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Everything posted by AWS

  1. Should be fixed. I forgot to reset permissions.
  2. Something for me to look at.Must be a permission I missed.
  3. It's here http://extremetechsupport.com/search?searchJSON=%7B%22view%22%3A%22topic%22%2C%22unread_only%22%3A1%2C%22sort%22%3A%7B%22lastcontent%22%3A%22desc%22%7D%2C%22exclude_type%22%3A%5B%22vBForum_PrivateMessage%22%5D%7D On the test site there is a new posts link as well as the number of new posts as a tooltip on new posts. Of course there has to be new posts.
  4. We are looking at migrating from vbulletin to xenForo as our forum software. The move will add more features to make it easier for members to use the site. The timeline is as follows: Install xenForo on a test site to get user input. ....Done Get input from the members on what they like or dislike. ....In process If members agree it is best to migrate the site start prep work to make it so. Import the data and open up on new software. The test site is at http://xf.freepchelp.uk. You will be able to log in with the same log in that you use here. As you see the test site now is as it will be when we migrate. Please take the time to visit the test site and give some feedback as to your thoughts on the new software. We want to make your experience better and believe that moving to a more modern software will do so. Since it is a test site any posts made on the test site will be removed when the final data import happens so please leave your feedback and comments on this site.
  5. I miss that feature from my other forum. Unfortunately vbulletin doesn't have the feature built in. It's quote all or nothing. The good news is that we are in process of looking at migrating to xenforo which does have a feature to quote highlighted text.
  6. Had this happen to me today. Had to use force quit to get Chrome to shutdown.
  7. Before I purchased the community I took a look back in time using http://web.archive.org. What I saw was a site that was active with a great team leading it and a group of members that were loyal to the site. That wasn't so very long ago. I am unsure how or why FPCH seemed to lose it's way. I do know that I plan to put it back on course. One thing I noticed was the magazine site. There were some great articles posted on that site. I don't know why that part of the site was removed. I do know that any loss of user sign ups and traffic is related to that part of the site being closed. Content is King. Prospective users love it. The search engines love it. Google especially likes articles, guides and tutorials. While I do have the database for that part of the site I don't have the images or any of the site files. I could bring it back, but, without the images I don't know if the content will be as good. I will do a test and see what it looks like. If it looks good I'll put it back online. So onward and upward we are headed. As you can see we now have some new tools to help create more content. There is a CMS and a blog. Anyone that is a current member and any new users can create a blog. For new users the blog is moderated so no spam gets through. For active users with more then 5 posts and staff if you create a blog any content you add is posted immediately. Looking to the future I see FPCH and https://freepchelpforum.com our sister site as the 2 best tech help communities on the internet. When I tried to buy FPCH a few years ago I envisioned this site and my other tech site being the best. It didn't happen then, but, it will happen now.
  8. Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help is now on the new server and the software has been upgraded to the newest version of vBulletin. If you find any bugs as you browse the site please let me know by posting in the Suggestions and Feedback forum. Thanks for being patient while I was moving and upgrading the site. It didn't go as smooth as I had hoped.
  9. My name is Bob and I have acquired the community from Mohammad. I have been building forum communities for many years and hope to use my experience to make this site into the best it can be. I look forward to getting to know all of the users. I will always be available when you need me. What is in store for the future you ask? I will be moving the site to my servers. This is ongoing as I type this. Once the server move is complete I will upgrade the site to the newest version of vBulletin. During the server move and upgrade downtime should be minimal. It should only be the length of time it takes for DNS to propagate. Once the move and upgrade is complete I will start the process to migrate the site to xenForo. I woud like to keep it on vBulletin, but, version 4 of the product as at end of life and vBulletin 5 is just unusable at this point in time. I will not do the change until I let you, the members, discuss the pro's and cons of the move. Please let me know what you want to see changed or what you would like to see from the site and I will see what I can do to. In the words of Captain Piccard I will "make it so".
  10. You're welcome.
  11. I'll take a look at spam filters. Might be a little too strong.
  12. I have the same mouse and the rubber on the wheel is also gone. Still works fine. Maybe a small piece of the rubber has lodged itself on the contact point for the wheel. You could try to dislodge it with something thin enough to fit the opening on the side of the wheel.
  13. You are using an old version of software which as you found out is not compatible with Windows 7. Here is a link to the newest version which will work with Windows 7. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=26948
  14. Hi Cindy. This has been an on again off again site for a couple years. I used it as a test bed mostly. I decided to open it up again when I found I had an extra license for xenforo. Mostly just threads pulled from Technet right now.
  15. Hope you come back now that the site is open again.
  16. I installed it on my main computer last night. All ready for the RTM when it's time.
  17. Hi, my name is Bernard Colin from Mauritius. I have tried to cancel the reservation by following the Windows 10 FAQ link. Steps taken : 1. Right clicked on Windows 10 icon at bottom right of taskbar. 2. Selected Check your upgrade status. 3. Mentioned on the above link that the 3rd step is select cancel your reservation-that option is not available for me. Kindly help me out. Thanks in advance. Regards Bernard View this thread
  18. My hp 2000 which came with windows defender and Norton crashed about 4 months ago when I was updating it after it said to restart it. When i restarted it, it started to run really slow then it said your PC had trouble starting up" so I called hp and they told me to try a hard reset but when I did it asked for a reinstallation disc but my laptop did not come with one so how do I fix my laptop? View this thread
  19. when completing a scan thru security essentials i am asked if i want to have disc cleaned thru RE. i am wary of dangerous sites and would like to know if this is a microsoft approved site [Original title: robin macdonald] View this thread
  20. I can't find the windows 10 icon in my task bar for the windows 10 upgrade i tried uninstalling KB3035583 and installing back but i still can't see it please i'll appreciate it if anybody help me View this thread
  21. I've been noticing some really strange traffic via my router lately. Do not know how it even got there tbh. Been making sure to scan anything that I've downloaded and they've all come up clean. And it's been through safe channels. I've run Avast and it's come up clean, I've run Super Anti Spyware and it came up clean same with Malwarebytes. Here's what I've run into: http://extremetechsupport.com/data/MetaMirrorCache/e03aaa85f1a5f0986a26301f872df15d._.png http://extremetechsupport.com/data/MetaMirrorCache/ef6fd4eaf647e931df946a718f3aca51._.png http://extremetechsupport.com/data/MetaMirrorCache/47e1d50331ad06b97ae6b20526545e52._.png http://extremetechsupport.com/data/MetaMirrorCache/48d673df6c66d4109ebca91f1782b8bb._.png This is really concerning. What I've been through so far: Seriously Google... /facepalm Was trying to look up 'glen morgan not doing home x files' and it wouldn't load. Checked my internet speed and it was normal, running around 23mbps. Purposeful slowdown anyone -_-? This happened on both Chrome and Firefox. Was looking for a recent X Files revival article. Thanks for nothing, AT&T. Ok did some more looking and this is just getting weirder and weirder. Looks like my router is being ddos'd somehow. INF 2015-06-04T22:29:38-04:00 fw,fwmon src= dst= ipprot=6 sport=443 dport=443 TCP SYN Packet Dropped The above is what keeps on showing up. Blocked the bastard. But I ran into a few others yesterday that did this too. But I'm wondering if the above might have caused the slow down via Google search. Best guess is that maybe they were ddos'ing Google at the time? And my router happened to be in the way... Checked the times when it was around: It seemed to go from 10:29pm to around 10:44pm. Any other ways to stop this stuff would be welcome. As I'm at wits end here O_O. I've run anti virus scans recently and they've come up clean. Will be double checking though to make sure things are ok. Edit: It's still continuing. This is really starting to **** me off. I'm beginning to wonder if I've been compromised somehow. Edit, Edit: Did a reboot/reset and it worked for a bit. But sadly the damn address came back AGAIN and is once again TCP SYN attacking. This is really making me angry now. Did some more digging and it seems to be connected to Google Chrome some how, I double checked things and it hasn't shown up via Firefox. This new traffic I found today was via Firefox. So now it's looking more and more like a virus, malware or spyware. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Also, the blanks on the pictures are where my ip address would be, edited those out for security reasons. That was a HUGE red flag to me, seeing it drop TCP SYN packets to another ip address I've never visited. Edit: Just finished a Spybot scan and it came up clean too. This is driving me nuts. View this thread
  22. When will I know if the Windows 10 update is downloading? I have limited internet and my connection rolls over tomorrow with 4GB left and I wanted to download the update with the remaining data. Thank you View this thread
  23. My question is this. Once I install the Windows 10 upgrade is this a full system upgrade. In other words if I need to reload my computer do I have to install my Windows 7 first and then install Windows 10 or can I just install the Windows 10? View this thread
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