Diagram 3 *** *** Diagram 4 *** *** Diagram 5 *** *** Diagram 6 *** *** Diagram 7 *** &Zoom(8) *** *** 200% *** *** 150% *** *** 100% *** *** 75% *** *** 50% *** *** 25% *** *** 10% *** *** To &Fit DSV Table context menu *** Edit &Unique Keys *** New Named &Calculation... *** New Relationshi&p... *** &Edit Named Query... *** Rep&lace Table(2) *** *** With New Named &Query... *** *** With Other &Table... *** &Delete Table From DSV *** &Show Related Tables *** &Hide Table *** E&xplore Data DSV Relationship context menu *** &Edit Relationship... *** &Delete Relationship DSV Column context menu *** Set Logical Primary &Key *** New Relationshi&p... *** &Delete Logical Primary Key *** &Edit Named Calculation... *** &Delete Column *** E&xplore Data Embedded DSV Background context menu *** Show &Tables... *** Sh&ow All Tables *** Show Only &Used Tables *** Show &Friendly Names *** Select &All *** F&ind Table... *** &Arrange Tables *** &Switch to Rectangular Layout *** &Switch to Diagonal Layout *** &Edit Data Source View *** Sho&w Data Source View in(2) *** *** &Diagram *** *** &Tree *** Copy Dia&gram from(7) *** *** Diagram 1 *** *** Diagram 2 *** *** Diagram 3 *** *** Diagram 4 *** *** Diagram 5 *** *** Diagram 6 *** *** Diagram 7 *** &Zoom(8) *** *** 200% *** *** 150% *** *** 100% *** *** 75% *** *** 50% *** *** 25% *** *** 10% *** *** To &Fit Embedded DSV Table context menu *** &Show Related Tables *** &Hide Table *** E&xplore Data *** &Edit Data Source View *** &New Measure Group from Table Embedded DSV Column context menu *** &New Measure from Column *** &New Attribute from Column *** E&xplore Data *** &Edit Data Source View Embedded DSV Relationship context menu *** &Edit Data Source View DSV Relationship Folder context menu *** New Relationshi&p... &DSV View *** Show &Diagram View *** Show Tree Vie&w Organizer *** New Dia&gram *** Move &Up *** Move D&own *** &Delete *** Rena&me Partition Editor context menu *** Add B&usiness Intelligence... *** &New Partition... *** R&ename Partition *** &Delete *** Des&ign Aggregations... *** &Storage Settings... *** Writeback Settin&gs... *** &Usage Based Optimization... *** &Process... *** Cop&y *** &Paste Translation context menu *** &New Translation... *** &Delete Translation *** &New Translation... *** &Delete Translation *** New &Caption Column *** &Edit Caption Column *** De&lete Caption Column *** &Show All Attributes Perspective context menu *** &New Perspective *** &Delete Perspective Translations *** &New Translation... *** &Delete OutlookBar context menu *** &Large Icons Syntax Text Box *** &Undo *** &Redo *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move *** &List Members *** Complete &Word *** Quick &Find *** Quick &Replace Measures Display *** &Tree *** &Grid Calculations Display *** &Script *** &Form KPIs Display *** &Form *** Bro&wser Go to *** &Form *** Script Organi&zer *** Action Organi&zer *** KPI Organi&zer *** F&unctions *** &Metadata *** &Templates Docked Window *** &Floating *** Doc&kable *** &Tabbed Document *** &Auto Hide *** &Hide Menu Designer *** &Undo *** &Redo *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Paste *** &Delete Properties Window *** &Description Toolbox *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Paste *** &Delete *** &Rename Item *** &List View *** &Show All *** Choose &Items... *** S&ort Items Alphabetically *** &Add Tab *** &Delete Tab *** &Rename Tab *** Move &Up *** Move Do&wn Code Window *** Marker Commands *** &Open File *** &View Data Grid *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Paste *** Check &Out for Edit *** Check &In *** Leo's addin btn Task List *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move Results List *** Cop&y Stub Project *** Re&load Project *** Un&load Project *** &Hide Folder *** U&nhide Folders *** Cu&t *** &Paste *** &Delete *** Rena&me No Commands Available *** No Commands Available Command Window *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Paste AutoHidden Windows *** AutoHidden Windows Expansion Manager *** Cop&y *** Select &All Find Regular Expression Builder *** .* Any single character *** ** Zero or more *** +* One or more *** ^* Beginning of line *** $* End of line *** <* Beginning of word *** >* End of word *** \n** Line break *** [ ]* Any one character in the set *** [^ ]* Any one character not in the set *** *|* Or *** \* Escape Special Character *** { }* Tag expression *** :i** C/C++ identifier *** :q** Quoted string *** :b** Space or Tab *** :z** Integer *** Complete Character List Replace Regular Expression Builder *** 'Find What' Text *** Tagged Expression 1 *** Tagged Expression 2 *** Tagged Expression 3 *** Tagged Expression 4 *** Tagged Expression 5 *** Tagged Expression 6 *** Tagged Expression 7 *** Tagged Expression 8 *** Tagged Expression 9 *** Complete Character List Wild Card Expression Builder *** ** Zero or more of any character *** ?* Any single character *** * Any single digit *** [ ]* Any one character in the set *** [! ]* Any one character not in the set *** \* Escape Special Character *** Complete Character List Wild Card Expression Builder *** 'Find What' Text *** Complete Character List External Tools Arguments *** Item Pat&h *** &Item Directory *** Item &File Name *** Item E&xtension *** C&urrent Line *** Current &Column *** Current &Text *** T&arget Path *** Ta&rget Directory *** Tar&get Name *** Targ&et Extension *** &Project Directory *** Project File &Name *** &Solution Directory *** Solution Fi&le Name External Tools Directories *** &Item Directory *** Ta&rget Directory *** &Project Directory *** &Solution Directory Easy MDI Tool Window *** &Floating *** Doc&kable *** &Tabbed Document *** &Auto Hide *** &Hide *** New Hori&zontal Tab Group *** New &Vertical Tab Group *** Move to Ne&xt Tab Group *** Move to P&revious Tab Group Easy MDI Document Window *** &Save Selected Items *** &Close *** Close &All But This *** Copy &Full Path *** &Open Containing Folder *** New Hori&zontal Tab Group *** New &Vertical Tab Group *** Move to Ne&xt Tab Group *** Move to P&revious Tab Group Easy MDI Dragging *** New Hori&zontal Tab Group *** New &Vertical Tab Group *** Move to Ne&xt Tab Group *** Move to P&revious Tab Group *** C&ancel Open Drop Down *** &Open *** Open &With... Drag and Drop *** &Move Here *** &Copy Here *** C&ancel Bookmark Window *** Delete *** Rename *** Enable All Bookmarks EzMDI Files *** EzMDI File List Class View Context Menus *** Class View Project(11) *** *** Set as St&artUp Project *** *** &Save Selected Items *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** Check &In *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** &Get... *** *** View &History *** Class View Item(11) *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** Check &In *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** &Compare... *** *** &Get... *** *** View &History *** *** Cop&y *** *** Rena&me *** *** &Delete *** Class View Folder(4) *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** Rena&me *** *** &Delete *** Class View Multi-select(11) *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** Check &In *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** &Compare... *** *** &Get... *** *** View &History *** *** Cop&y *** *** Rena&me *** *** &Delete *** Class View Multi-select members(11) *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** Check &In *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** &Compare... *** *** &Get... *** *** View &History *** *** Cop&y *** *** Rena&me *** *** &Delete *** Class View Member(11) *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** Check &In *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** &Compare... *** *** &Get... *** *** View &History *** *** Cop&y *** *** Rena&me *** *** &Delete *** Class View Project Reference(1) *** *** &Delete Debugger Context Menus *** Autos Window(4) *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** Select &All *** Call Stack Window(2) *** *** Cop&y *** *** Select &All *** Data Tip Window(1) *** *** Cop&y *** Locals Window(4) *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** Select &All *** Memory Window(1) *** *** Cop&y *** Modules Window(2) *** *** Cop&y *** *** Select &All *** Processes Window(2) *** *** Cop&y *** *** Select &All *** QuickConsole Window(3) *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** Registers Window(2) *** *** Cop&y *** *** Select &All *** Threads Window(2) *** *** Cop&y *** *** Select &All *** Watch Window(4) *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** Select &All Project and Solution Context Menus *** Project(38) *** *** Edit Data&base *** *** Generate Relational &Schema... *** *** Validate &Database... *** *** New &Data Source... *** *** New Data Source &View... *** *** New D&imension... *** *** New &Linked Dimension... *** *** New &Cube... *** *** New &Mining Structure... *** *** &New DTS Package *** *** Import/Export &Wizard... *** *** New Assembly &Reference... *** *** New &Role *** *** &Sort by name *** *** Show Dep&loyment Progress *** *** &Process... *** *** &Browse *** *** Standalone &Browse *** *** Re&fresh *** *** A&dd(3) *** *** *** E&xisting Package *** *** *** Add Existin&g Item... *** *** *** New Fol&der *** *** Set as St&artUp Project *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** Check &In *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** &Get... *** *** View &History *** *** Cu&t *** *** &Paste *** *** &Delete *** *** Rena&me *** *** Re&load Project *** *** Un&load Project *** *** &Hide Folder *** *** U&nhide Folders *** Solution Folder(9) *** *** A&dd(3) *** *** *** &New Project... *** *** *** &Existing Project... *** *** *** Add Existin&g Item... *** *** Cu&t *** *** &Paste *** *** &Delete *** *** Rena&me *** *** Re&load Project *** *** Un&load Project *** *** &Hide Folder *** *** U&nhide Folders *** Cross Project Solution Project(8) *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** Check &In *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** &Get... *** *** View &History *** Cross Project Solution Item(8) *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** Check &In *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** &Get... *** *** View &History *** Cross Project Project Item(10) *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** Check &In *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** &Get... *** *** View &History *** *** &Delete *** Cross Project Multi Project(16) *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** Check &In *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** &Get... *** *** View &History *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Delete *** *** Re&load Project *** *** Un&load Project *** *** &Hide Folder *** *** U&nhide Folders *** Cross Project Multi Item(16) *** *** &Open *** *** View &XML *** *** View &Editor *** *** View in &Browser *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** Check &In *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** &Compare... *** *** &Get... *** *** View &History *** *** Exclude From Pro&ject *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Delete *** Cross Project Multi Solution Folder(8) *** *** Cu&t *** *** &Paste *** *** &Delete *** *** Rena&me *** *** Re&load Project *** *** Un&load Project *** *** &Hide Folder *** *** U&nhide Folders *** Cross Project Multi Project/Folder(7) *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Delete *** *** Re&load Project *** *** Un&load Project *** *** &Hide Folder *** *** U&nhide Folders *** Item(26) *** *** Set as St&artUp Object *** *** E&xecute Package *** *** &Process... *** *** &Browse *** *** Standalone &Browse *** *** Re&fresh *** *** &Open *** *** &Save Selected Items *** *** Add Business &Intelligence... *** *** View &XML *** *** View &Editor *** *** View in &Browser *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** Check &In *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** &Compare... *** *** &Get... *** *** View &History *** *** Exclude From Pro&ject *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Delete *** *** Rena&me *** *** Reload with Upgrade *** Folder(16) *** *** View in &Browser *** *** A&dd(3) *** *** *** E&xisting Package *** *** *** Add Existin&g Item... *** *** *** New Fol&der *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** Check &In *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** &Compare... *** *** &Get... *** *** View &History *** *** Exclude From Pro&ject *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** &Delete *** *** Rena&me *** Reference Item(2) *** *** &Open *** *** &Delete *** Web Reference Folder(15) *** *** View in &Browser *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** Check &In *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** &Compare... *** *** &Get... *** *** View &History *** *** Exclude From Pro&ject *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** &Delete *** *** Rena&me *** App Designer Folder(9) *** *** &Open *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** Check &In *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** &Compare... *** *** &Get... *** *** View &History *** Misc Files Project(5) *** *** &Open File... *** *** Cu&t *** *** &Paste *** *** &Delete *** *** Rena&me *** Solution(13) *** *** A&dd(3) *** *** *** &New Project... *** *** *** &Existing Project... *** *** *** Add Existin&g Item... *** *** Set as St&artUp Project *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** Check &In *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** &Get... *** *** View &History *** *** &Paste *** *** Rena&me *** *** U&nhide Folders Other Context Menus *** Analysis Server Category Context Menu(7) *** *** New(4) *** *** *** &Folder *** *** *** &DMX Template *** *** *** &MDX Template *** *** *** &XMLA Template *** *** &Search... *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** Rena&me *** *** &Delete *** Analysis Server Template Context Menu(9) *** *** New(4) *** *** *** &Folder *** *** *** &DMX Template *** *** *** &MDX Template *** *** *** &XMLA Template *** *** &Open *** *** &Edit *** *** &Search... *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** Rena&me *** *** &Delete *** AnchorContext(6) *** *** &Open Link *** *** Open Link in &New Window *** *** Open Link in &External Window *** *** Save Target &As... *** *** P&rint Target... *** *** Proper&ties... *** AutoHidden Windows(1) *** *** AutoHidden Windows *** Autos Window(4) *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** Select &All *** Bookmark Window(3) *** *** Delete *** *** Rename *** *** Enable All Bookmarks *** Call Stack Window(2) *** *** Cop&y *** *** Select &All *** Checkin Dialog Context Menu(3) *** *** Com&pare Versions... *** *** &Columns... *** *** &Sort... *** Check Out Dialog Context Menu(4) *** *** Force exclusive *** *** Com&pare Versions... *** *** &Columns... *** *** &Sort... *** Code Window(9) *** *** Marker Commands *** *** &Open File *** *** &View Data Grid *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** Check &In *** *** Leo's addin btn *** Command Window(3) *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** Database Designer(11) *** *** New &Table... *** *** Add Ta&ble... *** *** &New Text Annotation *** *** &Paste *** *** Select &All *** *** Show Relationship &Labels *** *** Arran&ge Tables *** *** &Zoom(8) *** *** *** 200% *** *** *** 150% *** *** *** 100% *** *** *** 75% *** *** *** 50% *** *** *** 25% *** *** *** 10% *** *** *** To &Fit *** *** &View Page Breaks *** *** Re&calculate Page Breaks *** *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** Database Designer Relationship(1) *** *** D&elete from Database *** Database Designer Table(15) *** *** Table V&iew(6) *** *** *** &Standard *** *** *** &Column Names *** *** *** &Keys *** *** *** &Name Only *** *** *** C&ustom *** *** *** &Modify Custom ... *** *** Set Primary Ke&y *** *** Insert Colu&mn *** *** Delete Colum&n *** *** D&elete from Database *** *** Remo&ve from Diagram *** *** Add &Related Tables *** *** A&utosize Selected Tables *** *** &Arrange Selection *** *** Relations&hips... *** *** &Indexes/Keys... *** *** &Fulltext Index... *** *** &XML Indexes... *** *** Check C&onstraints... *** *** Generate Change &Script... *** Data Tip Window(1) *** *** Cop&y *** DefaultContext(14) *** *** &Back *** *** &Forward *** *** &Save Background As... *** *** &Copy Background *** *** Select &All *** *** Quick &Find *** *** A&dd to Help Favorites *** *** &View Source *** *** &Encoding(7) *** *** *** Auto-Select *** *** *** Western European (Windows) *** *** *** CpMRU1 *** *** *** CpMRU2 *** *** *** CpMRU3 *** *** *** CpMRU4 *** *** *** &More(33) *** *** *** *** Arabic (ASMO-708) *** *** *** *** Arabic (DOS) *** *** *** *** Arabic (ISO) *** *** *** *** Arabic (Windows) *** *** *** *** Baltic (ISO) *** *** *** *** Baltic (Windows) *** *** *** *** Central European (DOS) *** *** *** *** Central European (ISO) *** *** *** *** Central European (Windows) *** *** *** *** Chinese Simplified (GB2312) *** *** *** *** Chinese Simplified (GB18030) *** *** *** *** Chinese Traditional *** *** *** *** Cyrillic (DOS) *** *** *** *** Cyrillic (ISO) *** *** *** *** Cyrillic (KOI8-R) *** *** *** *** Cyrillic (Windows) *** *** *** *** Greek (ISO) *** *** *** *** Greek (Windows) *** *** *** *** Hebrew (DOS) *** *** *** *** Hebrew (ISO) *** *** *** *** Hebrew (Windows) *** *** *** *** Japanese (Auto Select) *** *** *** *** Japanese (EUC) *** *** *** *** Japanese (Shift-JIS) *** *** *** *** Korean (Auto Select) *** *** *** *** Thai (Windows) *** *** *** *** Turkish (Windows) *** *** *** *** Turkish (ISO) *** *** *** *** Ukrainian (KOI8-RU) *** *** *** *** User Defined *** *** *** *** Unicode (UTF-8) *** *** *** *** Vietnamese (Windows) *** *** *** *** Western European (ISO) *** *** Text Si&ze(5) *** *** *** Lar&gest *** *** *** &Larger *** *** *** &Medium *** *** *** &Smaller *** *** *** Smalles&t *** *** &Print... *** *** &Refresh *** *** &New Window *** *** Proper&ties... *** Docked Window(5) *** *** &Floating *** *** Doc&kable *** *** &Tabbed Document *** *** &Auto Hide *** *** &Hide *** Drag and Drop(3) *** *** &Move Here *** *** &Copy Here *** *** C&ancel *** Easy MDI Document Window(9) *** *** &Save Selected Items *** *** &Close *** *** Close &All But This *** *** Copy &Full Path *** *** &Open Containing Folder *** *** New Hori&zontal Tab Group *** *** New &Vertical Tab Group *** *** Move to Ne&xt Tab Group *** *** Move to P&revious Tab Group *** Easy MDI Dragging(5) *** *** New Hori&zontal Tab Group *** *** New &Vertical Tab Group *** *** Move to Ne&xt Tab Group *** *** Move to P&revious Tab Group *** *** C&ancel *** Easy MDI Tool Window(9) *** *** &Floating *** *** Doc&kable *** *** &Tabbed Document *** *** &Auto Hide *** *** &Hide *** *** New Hori&zontal Tab Group *** *** New &Vertical Tab Group *** *** Move to Ne&xt Tab Group *** *** Move to P&revious Tab Group *** Execution Plan Context(6) *** *** Sa&ve Execution Plan As... *** *** Zoom In *** *** Zoom Out *** *** Custom Zoom... *** *** Zoom to Fit *** *** P&roperties *** Expansion Manager(2) *** *** Cop&y *** *** Select &All *** External Tools Arguments(15) *** *** Item Pat&h *** *** &Item Directory *** *** Item &File Name *** *** Item E&xtension *** *** C&urrent Line *** *** Current &Column *** *** Current &Text *** *** T&arget Path *** *** Ta&rget Directory *** *** Tar&get Name *** *** Targ&et Extension *** *** &Project Directory *** *** Project File &Name *** *** &Solution Directory *** *** Solution Fi&le Name *** External Tools Directories(4) *** *** &Item Directory *** *** Ta&rget Directory *** *** &Project Directory *** *** &Solution Directory *** EzMDI Files(1) *** *** EzMDI File List *** Favorites Window Context Menu(4) *** *** Move Up *** *** Move Down *** *** Rename *** *** &Delete *** Find Regular Expression Builder(18) *** *** .* Any single character *** *** ** Zero or more *** *** +* One or more *** *** ^* Beginning of line *** *** $* End of line *** *** <* Beginning of word *** *** >* End of word *** *** \n** Line break *** *** [ ]* Any one character in the set *** *** [^ ]* Any one character not in the set *** *** *|* Or *** *** \* Escape Special Character *** *** { }* Tag expression *** *** :i** C/C++ identifier *** *** :q** Quoted string *** *** :b** Space or Tab *** *** :z** Integer *** *** Complete Character List *** GetVersion Dialog Context Menu(4) *** *** Com&pare Versions... *** *** &Refresh *** *** &Columns... *** *** &Sort... *** ImageContext(9) *** *** &Open Link *** *** Open Link in &New Window *** *** Open Link in &External Window *** *** Save Target &As... *** *** P&rint Target... *** *** S&how Picture *** *** &Save Picture As... *** *** Cop&y *** *** Proper&ties... *** Locals Window(4) *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** Select &All *** MDX Files Editor Context(10) *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** &Connection(4) *** *** *** &Connect... *** *** *** &Disconnect *** *** *** Disconnect &All Queries *** *** *** C&hange Connection... *** *** &Open Server in Object Explorer *** *** E&xecute *** *** Display Est&imated Execution Plan *** *** Analyze Query in Database Engine Tunin&g Advisor *** *** Properties &Window *** *** &Query Options... *** Memory Window(1) *** *** Cop&y *** Menu Designer(6) *** *** &Undo *** *** &Redo *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** &Delete *** Metadata(3) *** *** Add to &Query *** *** Add to &Filter *** *** Cop&y *** Modules Window(2) *** *** Cop&y *** *** Select &All *** New Connection(1) *** *** Re&fresh *** No Commands Available(1) *** *** No Commands Available *** Open Drop Down(2) *** *** &Open *** *** Open &With... *** Pending Checkin Window Context Menu(5) *** *** Com&pare Versions... *** *** &Open with Editor *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** &Columns... *** *** &Sort... *** Processes Window(2) *** *** Cop&y *** *** Select &All *** Properties Window(1) *** *** &Description *** PropertyBrowser(3) *** *** &Reset *** *** &Commands *** *** &Description *** Query Diagram Join Line(3) *** *** Re&move *** *** Select All Ro&ws From *** *** S&elect All Rows From *** Query Diagram Multi-select(1) *** *** Re&move *** Query Diagram Pane(7) *** *** E&xecute SQL *** *** Add &Group By *** *** Change T&ype(6) *** *** *** &Select *** *** *** Insert &Results... *** *** *** Insert &Values *** *** *** &Update *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** &Make Table... *** *** Add Ta&ble... *** *** Add New De&rived Table *** *** Pa&ne(4) *** *** *** &Diagram *** *** *** &Criteria *** *** *** &SQL *** *** *** &Results *** *** C&lear Results *** Query Diagram Table(4) *** *** &Column Names *** *** &Name Only *** *** Select All Colu&mns *** *** Re&move *** Query Diagram Table Column(4) *** *** Add to &Select *** *** Remove &Filter *** *** Sort &Ascending *** *** Sort &Descending *** Query Grid Pane(9) *** *** E&xecute SQL *** *** Add &Group By *** *** Change T&ype(6) *** *** *** &Select *** *** *** Insert &Results... *** *** *** Insert &Values *** *** *** &Update *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** &Make Table... *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** &Delete *** *** Pa&ne(4) *** *** *** &Diagram *** *** *** &Criteria *** *** *** &SQL *** *** *** &Results *** *** C&lear Results *** Query Results Pane(7) *** *** E&xecute SQL *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** &Delete *** *** Pa&ne(4) *** *** *** &Diagram *** *** *** &Criteria *** *** *** &SQL *** *** *** &Results *** *** C&lear Results *** Query SQL Pane(10) *** *** E&xecute SQL *** *** &Verify SQL Syntax *** *** Change T&ype(6) *** *** *** &Select *** *** *** Insert &Results... *** *** *** Insert &Values *** *** *** &Update *** *** *** &Delete *** *** *** &Make Table... *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** &Delete *** *** Select &All *** *** Pa&ne(4) *** *** *** &Diagram *** *** *** &Criteria *** *** *** &SQL *** *** *** &Results *** *** C&lear Results *** QuickConsole Window(3) *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** Registers Window(2) *** *** Cop&y *** *** Select &All *** Replace Regular Expression Builder(11) *** *** 'Find What' Text *** *** Tagged Expression 1 *** *** Tagged Expression 2 *** *** Tagged Expression 3 *** *** Tagged Expression 4 *** *** Tagged Expression 5 *** *** Tagged Expression 6 *** *** Tagged Expression 7 *** *** Tagged Expression 8 *** *** Tagged Expression 9 *** *** Complete Character List *** ResListContext(1) *** *** Sort By(10) *** *** *** Column 1 *** *** *** Column 2 *** *** *** Column 3 *** *** *** Column 4 *** *** *** Column 5 *** *** *** Column 6 *** *** *** Column 7 *** *** *** Column 8 *** *** *** Column 9 *** *** *** Column 10 *** Results List(1) *** *** Cop&y *** SelectionContext(3) *** *** Cop&y *** *** Select &All *** *** &Print... *** Server Menu(10) *** *** &Disconnect *** *** &Start *** *** Pa&use *** *** S&top *** *** R&esume *** *** Rest&art *** *** Searc&h... *** *** &Filter *** *** Re&fresh *** *** P&roperties *** SQL Files Editor Context(17) *** *** Create a Region *** *** Parse Regions *** *** Add Debug Section *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** &Connection(4) *** *** *** &Connect... *** *** *** &Disconnect *** *** *** Disconnect &All Queries *** *** *** C&hange Connection... *** *** &Open Server in Object Explorer *** *** E&xecute *** *** Display Est&imated Execution Plan *** *** Analyze Query in Database Engine Tunin&g Advisor *** *** &Design Query in Editor... *** *** Incl&ude Actual Execution Plan *** *** Include C&lient Statistics *** *** &Results To(3) *** *** *** Results to Te&xt *** *** *** Results to &Grid *** *** *** Results to &File *** *** Properties &Window *** *** &Query Options... *** SQL Mobile Category Context Menu(7) *** *** New(2) *** *** *** &Folder *** *** *** &Template *** *** &Search... *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** Rena&me *** *** &Delete *** SQL Mobile Template Context Menu(9) *** *** New(2) *** *** *** &Folder *** *** *** &Template *** *** &Open *** *** &Edit *** *** &Search... *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** Rena&me *** *** &Delete *** SQL Results Grid Tab Context(10) *** *** Cop&y *** *** Select &All *** *** Select All *** *** Clear All *** *** Sa&ve Results As... *** *** Page Set&up... *** *** Print Previe&w... *** *** &Print... *** *** Print S&ubtopics... *** *** Font *** SQL Results Messages Tab Context(14) *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** *** &Paste *** *** Rena&me *** *** &Delete *** *** D&elete from Database *** *** Re&move *** *** Sa&ve Results As... *** *** Page Set&up... *** *** Print Previe&w... *** *** &Print... *** *** Print S&ubtopics... *** *** Font *** SQL Server Category Context Menu(7) *** *** New(2) *** *** *** &Folder *** *** *** &Template *** *** &Search... *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** Rena&me *** *** &Delete *** SQL Server script project connection node(12) *** *** &New Query *** *** &Delete *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** Check &In *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** &Get... *** *** View &History *** *** Properties &Window *** SQL Server script project folder node(11) *** *** &New Connection *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** Check &In *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** &Get... *** *** View &History *** *** Properties &Window *** SQL Server script project folder node(15) *** *** &New Query *** *** &New Template *** *** New &MDX Query *** *** New &DMX Query *** *** New &XMLA Query *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** Check &In *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** &Get... *** *** View &History *** *** Properties &Window *** SQL Server script project folder node(10) *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** Check &In *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** &Get... *** *** View &History *** *** Properties &Window *** SQL Server script project project node(16) *** *** A&dd(9) *** *** *** E&xisting Package *** *** *** Add Existin&g Item... *** *** *** New Fol&der *** *** *** &New Connection *** *** *** &New Query *** *** *** &New Template *** *** *** New &MDX Query *** *** *** New &DMX Query *** *** *** New &XMLA Query *** *** &Save Selected Items *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** Check &In *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** &Get... *** *** View &History *** *** Cu&t *** *** &Paste *** *** &Delete *** *** Rena&me *** *** Properties &Window *** SQL Server script project query node(14) *** *** &Open *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Delete *** *** Rena&me *** *** Check &Out for Edit *** *** Check &In *** *** View Pending C&heckins *** *** &Undo Checkout... *** *** Get &Latest Version *** *** &Compare... *** *** &Get... *** *** View &History *** *** Properties &Window *** SQL Server script project template node(8) *** *** &Edit Template *** *** &Open *** *** &Script *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Delete *** *** Rena&me *** *** Properties &Window *** SQL Server Template Context Menu(9) *** *** New(2) *** *** *** &Folder *** *** *** &Template *** *** &Open *** *** &Edit *** *** &Search... *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** Rena&me *** *** &Delete *** SQL Templates Plan Context(3) *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** Standard TreeGrid context menu(2) *** *** &Columns... *** *** &Sort... *** Stub Project(8) *** *** Re&load Project *** *** Un&load Project *** *** &Hide Folder *** *** U&nhide Folders *** *** Cu&t *** *** &Paste *** *** &Delete *** *** Rena&me *** Task List(8) *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** *** &Paste *** *** Rena&me *** *** &Delete *** *** D&elete from Database *** *** Re&move *** Test Menu(8) *** *** change *** *** Process(1) *** *** *** change *** *** Writeback Options(1) *** *** *** change *** *** Rena&me *** *** &Delete *** *** Searc&h... *** *** Re&fresh *** *** P&roperties *** Text Annotation(5) *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** Select &All *** *** Set Text Annotation &Font... *** Threads Window(2) *** *** Cop&y *** *** Select &All *** TocContext(2) *** *** &Print... *** *** Print S&ubtopics... *** Toolbox(14) *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** &Delete *** *** &Rename Item *** *** &List View *** *** &Show All *** *** Choose &Items... *** *** S&ort Items Alphabetically *** *** &Add Tab *** *** &Delete Tab *** *** &Rename Tab *** *** Move &Up *** *** Move Do&wn *** Topic Menu(8) *** *** &Open *** *** Open in &New Window *** *** Cop&y *** *** A&dd to Help Favorites *** *** Copy Shor&tcut *** *** Open &Source *** *** O&pen Source in New Window *** *** Show &Abstract *** Topic Source Menu(6) *** *** &Open *** *** Open in &New Window *** *** Cop&y *** *** A&dd to Help Favorites *** *** Copy Shor&tcut *** *** Show &Abstract *** Watch Window(4) *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** Select &All *** Wild Card Expression Builder(7) *** *** ** Zero or more of any character *** *** ?* Any single character *** *** * Any single digit *** *** [ ]* Any one character in the set *** *** [! ]* Any one character not in the set *** *** \* Escape Special Character *** *** Complete Character List *** Wild Card Expression Builder(2) *** *** 'Find What' Text *** *** Complete Character List *** XMLA Files Editor Context(10) *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** &Paste *** *** &Connection(4) *** *** *** &Connect... *** *** *** &Disconnect *** *** *** Disconnect &All Queries *** *** *** C&hange Connection... *** *** &Open Server in Object Explorer *** *** E&xecute *** *** Display Est&imated Execution Plan *** *** Analyze Query in Database Engine Tunin&g Advisor *** *** Properties &Window *** *** &Query Options... *** XMLA Results Grid Tab Context(4) *** *** Cop&y *** *** Select &All *** *** Select All *** *** Clear All *** XMLA Results Messages Tab Context(8) *** *** Cu&t *** *** Cop&y *** *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** *** &Paste *** *** Rena&me *** *** &Delete *** *** D&elete from Database *** *** Re&move &Zoom *** 200% *** 150% *** 100% *** 75% *** 50% *** 25% *** 10% *** To &Fit Class View Project *** Set as St&artUp Project *** &Save Selected Items *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** Check &Out for Edit *** Check &In *** View Pending C&heckins *** &Undo Checkout... *** Get &Latest Version *** &Get... *** View &History Class View Item *** Check &Out for Edit *** Check &In *** View Pending C&heckins *** &Undo Checkout... *** Get &Latest Version *** &Compare... *** &Get... *** View &History *** Cop&y *** Rena&me *** &Delete Class View Folder *** Cop&y *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete Class View Multi-select *** Check &Out for Edit *** Check &In *** View Pending C&heckins *** &Undo Checkout... *** Get &Latest Version *** &Compare... *** &Get... *** View &History *** Cop&y *** Rena&me *** &Delete Class View Multi-select members *** Check &Out for Edit *** Check &In *** View Pending C&heckins *** &Undo Checkout... *** Get &Latest Version *** &Compare... *** &Get... *** View &History *** Cop&y *** Rena&me *** &Delete Class View Member *** Check &Out for Edit *** Check &In *** View Pending C&heckins *** &Undo Checkout... *** Get &Latest Version *** &Compare... *** &Get... *** View &History *** Cop&y *** Rena&me *** &Delete Class View Project Reference *** &Delete Project *** Edit Data&base *** Generate Relational &Schema... *** Validate &Database... *** New &Data Source... *** New Data Source &View... *** New D&imension... *** New &Linked Dimension... *** New &Cube... *** New &Mining Structure... *** &New DTS Package *** Import/Export &Wizard... *** New Assembly &Reference... *** New &Role *** &Sort by name *** Show Dep&loyment Progress *** &Process... *** &Browse *** Standalone &Browse *** Re&fresh *** A&dd(3) *** *** E&xisting Package *** *** Add Existin&g Item... *** *** New Fol&der *** Set as St&artUp Project *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** Check &Out for Edit *** Check &In *** View Pending C&heckins *** &Undo Checkout... *** Get &Latest Version *** &Get... *** View &History *** Cu&t *** &Paste *** &Delete *** Rena&me *** Re&load Project *** Un&load Project *** &Hide Folder *** U&nhide Folders Solution Folder *** A&dd(3) *** *** &New Project... *** *** &Existing Project... *** *** Add Existin&g Item... *** Cu&t *** &Paste *** &Delete *** Rena&me *** Re&load Project *** Un&load Project *** &Hide Folder *** U&nhide Folders Cross Project Solution Project *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** Check &Out for Edit *** Check &In *** View Pending C&heckins *** &Undo Checkout... *** Get &Latest Version *** &Get... *** View &History Cross Project Solution Item *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** Check &Out for Edit *** Check &In *** View Pending C&heckins *** &Undo Checkout... *** Get &Latest Version *** &Get... *** View &History Cross Project Project Item *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** Check &Out for Edit *** Check &In *** View Pending C&heckins *** &Undo Checkout... *** Get &Latest Version *** &Get... *** View &History *** &Delete Cross Project Multi Project *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** Check &Out for Edit *** Check &In *** View Pending C&heckins *** &Undo Checkout... *** Get &Latest Version *** &Get... *** View &History *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Delete *** Re&load Project *** Un&load Project *** &Hide Folder *** U&nhide Folders Cross Project Multi Item *** &Open *** View &XML *** View &Editor *** View in &Browser *** Check &Out for Edit *** Check &In *** View Pending C&heckins *** &Undo Checkout... *** Get &Latest Version *** &Compare... *** &Get... *** View &History *** Exclude From Pro&ject *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Delete Cross Project Multi Solution Folder *** Cu&t *** &Paste *** &Delete *** Rena&me *** Re&load Project *** Un&load Project *** &Hide Folder *** U&nhide Folders Cross Project Multi Project/Folder *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Delete *** Re&load Project *** Un&load Project *** &Hide Folder *** U&nhide Folders Item *** Set as St&artUp Object *** E&xecute Package *** &Process... *** &Browse *** Standalone &Browse *** Re&fresh *** &Open *** &Save Selected Items *** Add Business &Intelligence... *** View &XML *** View &Editor *** View in &Browser *** Check &Out for Edit *** Check &In *** View Pending C&heckins *** &Undo Checkout... *** Get &Latest Version *** &Compare... *** &Get... *** View &History *** Exclude From Pro&ject *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Delete *** Rena&me *** Reload with Upgrade Folder *** View in &Browser *** A&dd(3) *** *** E&xisting Package *** *** Add Existin&g Item... *** *** New Fol&der *** Check &Out for Edit *** Check &In *** View Pending C&heckins *** &Undo Checkout... *** Get &Latest Version *** &Compare... *** &Get... *** View &History *** Exclude From Pro&ject *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Paste *** &Delete *** Rena&me Reference Item *** &Open *** &Delete Web Reference Folder *** View in &Browser *** Check &Out for Edit *** Check &In *** View Pending C&heckins *** &Undo Checkout... *** Get &Latest Version *** &Compare... *** &Get... *** View &History *** Exclude From Pro&ject *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Paste *** &Delete *** Rena&me App Designer Folder *** &Open *** Check &Out for Edit *** Check &In *** View Pending C&heckins *** &Undo Checkout... *** Get &Latest Version *** &Compare... *** &Get... *** View &History Misc Files Project *** &Open File... *** Cu&t *** &Paste *** &Delete *** Rena&me Solution *** A&dd(3) *** *** &New Project... *** *** &Existing Project... *** *** Add Existin&g Item... *** Set as St&artUp Project *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** Check &Out for Edit *** Check &In *** View Pending C&heckins *** &Undo Checkout... *** Get &Latest Version *** &Get... *** View &History *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** U&nhide Folders SSIS Designer *** &Edit... *** Show &Advanced Editor... *** E&nable *** D&isable *** Add A&nnotation *** De&lete Annotation *** Set Text Annotation &Font... *** Add &Precedence Constraint *** Add &Path *** &Group *** &Ungroup *** Aut&osize *** E&xpand *** Co&llapse *** E&xecute Task *** Edit &Breakpoints... *** &Zoom(8) *** *** 200% *** *** 150% *** *** 100% *** *** 75% *** *** 50% *** *** 25% *** *** 10% *** *** To &Fit *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move *** Select &All SSIS Designer *** &Logging... *** Package &Configurations... *** Di&gital Signing... *** Check&points... *** Variable&s *** Work &Offline *** Log &Events *** Ne&w Connection... *** Add A&nnotation *** De&lete Annotation *** Set Text Annotation &Font... *** E&xecute Task *** Edit &Breakpoints... *** &Zoom(8) *** *** 200% *** *** 150% *** *** 100% *** *** 75% *** *** 50% *** *** 25% *** *** 10% *** *** To &Fit *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move *** Select &All Connection *** &Edit... *** Show &Advanced Editor... *** E&nable *** D&isable *** &New OLE DB Connection... *** New Fl&at File Connection... *** New AD&O.NET Connection... *** New Analysis &Services Connection... *** New &File Connection... *** New &Connection From Data Source... *** Ne&w Connection... *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move Variable *** Add &Variable *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move SSIS Designer *** &Edit... *** Show &Advanced Editor... *** E&nable *** D&isable *** &Success *** &Failure *** &Completion *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move Progress Window *** &Copy Message Text *** &View task SSIS Component Tree *** &Delete Component Menu *** Variable&s *** &Edit... *** Show &Advanced Editor... *** E&nable *** D&isable *** Aut&osize *** Data &Viewers... *** Add A&nnotation *** De&lete Annotation *** Set Text Annotation &Font... *** Add &Precedence Constraint *** Add &Path *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move Project Node *** &New SSIS Package *** SSIS Import and Export &Wizard... *** &Migrate DTS 2000 Package *** Add E&xisting Package *** &Paste Checkin Dialog Context Menu *** Com&pare Versions... *** &Columns... *** &Sort... Pending Checkin Window Context Menu *** Com&pare Versions... *** &Open with Editor *** &Undo Checkout... *** &Columns... *** &Sort... Standard TreeGrid context menu *** &Columns... *** &Sort... GetVersion Dialog Context Menu *** Com&pare Versions... *** &Refresh *** &Columns... *** &Sort... Check Out Dialog Context Menu *** Force exclusive *** Com&pare Versions... *** &Columns... *** &Sort... Autos Window *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Paste *** Select &All Call Stack Window *** Cop&y *** Select &All Data Tip Window *** Cop&y Locals Window *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Paste *** Select &All Memory Window *** Cop&y Modules Window *** Cop&y *** Select &All Processes Window *** Cop&y *** Select &All QuickConsole Window *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Paste Registers Window *** Cop&y *** Select &All Threads Window *** Cop&y *** Select &All Watch Window *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Paste *** Select &All DefaultContext *** &Back *** &Forward *** &Save Background As... *** &Copy Background *** Select &All *** Quick &Find *** A&dd to Help Favorites *** &View Source *** &Encoding(7) *** *** Auto-Select *** *** Western European (Windows) *** *** CpMRU1 *** *** CpMRU2 *** *** CpMRU3 *** *** CpMRU4 *** *** &More(33) *** *** *** Arabic (ASMO-708) *** *** *** Arabic (DOS) *** *** *** Arabic (ISO) *** *** *** Arabic (Windows) *** *** *** Baltic (ISO) *** *** *** Baltic (Windows) *** *** *** Central European (DOS) *** *** *** Central European (ISO) *** *** *** Central European (Windows) *** *** *** Chinese Simplified (GB2312) *** *** *** Chinese Simplified (GB18030) *** *** *** Chinese Traditional *** *** *** Cyrillic (DOS) *** *** *** Cyrillic (ISO) *** *** *** Cyrillic (KOI8-R) *** *** *** Cyrillic (Windows) *** *** *** Greek (ISO) *** *** *** Greek (Windows) *** *** *** Hebrew (DOS) *** *** *** Hebrew (ISO) *** *** *** Hebrew (Windows) *** *** *** Japanese (Auto Select) *** *** *** Japanese (EUC) *** *** *** Japanese (Shift-JIS) *** *** *** Korean (Auto Select) *** *** *** Thai (Windows) *** *** *** Turkish (Windows) *** *** *** Turkish (ISO) *** *** *** Ukrainian (KOI8-RU) *** *** *** User Defined *** *** *** Unicode (UTF-8) *** *** *** Vietnamese (Windows) *** *** *** Western European (ISO) *** Text Si&ze(5) *** *** Lar&gest *** *** &Larger *** *** &Medium *** *** &Smaller *** *** Smalles&t *** &Print... *** &Refresh *** &New Window *** Proper&ties... ImageContext *** &Open Link *** Open Link in &New Window *** Open Link in &External Window *** Save Target &As... *** P&rint Target... *** S&how Picture *** &Save Picture As... *** Cop&y *** Proper&ties... SelectionContext *** Cop&y *** Select &All *** &Print... AnchorContext *** &Open Link *** Open Link in &New Window *** Open Link in &External Window *** Save Target &As... *** P&rint Target... *** Proper&ties... TocContext *** &Print... *** Print S&ubtopics... ResListContext *** Sort By(10) *** *** Column 1 *** *** Column 2 *** *** Column 3 *** *** Column 4 *** *** Column 5 *** *** Column 6 *** *** Column 7 *** *** Column 8 *** *** Column 9 *** *** Column 10 SQL Server Template Context Menu *** New(2) *** *** &Folder *** *** &Template *** &Open *** &Edit *** &Search... *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete SQL Server Category Context Menu *** New(2) *** *** &Folder *** *** &Template *** &Search... *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete Analysis Server Template Context Menu *** New(4) *** *** &Folder *** *** &DMX Template *** *** &MDX Template *** *** &XMLA Template *** &Open *** &Edit *** &Search... *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete Analysis Server Category Context Menu *** New(4) *** *** &Folder *** *** &DMX Template *** *** &MDX Template *** *** &XMLA Template *** &Search... *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete SQL Mobile Template Context Menu *** New(2) *** *** &Folder *** *** &Template *** &Open *** &Edit *** &Search... *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete SQL Mobile Category Context Menu *** New(2) *** *** &Folder *** *** &Template *** &Search... *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete Query Diagram Pane *** E&xecute SQL *** Add &Group By *** Change T&ype(6) *** *** &Select *** *** Insert &Results... *** *** Insert &Values *** *** &Update *** *** &Delete *** *** &Make Table... *** Add Ta&ble... *** Add New De&rived Table *** Pa&ne(4) *** *** &Diagram *** *** &Criteria *** *** &SQL *** *** &Results *** C&lear Results Query Diagram Table *** &Column Names *** &Name Only *** Select All Colu&mns *** Re&move Query Diagram Table Column *** Add to &Select *** Remove &Filter *** Sort &Ascending *** Sort &Descending Query Diagram Join Line *** Re&move *** Select All Ro&ws From *** S&elect All Rows From Query Diagram Multi-select *** Re&move Query Grid Pane *** E&xecute SQL *** Add &Group By *** Change T&ype(6) *** *** &Select *** *** Insert &Results... *** *** Insert &Values *** *** &Update *** *** &Delete *** *** &Make Table... *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Paste *** &Delete *** Pa&ne(4) *** *** &Diagram *** *** &Criteria *** *** &SQL *** *** &Results *** C&lear Results Query SQL Pane *** E&xecute SQL *** &Verify SQL Syntax *** Change T&ype(6) *** *** &Select *** *** Insert &Results... *** *** Insert &Values *** *** &Update *** *** &Delete *** *** &Make Table... *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Paste *** &Delete *** Select &All *** Pa&ne(4) *** *** &Diagram *** *** &Criteria *** *** &SQL *** *** &Results *** C&lear Results Query Results Pane *** E&xecute SQL *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Paste *** &Delete *** Pa&ne(4) *** *** &Diagram *** *** &Criteria *** *** &SQL *** *** &Results *** C&lear Results Database Designer *** New &Table... *** Add Ta&ble... *** &New Text Annotation *** &Paste *** Select &All *** Show Relationship &Labels *** Arran&ge Tables *** &Zoom(8) *** *** 200% *** *** 150% *** *** 100% *** *** 75% *** *** 50% *** *** 25% *** *** 10% *** *** To &Fit *** &View Page Breaks *** Re&calculate Page Breaks *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard Database Designer Table *** Table V&iew(6) *** *** &Standard *** *** &Column Names *** *** &Keys *** *** &Name Only *** *** C&ustom *** *** &Modify Custom ... *** Set Primary Ke&y *** Insert Colu&mn *** Delete Colum&n *** D&elete from Database *** Remo&ve from Diagram *** Add &Related Tables *** A&utosize Selected Tables *** &Arrange Selection *** Relations&hips... *** &Indexes/Keys... *** &Fulltext Index... *** &XML Indexes... *** Check C&onstraints... *** Generate Change &Script... Database Designer Relationship *** D&elete from Database Text Annotation *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Paste *** Select &All *** Set Text Annotation &Font... New Connection *** Re&fresh Test Menu *** change *** Process(1) *** *** change *** Writeback Options(1) *** *** change *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** Searc&h... *** Re&fresh *** P&roperties Server Menu *** &Disconnect *** &Start *** Pa&use *** S&top *** R&esume *** Rest&art *** Searc&h... *** &Filter *** Re&fresh *** P&roperties SQL Server script project folder node *** &New Connection *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** Check &Out for Edit *** Check &In *** View Pending C&heckins *** &Undo Checkout... *** Get &Latest Version *** &Get... *** View &History *** Properties &Window SQL Server script project folder node *** &New Query *** &New Template *** New &MDX Query *** New &DMX Query *** New &XMLA Query *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** Check &Out for Edit *** Check &In *** View Pending C&heckins *** &Undo Checkout... *** Get &Latest Version *** &Get... *** View &History *** Properties &Window SQL Server script project folder node *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** Check &Out for Edit *** Check &In *** View Pending C&heckins *** &Undo Checkout... *** Get &Latest Version *** &Get... *** View &History *** Properties &Window SQL Server script project connection node *** &New Query *** &Delete *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** Check &Out for Edit *** Check &In *** View Pending C&heckins *** &Undo Checkout... *** Get &Latest Version *** &Get... *** View &History *** Properties &Window SQL Server script project project node *** A&dd(9) *** *** E&xisting Package *** *** Add Existin&g Item... *** *** New Fol&der *** *** &New Connection *** *** &New Query *** *** &New Template *** *** New &MDX Query *** *** New &DMX Query *** *** New &XMLA Query *** &Save Selected Items *** &Add Solution to Source Control... *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control... *** Check &Out for Edit *** Check &In *** View Pending C&heckins *** &Undo Checkout... *** Get &Latest Version *** &Get... *** View &History *** Cu&t *** &Paste *** &Delete *** Rena&me *** Properties &Window SQL Server script project query node *** &Open *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Delete *** Rena&me *** Check &Out for Edit *** Check &In *** View Pending C&heckins *** &Undo Checkout... *** Get &Latest Version *** &Compare... *** &Get... *** View &History *** Properties &Window SQL Server script project template node *** &Edit Template *** &Open *** &Script *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Delete *** Rena&me *** Properties &Window SQL Files Editor Context *** Create a Region *** Parse Regions *** Add Debug Section *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Paste *** &Connection(4) *** *** &Connect... *** *** &Disconnect *** *** Disconnect &All Queries *** *** C&hange Connection... *** &Open Server in Object Explorer *** E&xecute *** Display Est&imated Execution Plan *** Analyze Query in Database Engine Tunin&g Advisor *** &Design Query in Editor... *** Incl&ude Actual Execution Plan *** Include C&lient Statistics *** &Results To(3) *** *** Results to Te&xt *** *** Results to &Grid *** *** Results to &File *** Properties &Window *** &Query Options... MDX Files Editor Context *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Paste *** &Connection(4) *** *** &Connect... *** *** &Disconnect *** *** Disconnect &All Queries *** *** C&hange Connection... *** &Open Server in Object Explorer *** E&xecute *** Display Est&imated Execution Plan *** Analyze Query in Database Engine Tunin&g Advisor *** Properties &Window *** &Query Options... XMLA Files Editor Context *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Paste *** &Connection(4) *** *** &Connect... *** *** &Disconnect *** *** Disconnect &All Queries *** *** C&hange Connection... *** &Open Server in Object Explorer *** E&xecute *** Display Est&imated Execution Plan *** Analyze Query in Database Engine Tunin&g Advisor *** Properties &Window *** &Query Options... XMLA Results Grid Tab Context *** Cop&y *** Select &All *** Select All *** Clear All XMLA Results Messages Tab Context *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move SQL Results Messages Tab Context *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard *** &Paste *** Rena&me *** &Delete *** D&elete from Database *** Re&move *** Sa&ve Results As... *** Page Set&up... *** Print Previe&w... *** &Print... *** Print S&ubtopics... *** Font SQL Results Grid Tab Context *** Cop&y *** Select &All *** Select All *** Clear All *** Sa&ve Results As... *** Page Set&up... *** Print Previe&w... *** &Print... *** Print S&ubtopics... *** Font Execution Plan Context *** Sa&ve Execution Plan As... *** Zoom In *** Zoom Out *** Custom Zoom... *** Zoom to Fit *** P&roperties SQL Templates Plan Context *** Cu&t *** Cop&y *** &Paste TopicMenu *** &Open *** Open in &New Window *** Cop&y *** A&dd to Help Favorites *** Copy Shor&tcut *** Open &Source *** O&pen Source in New Window *** Show &Abstract TopicMenu *** &Open *** Open in &New Window *** Cop&y *** A&dd to Help Favorites *** Copy Shor&tcut *** Show &Abstract Favorites Window Context Menu *** Move Up *** Move Down *** Rename *** &Delete PropertyBrowser *** &Reset *** &Commands *** &Description System *** &Restore *** &Move *** &Size *** Mi&nimize *** Ma&ximize *** &Close SSMS Tools Pack *** Search *** *** Add Debug Section *** Script Grid Results More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
Hi all, I have a MacBook Pro, 15", Intel Core 2 Duo. I run Windows Vista a lot via Boot Camp. I have an LG Flatron 22" external monitor hooked up via the DVI-VGA converter cable that came with the MacBook Pro. 1. I am trying to use the "Extend My Monitor" so that my MacBook Pro becomes the secondary monitor. It is to the left of my external monitor as I face it. But, for the life of me, I can't figure out how to make moving the mouse and windows to the left from my external monitor to the MacBook Pro monitor work. I am only able to move things right -- which makes it a little bit unnatural. Anyway to change the direction? 2. I can only get the screen saver to come on the external (primary)*monitor. How can I also make it come on the MacBook Pro monitor? Thanks. More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
- KMVU-TV Fox 26 <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> What Bugs Apple Fans Forbes, NY - 11 hours ago ... applications they've still got to have a copy of Windows somewhere on their Mac--and that means plunking down $200 for an editions of Windows Vista. ... Video: Apple launches web movie rentals reutersvideo Steve Jobs Ends the Applezoic Era Media 3.0 all 954 news articles More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
<img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Vista successor rumored to be on track for 2009 release engadget, CA - 57 minutes ago Just keep an eye on my purchases and you will know which versions of Windows to avoid. Wow, I'm surprise, are they dropping this like how they did ME? Vista ... More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
I approve. More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
Hi there, I need to write a PowerShell script which executes route add 212.29.xx.yy/zz where is dynamically assigned by a VPN client. This is an excerpt of what ipconfig outputs: PPP adapter*ACME Corporate VPN: ** Connection-specific DNS Suffix* . : ** IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : ** Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . : ** Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : Question: Is there any script which would just take the "" based on the "ACME Corporation" connection (because there are other IP addresses in the ipconfig output, too) and feeds it to the above command? Help is greatly appreciated. More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
<img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Vista successor rumored to be on track for 2009 release engadget, CA - 20 minutes ago Just keep an eye on my purchases and you will know which versions of Windows to avoid. Wow, I'm surprise, are they dropping this like how they did ME? Vista ... More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
I am in the process of upgrading our windows 2000 network to 2003.* I have purchased 2 new Domain Controllers that are only going to be used as DCs.* I am thinking about getting another server to be only DNS and DHCP.* Are there any other roles that I am not thinking about?* Please let me know what you guys think would be the best setup.* Thanks, Scott More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
- jamie wrote:those screen shots do illustrate one thing: the vista windows borders have got to go...*fat, big and dopey looking... *how about no border - just a*line? Hm... but how would you "grip" the window in order to resize it? The beta version of Safari which I have on Windows has no borders and I think it looks awful, not to mention no resize from all corners. Although the borders might take some small space, I think the Vista windows borders are pretty good looking, it gives a glassy feeling to the whole window. Specially with that bluish line on right and bottom borders. ( started a new thread for this since I thought it might be fun to discuss GUI changes in another thread than fake windows 7 screenies ) More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
<img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Exploit available for year's first critical Windows bug Computerworld, MA - 48 minutes ago Microsoft, which had dubbed the vulnerability as critical on both Windows XP SP2 and Windows Vista, patched the bug nearly two weeks ago. ... More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
<img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Exploit available for year's first critical Windows bug Computerworld, MA - 9 minutes ago Microsoft, which had dubbed the vulnerability as critical on both Windows XP SP2 and Windows Vista, patched the bug nearly two weeks ago. ... More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
What do you guys think of this UI: I think it's pretty sweet and I'd love to see something like that here on 9, what about you? :D More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
I caught up with the venerable Erik Meijer recently to discuss functional programming languages, academic versus real-world application of functional programming languages (there are very good reasons why people don't program Windows applications in, say, Haskell...) and, well, Erik. Why does Erik work here? What's his history?* Of course, as an academic type (he also ships software so he's not purely academic... Is that "dishonest", Erik? :)), Erik is a big fan of strict functional or pure functional, as it were. Erik uses the term "dishonest" when it comes to languages that are not functionally pure. Please remember that Erik is not a native English speaker and so his use of the term "dishonest" isn't precise (he's talking about purity, not about truth. Nor does this mean that functional or semi-functional languages that are note purely functional are flawed ...). As always, it's a tremendous pleasure to talk with and learn from Erik.*We can all thank Erik and team for many of the innovations modern day programmers take for granted on the*MS stack *(there would be LINQ right now without Erik's contributions, for one example...). This is a deep interview and Erik spends most of the time on the whiteboard. Enjoy. There's lots to learn in this one... Listen to the podcast(MP3) Listen to the podcast(WMA) Download the Video Watch the Video More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
I'm wondering how else a site like this would be possible using anything but Silverlight? It's very well made and work so smooth. It's a great demo for what's possible in Silverlight. More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds
<img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Exploit available for year's first critical Windows bug Computerworld, MA - 3 minutes ago Microsoft, which had dubbed the vulnerability as critical on both Windows XP SP2 and Windows Vista, patched the bug nearly two weeks ago. ... More... View All Our Microsoft Related Feeds