OK, this isn't a question per se, since I've already solved it myself, but I thought I would share what I've learned. Within the last week or so, quite a few people had been having problems with flash content when online and a couple had noted that this
update was installed right before their problems began. My problems just began today, but I had just gotten around to installing this update earlier today.The exact issue was 100% crashing of flash content, and couldn't play any downloaded videos on windows
media player, (there may have been other issues, these were the only ones I noticed before fixing it). I have Windows 7 Ultimate (x64), adobe flash is updated to version 11.7, firefox is updated to version 20.0.1. Some people had gotten flash to work again
by disabling hardware acceleration in firefox and/or adobe flash. Neither of these solutions worked for me, and having found nothing amiss after running virus and malware scans, decided to check the update I installed since that was the only other recent change
to my system. The update was KB2840149, and was apparently a re-release of an earlier update that was horribly botched and cause some pretty severe problems for other users. I have no idea if I ever had the other update, if I did, it didn't cause me any trouble.
Anyways, I uninstalled KB2840149, rebooted the computer and everything worked perfectly fine again. I hid the update for now so that Windows won't keep nagging me to install it. Apparently this update still has some issues, or is negatively interacting with
something else, either way I'm skipping it until I know of a way to have it installed without it bjorking up anything on my computer.
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