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Plastic Nev

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Everything posted by Plastic Nev

  1. If you wear a watch with a metallic expanding wrist strap, or you wear a copper bracelet, all you need is a length of very flexible cable, connected by wrapping round the bracelet, and a crocodile clip on the other end.
  2. Who are, and at what? is the question I hear. Let me explain, I found in my MSN E Mail junk box an interesting mail, I do look in there now and then just in case something that I should look at, has been sent there by the anti-spam filter. Any way the gist of the mail was- "that it was the umpteenth time that I have asked you to do something about your inheritance, this is the last time I shall contact you to make your claim" etc. It was very well written and was supposed to have come from a solicitor, incidentally, the only way I could have responded would have been by the reply box, as there was no obvious E Mail address to send a reply to. Ok, so how does this make it an attempted scam? First point is that no solicitor would likely use only an MSN E mail address to try to contact someone who is a genuine recipient of an inheritance. Even if only armed with an MSN E Mail address, they would make much effort to try to trace me in order to try to get in touch in a more direct way. My particular E Mail address actually will lead to a direct connection to my postal address, a bit convoluted perhaps, but to a solicitor with the right knowledge, that would be child's play. Secondly it is general practice for those in the real solicitors business to say words along the lines "Please get in touch with our office as we have some information to your benefit" or similar. They generally do not mention the word inheritance, it is breaking the rules. Also, The last point being that nowhere in the original scam mail was my real name used. So how would they try to extract money or other goodies from me? Simple, if I had replied to that mail, they would then have direct access to my MSN E Mail address. Being a scam mail, it will have been sent to thousands if not millions of addresses. So they would then have sent me a request for bank account details so they can pay in the so called inheritance. Unfortunately for those who fall for it, that is the opposite of what happens, they clear your account taking everything in it. Be ever vigilant, and always remember, if it looks too good to be true. then it is.
  3. Hi Tony, can you give us some details of the make, model number etc, device manager should tell you that, but on the off chance it doesn't you may have to take the cover off and look at its label. Also has it ever recorded to a blank disk in the past? and if so how long since? If unsure how to find "Device manager" Click start, then run. Type devmgmt.msc in the box and click OK. then select CD/DVD drives and double click on the CD drive. Please bear in mind though that the burning head is a different bit from the read head, it just may have failed, in which case you would need a new drive. However we will first try to get it to work if it will.
  4. Happy birthday mate, I hope you have a good one.
  5. As a follow up, please let us know if the antimalware routine worked or not, there could well be other issues, regarding things like correct permissions to delete these empty folders and desktop icons. This may entail going into safe mode or at least verifying that you have complete administration rights on your computer. Don't worry about it though, as we can help you through all that should it prove necessary.
  6. I must admit my original post was aimed at the UK rather than the rest of the world and I do take your point, there is a similarity to the round pin round plug in a large part of the rest of Europe too. They do also have an earth or safety return connection, but only on some types of outlet as I recall from my last visit to Switzerland. It seems the UK is unique in this as the now common standard three pin 13 amp fused plug superseded a none fused round pinned 5 amp or 15 amp plug. However the shape and configuration of pins was not dissimilar to the modern 13 amp plug. The end view of a 13 amp plug pin is rectangular in shape.
  7. Hi, you may just have some malware causing that. Please follow all the steps below Your computer may be infected with Malware. Malware is software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the owner's informed consent. It is a combination of the words malicious and software. The expression is a general term used by computer professionals to mean a variety of forms of hostile, intrusive, or annoying software or program code. We would be grateful if you could please note the following: Please disable your resident security applications (such as AVG, Spybot, WinPatrol, etc.) before performing the below procedure so that they do not interfere with the process. Perform all the steps in the order listed to avoid any conflicts. If unsure, please stop and post your concerns. You might be required to go offline during the disinfection process. Therefore, it is recommended that you print these instructions for ease of reference. If you stick to the above guidelines, all should go smoothly. STEP 1 Download ATF-Cleaner by Atribune. Save the file to your Desktop. Double-click on the file to run the program. On the Main tab, check the Select All button. Next, click on the Firefox tab (if applicable) and check the Select All button. Note: If you would like to preserve your saved passwords in Firefox, then click No at the corresponding prompt. Now, click on the Opera tab (if applicable) and check the Select All button. Note: If you would like to preserve your saved passwords in Opera click No at the corresponding prompt. Press the Empty Selected button and click OK to acknowledge the corresponding prompt. Click on the Exit button to quit the program. [*] STEP 2 Please click here to download Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware. Save the file to your Desktop. Double-click mbam-setup.exe and follow the prompts to install the program. At the end, make sure a check mark is placed next to: Update Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Launch Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware [*] Click Finish. [*] The program will download and update itself if necessary. Please allow this. [*] Once the program has loaded, select Perform full scan, then click Scan. Note: Depending on your computer specifications, the scan may take some time to complete. Please wait patiently and do not interrupt the process. [*] When the scan is complete, click OK, and then Show Results. [*] Make sure that every entry is selected, and click Remove Selected. [*] Restart your computer. [*] STEP 3 Please click here to download SUPERAntiSpyware (Free Version). Save the file to your Desktop. Double-click SUPERAntiSpyware.exe and follow the prompts to install the program. Open SUPERAntiSpyware. Under Configuration and Preferences, click the Preferences button. Click the Scanning Control tab. Under Scanner Options make sure the following fields checked: Close browsers before scanning Scan for tracking cookies Terminate memory threats before quarantining [*] Click the Close button to leave the control center screen. [*] On the main screen, under Scan for Harmful Software click Scan your computer. [*] On the left, make sure you check mark C:\Fixed Drive. [*] On the right, under Complete Scan, choose Perform Complete Scan. [*] Click Next to start the scan. Please be patient while it scans your computer. [*] After the scan is complete, a Scan Summary box will appear with potentially harmful items that were detected. Click OK. [*] Make sure every entry has a check mark next to it and click Next. [*] A notification will appear that Quarantine and Removal is Complete. Click OK and then Finish to return to the main menu. [*] Restart your computer. [*] STEP 4 Please visit the ESET Online Scanner, using Internet Explorer and initiate the scan. Note: If you are running Windows Vista, then you will need Administrative privileges to complete the latter part of the procedure. To do so, right-click on the Internet Explorer icon in the Start Menu and select the Run As Administrator option in the shell context menu. Check mark the YES, I accept the Terms of Use box. Click the Start button. Click the Install button on the screen that appears. Click Start. This will will initialize and update the scanner engine. Check mark the box beside Remove found threats. Click the Scan button. This will start the scan. Please be patient while it is in progress. Restart your computer. [*] STEP 5 Click on Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools and select System Restore. Choose the radio button marked Create a Restore Point on the first screen and click Next. Give the restore point a name then click Create. The new point will be stamped with the current date and time. Keep a note of this so you can find it easily should you need to use System Restore. Next, click on Start > Run, type Cleanmgr and click on OK. Click on the More Options tab. Click the Clean Up button in the System Restore section to remove all previous restore points except the most recent one. This will remove any infected files that have been backed up by Windows. The files in "System Restore" are protected to prevent any programs changing them. This method is the only foolproof way to ensure the their deletion. Note: Please don't use this on a regular basis as it will clear all previous restore points. The feature might be very useful to revert your computer to working condition if something goes wrong. Re-enable all your security applications and, please, return here and tell us how the computer seems to be operating. Happy Safe Computing!
  8. OK, a general sort of bit of thinking, a lot of folk will have their computer tower box, either stood on the floor or on a low shelf of their desk. This means to get the lid off and do a cleaning job it may well be laid down on the floor carpet. Most carpets may have some element of artificial yarn spun into the thread or the pile and can therefore be a source of static build up, especially in the person, hence the advice to earth yourself. If the machine itself is disconnected entirely from the mains by pulling the plug out, it actually matters not at all, so long as you touch and maintain a contact to the case, doing so will balance any voltages present through static, so there will be no potential difference between you and the case. So there can be no spark jump from you to a sensitive component and damage it. Maintaining that balance is the important thing. However without a connection to earth, at some later date when the computer is plugged back into the main wall socket, it could be possible to have many thousands of volts of static residing in the case, so a spark could be observed jumping from the earth pin of the plug to the wall socket. Even so that should not do any harm to the internal circuits, so long as the earth wiring is properly connected at both ends.
  9. Go on, click on it to see. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y282/plasticpig/howtoconfuseanidiot.png So how many times did you click before you realised you had been fooled? I won't believe you if you say you didn't.
  10. A couple of funny animal pictures. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y282/plasticpig/funny_cat_pictures_023.jpg Definitely a cat and mouse thing. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y282/plasticpig/image01414.jpg
  11. Hi as Randy said we are not able to do a proper analysis of a HJT log at the moment, however I do see in the running processes you have both the Norton antivirus and personal firewall, but also Avira anti-virus both running.This in itself may be the cause of your problem as two anti-virus programs running at once will conflict, especially so in this case, as Norton is famouse for heavy conflicts with other anti-virus software. I personally would ask you to remove Norton and use the Avira. Use this tool to remove Norton-- Download and run the Norton Removal Tool Then look at our recomendations for security software regarding a good firewall, plus the installation of other anti-malware products, here- http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/malware-removal-av-firewalls-etc/3597-free-pc-help-recommended-security-products.html
  12. Glad you managed to overcome the main problem, but do follow our procedure as beeceebee gave now that you can, just to make sure you have got all traces removed, otherwise it may come back, or there may also be other malware still there. Do keep the Superantispyware and also the Malwarebytes, and use them both to do regular scans. Remember to update each before a scan.
  13. Hello Lotti my friend, I hope we can sort things out for you, and welcome to another friendly forum. Nev.
  14. Providing you can install from a disk you may still not be able to open and run the program, if that happens, right click on the program icon, and choose to rename it. give it a name you can remember then try to run the program again. if all that fails, I assume you have another good and clean computer and can give you instructions for a last resort, but that will involve removing the hard drive from the infected machine, so I will need to know if you are happy in doing that.
  15. Hi Mara, I never get the chance to help you, someone gets there before me ha ha. However I do hope that the new drivers have done the job and everything is now OK. However if not, you know we will continue to help.
  16. Hi Neil, welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help by the way. What you need are some radio frequency filters, these will eliminate the radio signal and prevent it from getting into your speakers. They are reasonably easy to install and are most likely available from somewhere like Maplin, Tandy, Radio Shack or any specialised radio and electronic shop in your area. If you get a decent assistant, they will explain how to fit them, but they go in your speaker cables, or any cable that supplies the sound before it gets to the amplifier if your speaker system has one. (I haven't checked that yet). In essence they are a ring of ferrite and you wind the cable around the ring, two or three turns is usually enough, though you may be able to get the clip over type which are even easier to use.
  17. In fact I have seen elsewhere that the Comodo anti-virus part of the firewall download has been specially constructed or configured in such a way as to not conflict with other anti-virus programs. This does indeed appear to be true as I run Avast, another good program, along with Comodo without any detectable problem.
  18. Did someone mention music? Oh hello Squeak, welcome and hope you get the best out of the forum, and as you may guess I am a cornet player in a Brass Band.
  19. It is also possible that some, if not all of the programs have had some small amount of file damage from the malware now removed. The only cure for that I am afraid is to uninstall the programs and re-install them. However follow Beeceebees advice first before any need to look at that.
  20. Hi Ross, first have a look at what we recommend here mate- http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/malware-removal-av-firewalls-etc/3597-free-pc-help-recommended-security-products.html I would indeed go for Comodo, do remember to turn off the windows firewall before starting Comodo after downloading it. Also get the Malwarebytes on board and Superantispyware. Winpatrol also is a good one to have, as is SpywareBlaster, they are both real time protection. Your Avira I would keep, but don't install and run more than one anti-virus. You can have as many general anti-malware products as you like so long as they are known good ones, so for now leave on what you already have if you wish, though you will be advised some are getting outdated. Webroot is a perhaps on that score, but it is up to you.
  21. Hi and welcome, Caswilf to free PC help, and hope you get the help you may need.
  22. Hi Ross, and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. I am glad we have already helped you out, and now you have joined us we are here for any more problems you may have, plus if you see something you can help with, do join in. Nev.
  23. Good old Spam eh. Now a dirty word on the internet LOL, but it is quite a reasonable canned food and also, the what I consider the the British equivalent, corned beef. great in a sandwich with salad, or sliced and fried with a breakfast etc. Those sausages do look great Polo, however we do get an equivalent up here in both Lancashire and Yorkshire, that being the traditional Cumberland sausage. It also is large in diameter and filled with chunky meat. Lovely things.
  24. Hi Sondrio, do you still get the message about the drivers and have you tried to update them? Try here for either new or updated drivers.- Toshiba - Download drivers: If any further problem can you let us know the exact model number of your Equium.
  25. After a conversation which reminded me of this, I had a friend who's answer phone message was this- "Hello, thanks for calling. The answer phone is away on holiday at the moment and this is the refrigerator speaking, please leave your message after the tone, and I will stick it on my door with a magnet. Has any one heard, or read of, any other silly or daft messages.
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