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Everything posted by danzil

  1. right well at first glance i DO NOT think the lcd screen is kaput. is there anyway of you getting hold of a computer monitor.does your friend have one.....if you could then plug the monitor into the laptops vga port.we would then know if it is the graphics chip (ouch new motherboard) or just a cable issue.. if you get a monitor connected press the function key (fn) then tap f5 (may not be look for a pic of a monitor on the F keys).do this slowly, you should see the image on the monitor. if it doesnt have white lines then all could be good..if the white lines are there then the graphics chip or graphics ram has gone.....and this is a new motherboard im afraid. if it is a good clean picture resitting the cables to the inverter and resitting the vga cable to the motherboard may just cure this problem... i have been aware of HP using pentium 4 desktop cpu.s these run a lot hotter then the mobile laptop cpus....this may lead to parts being unstable...... well anyway another of me rattling on.give those a try.....please read the manual first..... I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILTY FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED... hope all works for you. regards danzil
  2. typing troubles...the email and instructions have been sent to you.....please post back with the outcome...if it works i will post the process here for others to see.
  3. mmmm....how strange....well you take the side of the case of as you did when you installed the new hard drive.... you will see the motherboard (big old circuit board)...it will say on it the model.....usually around near the memory slots,,,or between the pci slots..... ie abit-sg2 or elitegroup z453 etc.....usually written bigger then any other writing.... the audio header will be easy to find...just follw the cables out of the front of the case..the audio header will be towards the back usually....and should say audio on it....the wires going to it should be written on also...ie mic in.mic bias,left,left return etc wow i hope that helps danzil
  4. have you tried a lense cleaner.. also different make of media..... a firmware update may or may not help but is worth a try... is the drive under warrenty. regards danzil
  5. hi pharno i can not seem to get a manual for oyur board...please can you take the side of the pc of (check for warrenty stickers 1st) then send me the make of board.....and a picture of around the audio header would be a great help... randi lou please can you start another post with your questions....it helps us not to get confused with all the different issues.thanks regards danzil
  6. Sound devices: Trust SC-5250 5.1 Surround Sound Card w/Digital &Optical Logitech X-530 - PC Multimedia Home Theatre Speaker System i believe there the speakers... and may i say a very nice set up indeed..... regards danzil
  7. hi dogtoyco here is a link to the service manual. please read all of it before attempting to resit the cables. any question please ask http://www.eserviceinfo.com/downloadsm/20121/HP%20COMPAQ_nx6110%20nc6110%20nx6120%20nc6120.html pay attention to the inverter board be sure not to touch the transformeers and/or capacitors these store an incredible amount of charge...an can lead to a shocking experience regards danzil... awaiting the picture mate,this will help me to help you loads.
  8. sorry rebecca i am gonna have to send you that email tomorrow.....my kids are driving us crazy 2nite not sleeping....sorry.. promise 2moro regards danzil..... just the instructions take the longest.. please email me again so i know i have your address.
  9. well in my opinion vista might be your best bet.at least it will be future proof... be aware of vista minimum spec though...not too much different to xp though really. as for monitors i am sure of a decent site unless you are a registered company.. try savastore or microdirect regards danzil oh yeh vista home isnt much more expensive then xp now,,,,any other help needed just ask mate
  10. i qiute often buy from http://www.eclipsecomputers.com they are cheap and reliable. for a gaming machine my spec would be (just mobo n cpun gcard) a pentium 4d 820 or 920 -940 the 820 is a 2.8ghz cpu socket 775.. i have used this chip on a mass of pc's i have built works extremely well.but its slightly bigger brother is better running a 3ghz....i believe you can get them for around the £65 mark.........as for the motherboard.....i usually go with gigabyte or asus....asrock are ok......eclipse has a good selection... as fore the graphics card do you prefer pci/e or agp....agp are being fazed out qiute a lot so pci/e may be your best bet. they have a deal on at the moment for the 256Mb nVidia GeForce 8600 GT PCI-Express VGA Card costing £75 all round good card obviously isnt the best.but a good card none the least...... £700 will built you something qiute nice i reckon......does this cost include the monitor....... regards danzil i did write this quickly so sorry for any typos etc
  11. ok kids where not back when they were sposed to be.so i have the files what is your email address.mail me first dan.lancaster@bluebottle.com then i will email you back the files,and instructions speak to you soon regards danzil
  12. lol wow that sucks. uuum can you go into the internet explorer settings and set them all back to default...tools>intenet options>advanced can you boro a friends cd. i will see if i can find the files ie reqiures to re-install then i will try my upmost to get tehm to you...should be able to zip them and email them to you. regards danzil... will try in a couple of hours..my kids are due home from holiday so i will be spending a littlw time with them
  13. no problem let me know how the system restore goes. regards danzil
  14. can you take a picture of the screen when it has the white line on it,and upload it to photobucket or somewhere so i can take a look..... never used photobucket so good luck...its gotta be easy coz my 12 year old son can use it.... i dont believe you can align laptop screens...... unfortunatly it is sounding like it will need to go in for a rapair......is it under warrentynot i will see if i can source the parts for you if you are willing to have a go at the repair..... resit all cables first to double check.
  15. antoher thing is try system restore start>all programs>accessories>system tools>system restore. choose a date before this happened then restore to that point regards danzil
  16. ok. do you have an original xp cd to hand or can you obtain one...... you could try the cmd line repair but you WILL need your xp cd to hand go to start>run then type in (without the qoutes) rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 %windir%\Inf\ie.inf this will try a repair install of internet explorer using the ie inf stored when internet explorer is installed... give that a try first. post back so i know how oyu are getting on. regards danzil
  17. when the laptop is first turned on....with the black screen...this is called post......it will says stuff like..del=enter setup and the like....at the bottom of that page is where it may say recovery...unless you have a manufacturers bios then you may have to press tab to see post regards danzil i wil look at the toshiba site when i get home.im at work at the mo....tsk tsk naughty naughty
  18. do you have a recovery cd,or an original xp cd.to try a repair install regards danzil
  19. oh ok glad you got it sorted regards danzil
  20. what version of direct x do you have installed....start>run dxdiag should be 9.0c at least.... does the graphics card need additional power connected.....is the fan on the gpu spinnin freely.. regards danzil
  21. make sure the cpu fan is not covered and clean...do you receive a blue screen before it turns off.......is the hard drive sounding ok.......how long does it stay on for before powering off........first thing is check that it isnt overheating please provide as much info as possible... regards danzil
  22. thank you all... appreciate this post. it is nice to know that i am indeed helping you all. and that you are learning more......same as me i learn more each day. well i hope to be around the forums for as long as possible to help you all. feel free to ask me any questions. you can also email me if you need too. i check these on a regular basis. wow back thanx guys,,back to tinkering with a project im doing....writing a medai player at the mo......fun uuuuh no.lol thanks guys kindest regards danzil
  23. what is the signal strength like.are you using windows or some other software to configure the wireless..... have you tried adding the wireless settings in so it connects auto... make sure you are using correct settings.ie encryption.is the key shared or open... try changing the ssid of the wireless card to the same as your router..... is mac address filtering turned on,on the router.have you tried resetting the router and re-configuring,have you also tried moving the pc closer to see if it connects...can the laptop connect when it is near the pc.... give them a try mate regards danzil
  24. try booting up again and tapping f8.then choose (last known good configuration).see if that helps. if you leave the machine with the hourglass going.does it eventually do anything........safe mode is your best bet,then we could try a system restore.or at least create a new profile,then back up your data regards danzil
  25. hi again spanish89 firstly thank you for your kind post about saying thank you. (mmm sounds weird reading back) ok another thought is when you first boot the laptop,at post (power on self test) do you see anything (usually along the bottom)saying anything about recovery.... when you are in xp,how many hard drives show up (partitions) you may have a recovery partition on the laptop that you can boot from,this will then do a full factory restore. have a quick look at that. i will search toshibas site to see if there is a recovery partition and how you can access it. regards danzil. and once again thanks for that post.
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