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Everything posted by Match

  1. LOL It's not that bad Honest but I agree one game on steam is enough now lets save that £40 right first off have you set up your router and firewall? https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=6776-MYXU-0480
  2. Is that farther than before if so try 2v, as I said had to increase mine to 2v should be 1.8 that's .2v more? I had mine upto 2.2v when I was messing trying to get the CPU to run stable at 3Ghz+ but kept getting a blue screen till I dropped the CPU down to 2.98Ghz
  3. Hi Bobbya Do you have any other games that run on Steam?
  4. Are we talking running slow after a clean install? The limiting factor to CPU are the Motherboard Chipset, and CPU socket, so without the make and model, I can't find that info, But we are talking a 1.8Ghz CPU running Vista I think it would do better with XP, or Windows 7.
  5. Absolutely Brilliant, hope all is working fine now sorry I didn't reply sooner been busy with a few personal issues, non computer related unfortunately :)
  6. Before I go looking anywhere, have you checked that the drivers in device manager, monitor have changed from the dell drivers?
  7. was this a clean re-install after a format?
  8. Thanks for that Nev but I think that the best answer is that anyone wanting to experiment with or suffering problems with over clocking, look for a specialist forum or a forum that has a specialist OC section. I did consult with the site admin and this was going to be my advice when joaogil replied, however since their has been no reply I can only assume he decided to take his question elsewhere.
  9. I agree totally With Tootech, I have had similar problems and had to up the RAM voltage by .2v
  10. I take it you mean The Asrock OC Tuner ASRock - OCTuner and By "use it" as the instructions are fairly simple or seem to be you mean what settings to adjust everything to? But first of I'll ask the Admin here what this sites policy is on overclocking.
  11. Hi John This thread has got a more modern counterpart to it now as until yours the last post was on 26-06-2009, 10:43 AM If you read this thread http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/web-browsers/9305-browser-choice.html I think most of your questions will be answered ;)
  12. Without asking which Bios you have, and that probably wouldn't help much, this is the best explanation I can find, or come up with, without spending a week creating my own. How to Set BIOS to Boot from CDROM - www.hiren.info
  13. Hi wolfadez you can format your computer by setting your PC to boot from dvd first and inserting a windows system disk. you will have to press any key to boot from cd when prompted and once its loaded select install and you should then get the option to format the drive. before installing. as for your sound if the XP disk you have doesn't have the drivers if you can tell us the make and model of your pc then I'm sure someone can point you in the direction of the manufacturers support site where you can get the correct ones.
  14. I use the WOT which is good as it gives some warning about risky sites before you go there. I also have Zonealarm pro firewall and the browser plug in is also useful But the winner has to be Avast as it always seems to be the first to the mark when clicking on a risky site.
  15. Purchase a new windows disk and do a clean install Are you planning on installing more than 4Gb of RAM, If so Why? or put simply No
  16. got to say I'm hearing a lot of good things about MSE, but I have Avast and that's working great for me, but I think if I have any Issue's MSE will have to be tried
  17. Yes I mean your normal RAM you can run a Memtest on it but I would go for the remove one stick at a time method. Memtest might throw up a fault but by removing one stick at a time you would then be able to eliminate any possibility of it being the RAM.
  18. Now if we change that to Daftest mistake, I once phoned a friend to see if he had a spare PS2 keyboard, as my USB one wouldn't work till windows started. and so I couldn't use the Boot from CD option. He asked was it set in the Bios to be supported in the Bios or the OS? Guess what the answer was :o
  19. How did you get that screen shot was it by using PRTSCN? if not can you get us a screen shot as described here, Please. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/setup/tips/screenshot.mspx also what GPU do you have and have you checked you RAM?
  20. But saying that there are a few tricks that you can use to speed things up a little, this is one of the one's that gives a noticable improvement on ADSL connections BT I-Plate ADSL Filter
  21. I have never worked out why people think they can increase the speed of there browsers by altering things on their PC. The problem is that your browser connects to another computer Via your router/modem phone wires and other computers and modems. and the route isn't direct. open a command prompt window and enter tracert freepchelp.uk and you should get something like the attached Image Step 1, to is to my router, Step 2 is to my Internet Service provider, Steps 3 to 10 are through different servers(Computers) Step 11 is the server where this site is held after step 1 I have no control over speed and connections, so how is altering something on my PC going to make anything faster?
  22. Hi Rachel4 Have you tried booting to last known good configuration as explained below Power on the system. Press <F8> when the message For troubleshooting and advanced startup options for Windows, press F8 appears. Choose Last Known-Good Configuration. Failing that you could try a XP repair Installation as described here. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/helpandsupport/learnmore/tips/doug92.mspx
  23. To me it's a case of bureauprats strike again, I've Used Firefox as the default Browser for years, But I also have Chrome installed and keep IE8 around as well, Every know and again I find that there is a site with a Glitch in the coding and won't load properly. or I get someone ask about how to do something in a browser and it's useful to be able to have a quick look, as to remember everything would be nigh on impossible for the average person. So this has been a subject I have been keeping my eye on, as I had concerns that the result could be that you could only have one browser installed which would have been a pain. Thankfully that's not the case, It would seem the biggest change is the choice of being able to uninstal IE8, if I understand everything right. but glad I could be of help to you :)
  24. as far as browser security goes the simpler the better, so Opera and Safari (Also not being so popular) have to win for security) IE8 being the most popular will also be the most highly targeted, and what you gain with Firefox, being "More Secure" you can loose with the addition of plug in's and customization options, also with google chrome you suffer the same pluses and minuses. So in my Opinion it's not so much the Browser you use but how you use the browser you choose!! the reason you have received this is, update So If you want to change from IE8 or just Install another browser because you can you click on the desktop short cut you have currently on your desktop, If you want to stay with IE8 and have no interest in using the others right click on it and select delete. If you want further instructions on how to use it below is a link to the Microsoft support page. What is the Browser Choice update? - Microsoft Windows
  25. I've driven a 12 mile round trip to push a connector back together, when I asked for £25 for my petrol and time they objected saying that they could have done that if they had known, I pointed out that if they "had of known" I would be in the pub probably on my second pint by now, not dicussing the in's and out's of charging £25 to drive 12 Mile to push a connector back together for free.
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