I have tried repeatedly to instal Microsoft Security Essentials on an old Gateway that has Windows Vista.
The problem that keeps on occurring is during installation, a prompt will appear that has to do with the location that the file should be saved or something along the lines of some sort of program that the MSE program should be saved within. However, when this
happens I become a bit baffled and have tried almost every sort of file.
If I go to cancel the prompt, the MSE program will not install.
Then it states that it is Error code:0x8004FF84
I have approached the steps provided on the help website, however, none of them have aided at all.
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After booting up, a windows alert appears in the system tray with a message that Microsoft Security Essentials is tuned off while MSE shows PC is fully protected
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I bought windows 8 a while ago, it was working perfectly fine.
but a couple of days ago, it updated automatically, after the restart, it froze on the start menu,
I scanned for viruses and found nothing, and used the dvd to restore windows, and still nothing ...
so what should I do ?
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This is the second time in 2 months. The background was different and a bunch of gadgets appeared on a side bar that I never have on my desk top. When I tried to get onto internet for some answers I found my home page had been hijacked by Yahoo. I never
use yahoo nor do I use the AOL stuff that appeared as a separate tab.
Since the first time this happened a couple of months ago I have been denied access to "my documents", and some others, and left with no solution to regain that access or reason why this happened.
The experience the first time was frightening and I restored my computer to an earlier date. I then, out of fear, went through a process of checking all of my financial links and ran a full credit check to get some piece of mind that this was not a tampering
issue caused by a bug, worm or other computer predator.
How can I stop this from happening again and how can I regain the access to my files that have been saved?
I am not very high tech so need some layman guidance on this issue.
Thank you to anyone who can help
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I'm currently trying to create a multi-boot laptop. I'm planning on having MS-DOS, Windows 95, Windows XP and Windows Vista. I've installed MS-DOS 6.22 (after several issues) but now I don't know how to get Windows 95 installed. I think that the CD-ROM
drive isn't being recognised but to be honest I am useless with DOS so may be missing something obvious. Anyone able to give step-by-step instructions, with the assumption that I won't understand abbreviations for anything?
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When I click on "fix it" the windowsupdate.diagcab file downloads. When I attempt to open it, I get an "unknown file type" error. Why? How to fix?
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I know that ms security essentials is not compatible with windows 8, when upgrading do i have to uninstall that before i upgrade or will that be done automatically when upgrading?
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I just installed update KB2753842 . W7. I have restarted . I can no longer open any pdf files . I have downloaded and installed Adobe Reader #11 . Still can not open pdfs .
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I am unable to install sp 1. it says it is installed successfully but when i try to install nortn360, it says it does not have sp1, and norton techsupport also says it is not on my computer as they looked for themselves.
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I have not been able to get any positive results after having tried all of the fixes to this type of error listed in the forums and anywhere i can find info about it. Now my update cache is blank, it wont show me any updates that had been installed. I
have deleted the downloaded files, run fixit, run automatic troubleshooter, run System Update readiness tool, tried everything - nothing seems to get me past or being able to complete the downloads.
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Im trying to update Windows live without success.. I keep getting a message that says an old messenger cannot be removed contact technical support. Any ideas?? Thanks
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Hallo, die letzten 7 Updates, (KB2760410), (KB2687501), (KB2687508), (KB982726), (KB2598242), (KB2687510), (KB2760416) lassen sich nicht installieren.
Bitte um eine Lösung.
Walter Schmitt
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Window 7 Update downloads and goes to pending but fails to install upon restart. Followed MS instructions to restart in Safe Mode (also tried Clean Restart). Update will not run in Safe Mode even though MS instructions say to do that. What do I need to
do to enable my computer to be able to install MS Updates?
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xp mce on dell dimension c521.
u/d will not install and reports say it messes with fonts. I want to hide this u/d till fixed. Where is the button to hide the u/d? I found the button to UNhide it. Tks, *** Email address is removed for privacy ***
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hi, i want to down load antivirus from internet, because my PC is infected with virus TROGAN,but the internet connection is so slow,in addition ihave3 problems ,with Skype,check back up setting,and flash player
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