Ever since loading this "crtical" update the Find Text (usually Ctrl+F) box keeps initialising on my PC, and the annoying thing is the cursor goes into the text box on this Find Text screen. Even restoring to a point before I loaded it doesn't help as soon
after it loads itself again, usually within about 20 mins. So while I may have my current session free of the dam Find Text box for some of the time, at the next time I start up it has re-appeared. So during my "clean" session the problem with the Find Text
box is not there, but I can see from the Update History that it does, in fact, re-load itself and the problem returns. Even un-installing doesn't work, also making the update Hidden after the restore doesn't work. So the fault definitely lies with this update.
Is there some way, any way, I can completely purge this update from my PC ??
I'm running Win 7 32bit
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