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Everything posted by AWS

  1. I have windows 8 PC. Installed is Netprotectplus. The Action centre on computer is throwing up a red flag advising my computer is at risk. Windows defender and McFee anti virus are turned off, as are windows firewall and McFee firewall. I'm concerned the PC is at risk but lack knowledge of what to do. View this thread
  2. How would I know if Dr. Watson is ok or not for my computer? I didn't install it myself but my cousin cleaned it up for me a couple months ago. If it wrecks computers how do get it off and will the damage be permanent? View this thread
  3. Attempts to start the Windows Firewall from the Control Panel, result in error message "Due to an unidentified problem, Windows cannot display Windows Firewall settings." And, the Services tab is inspected, Windows Firewall is not listed. This problem started a few days ago as a result of some malware that infected the PC. I believe the malware is gone now. At least the Microsoft Security Scanner (msert.exe), MalwareBytes and Hitman Pro all report no issues - even after a reboot and use of Internet Explorer. Belowis the list of malware stopped/removed chronologically, by tool. Threats stopped by TrendMico Antivirus: Threat Files Affected Mal_Xin12 C:RECYLERS-1-5-21-3319695166-3526112567-1141$a7f1669b049d81421a31d2a5a58d40af@ Mal_Xin12 C:RECYLERS-1-5-18$a7f1669b049d81421a31d2a5a58d40af@ Mal_Xin12 C:RECYLERS-1-5-18$a7f1669b049d81421a31d2a5a58d40af@ Mal_Xin12 C:RECYLERS-1-5-18$a7f1669b049d81421a31d2a5a58d40af@ TROJ_GEN.RCBCDL6 C:RECYLERS-1-5-18$a7f1669b049d81421a31d2a5a58d40afU000000a.@ TROJ_ZEROA.SM2 C:RECYLERS-1-5-18$a7f1669b049d81421a31d2a5a58d40afU800000cb.@ TROJ_SPRN.03L812 C:RECYLERS-1-5-18$a7f1669b049d81421a31d2a5a58d40afU80000000.@ TROJ_SPRN.03L812 C:RECYLERS-1-5-18$a7f1669b049d81421a31d2a5a58d40afU80000000.@ JAVA_EXPLOIT.JS C:Documents and SettingsApplication DataSunJavaDeploymentcache6.04647861 dee-5378mordorgorlum.class JAVA_EXPLOIT.JS C:Documents and SettingsApplication DataSunJavaDeploymentcache6.04647861 dee-5378gendalfpoison.class JAVA_EXPLOIT.JS C:Documents and SettingsApplication DataSunJavaDeploymentcache6.04647861 dee-5378gendalflightening.class JAVA_EXPLOIT.JS C:Documents and SettingsApplication DataSunJavaDeploymentcache6.04647861 dee-5378gendalffrost.class JAVA_RILLY.AB C:Documents and SettingsLocal SettingsTempjar_cache2208438118051375752.tmpMilliap.class TROJ_GEN.R3BCDLM C:Documents and SettingsApplication DataSunJavaDeploymentcache6.0251d98d5d9-6495f90 TROJ_GEN.R3BCDLM C:Documents and SettingsTempNQLUTT.exe Threats stopped by Microsoft Saftey Scanner 1.0.3001.0: Trojan: Win32/Medfos.A Trojan: Win32/Medfos.B (partially) Rogue: Win32/WinWebsec Trojan: JS/Medfos.A Trojan: JS/Tracor.F Trojan Downloader: Win32/Karagamy.I Threats removed by Hitman Pro (the log can be forwarded if it's helpful): Malware: rfweit Trojan: n Trojan: n No threats were found or removed by MalwareBytes. I'm running Windows XP sp3 with all but the very latest updates. The latest update were released just after the problem started so I'm holding off installing the updates until this issue is resolved. As part of the virus removal, all versions of Java have been removed from the PC. At this point, I think I just need help getting Windows Firewall working again unless I'm unknowingly missing something. Can you help? Thanks in advance! View this thread
  4. Auf Änderungen z. B. von Grafikrahmen reagiert das Programm extrem langsam. View this thread
  5. I keep getting the error message 80070426. I follow all the instructions to fix the problem and it will not fix. Can someone please help me on this matter? View this thread
  6. "WindowsUpdate_8024A000 OR WindowsUpdate_dt000" View this thread
  7. At Windows startup, a box appears like the following, sometimes with different code errors that reads, "Windows-Application Eror" - unknown software exception 0x40000015 occurred in the application at location 0x012d0ebd View this thread
  8. i got a new laptop and i have about 50 updates to install and every time i restart my computer to install the updates it gets to 15% and then it stops and says that the updates failed and it will revert. View this thread
  9. Tijdens het installeren van twee belangrijker (update) bestanden, geeft het systeem een foutcode. Code 8024200D View this thread
  10. It says invalid format when I type my 6 digit postal code in the field specified.. View this thread
  11. I too am having problems with the recent Windows update (20/12/2012) I am not that good with computers so why should it be left to me to sort out this problem. I have held off installing updates because I keep getting BSOD after them. View this thread
  12. Coundn't install the following: Messenger, mail, Photo Gallery & Movie Maker, Writer, Windows Live Mesh, Famly safety, Messenger Companion View this thread
  13. system progressive protection rogue View this thread
  14. Can anyone assist My web browser keeps defaulting to the following http://home.sweetim.com and I can not get rid of it!! I have run all sorts of Spyware detection but all are negative - what can I do? Thanks Dave View this thread
  15. The Windows update harms everytime my pc, it lose some hardware and is not able to start the laptop. So i need to clear the whole laptop and reinstall the programms (inclusive kaspersky which i paid 35€). After three days i need to update it again. Please fix this update bug ! View this thread
  16. Updating definitions fails. No error message. Update page says "virus and spyware definitions: created 90 days ago" "Definitions created on 1/1/2013 "Definition last updated 4/1/2013" How can that be. Time warp maybe? Windows 7 64bit Virus and spyware version 1.141.2933.0 View this thread
  17. Buenas, Creo que tengo un troyano en el ordenador desde el 8/12/2012. Por mis consultas a internet creo que es Lyposit.B, aunque no puedo estar seguro. Me mostró un mensaje tipo: "El equipo ha sido bloqueado por violar las leyes de España", y un largo etc. solicitando el pago de una multa para desbloquear la computadora. Apagué el ordenador ya que me lo dejó bloqueado y al encenderlo busqué información por internet para intentar averiguar que tipo de malware/troyano/virus podría ser y eliminé alguna entrada en el registro de windows. Como esta "C:Documents and SettingsPropietarioConfiguración localDatos de programaqzbtSlShie.exe" en: key-current-user -> software-> microsoft ->command processor También instalé diferentes programas anti-malware gratuitos como "Malwarebytes Anti-Malware", pero ¿¿¿ ninguno parece limpiar la infección???. El problema que ahora tengo es que no consigo instalar completamente ningún programa antivirus. En general el programa se instala por no consigue dejar activo el servicio de análisis en tiempo real, y me indica que el ordenador está en peligro. El último que he intentado instalar es Microsoft Security Essentials, y me vuelve a pasar lo mismo. Se instala, pero me indica que el estado del equipo es "en riesgo", y la protección en tiempo real está desactivada. La opción para activarla no funciona y acaba dando un mensaje de error porque se agota el tiempo de espera. Código de error 0x800705b4 ¿Alguna solución? Gracias a todos y un cordial saludo, View this thread
  18. I'm trying to install MSE, but keep getting the following error message. System.Componentmodel.Win32Exception: The system cannot find the file specified at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start with Shell ExecuteEx(process Start Info startinfo) at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo.startinfo) at System.Diagnostice.Process.Start(StringfileName.Stringarguments) at My Downloader.IEPlugIn.IEMD.DownloadURL(Stringurl) View this thread
  19. I have picked up the PC MightyMax 2012 malware on my laptop. I am running Windows XP with the latest updates. My antivirus program is Microsoft Essentials. I have run a quick scan with no results. I have also run Microsoft Malware Removal tool with no results. PC MightyMax program does not show up on the installed list when I check the ADD/Removal programs. There is a pop-up that appears at times on the computer that says I have 856 problems on the laptop. I am currently running a full scan with Microsoft Essentials so far nothing has shown up. I have also run MALWAREBytes - Anti Malware. PC MightyMax 2012 still has not been removed from the system. Any Suggestions? View this thread
  20. BONJOUR J,'ai desproblemes pour desinstaller avas antivirus View this thread
  21. Hi, Have just got a new Hp 2211x pc.----problem is I've tried everything in my little brain to turn on windows defender ,BUT CAN'T.It came with built in windows and Norton free, Norton is upgraded to full now .please not im not a computer head,so please advise in baby turms-thankyou.ps its windows 8 View this thread
  22. MSE won't run scan even though I changed the time of scan. Checked to see if Ccleaner had, 'MS Antimalware' and MS Management Console' unchecked , it is. How long will I have to wait until it will scan by it's self.....10hrs or 24hrs? I can do it manually, but won't tell me if it will ever scan again. Thanks for any help.... ` View this thread
  23. When I reboot my computer, the icon for Micro Sec Essen does NOT appear in the task bar. This started a few weeks ago. When I check security in the control panel, it says it is running. so, I click on it under all programs in the start menu and the icon appears. How do I get the icon to appear automatically when I reboot? View this thread
  24. microsoft fixit detected a problem in systems update componants but ı dont know how to fix that.If you know please send the solution View this thread
  25. I have tried to update while turning security off and it says update successful but then it says it failed on the windows update list. I am thinking of reformatting my computer but that is a pain in the butt. Any advice would be very helpful. Plus I have a stuttering problem on audio and visual players. ARRRRGGGHHH! View this thread
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