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Everything posted by RandyL

  1. Windows 8 is completely different. If anyone has it or is going to get it we could sure use your help. Tips, tricks, guides and links would also be helpful.
  2. I have a feeling you have a problem with your temp folder. Read the following article. Update Windows. Note that there is a hotfix button at the top of the page. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/932142
  3. How long have you had avast free?
  4. Hi tom. I know what Avast is but what is this malware you are talking about? With regards to Avast there are three basic options. Avast free, Avast Internet security and Avast Pro Antivirus. http://www.avast.com/en-us/free-antivirus-download If you have Avast Free you will need to get a new free key periodically in order to continue getting updated virus definitions. I think it's every 14 months. If you have one of the other two or a trial version of them and your free trial or license is expiring you will need to purchase a key in order to remain protected. Another option is to uninstall the paid for versions and install the free version if you wish to continue using Avast. Avast will stay installed unless you uninstall it. However it will not be functional or updated if it's expired.
  5. Thanks smarkleps for letting us know. Yes we and anyone else who has this problem will benefit from your solution.
  6. You're welcome Mike. Happy computing from here on I hope. :)
  7. Go to Internet options in the Control panel. It will open under the General tab and you will see Browsing history. If there is a check next to Delete browsing history on exit click to uncheck it. You can always delete your browsing history manually by clicking on Delete. Then you will see options for what you want to delete.
  8. I believe you have malware. Possibly from P2P programs. I'll notify our security experts. Please be patient.
  9. Hi Mike. This would be caused by your browser settings. Passwords for instance are based on cookies so if your cookies are being deleted on exit so are your saved passwords. The same goes for logon details. What browser are you using? If it's IE go to Internet Options and check your settings for Browsing history. I updated my Windows 7 and no such issue. I assume you have Windows 7 since you posted in this section even though your profile says XP.
  10. Have you tried going to printer properties and disable sharing?
  11. Magnavox 500Gb HDD&DVD Video Recorder With Digital Tuner. I've been looking a long time for DVD recorder with a tuner. It's near impossible to find here in the USA. I can finally record my TV programs and get my movies off my camcorder. It even records in high def. The bad part is it's a Magnavox. Although the unit works great Magnavox support is worthless in my opinion. I told them the remote had a clear laminate surface that was bubbleing which was going to make it impossible to read the letters underneath. They told me cosmetic issues were not covered. I said I can't read what I'm pressing. They said as long as you can press the buttons it's cosmetic. That's like saying a book with no printing on the pages is not defective. As long as you can turn the pages it's just cosmetic. Magnavox which is owned by Funai would not escalate the issue or give me any corporate info. Walmart however did give me a new remote with no questions asked. All is well. I am happy. I can record again and don't have to pay a provider monthly fees for a DVR service. And I got it on sale for $280.00
  12. So much for my theory then. I was hoping that's all it was. I'm probably way off base here too but do you have any external devices connected? I wish I had more ideas to offer.
  13. Hi people. Durk you said the CD was original but is it a full version of XP or a recovery disk? Compaqs use recovery disks that are specific to a series of the model. So if these disks are from your other Compaq they will not work on a different Compaq unless it is the same series. If your friends Windows 7 disks (notice I said disks and not disk) are also recovery disks they definitely won't work either. As for cloning your newer laptops drive to your older laptop that too won't work. The two have completely different hardware. This might be a case of you needing to use the recovery disks that came with your old laptop. After all Ubuntu installed just fine.
  14. It may be that when you installed it you didn't select to make it the default email program. If you did not then when you click on a mailto link for instance Windows doesn't know what to use. If so do the following. Start>Control Panel. Where it says "View by" change it from category to icons if it is not already. Click "Default programs". Click "Set your default programs". Click "Windows Live Mail". Click "Set this program as default". Click OK.
  15. That's what I would do. Here's what else I would do. I would have Itunes copy any music you add and already have to the Itunes media folder. This way you will have all your music in one place and Itunes will play it from that location. By default the location will be on your C drive and look something like this for Itunes 10 in Windows 7. C:\Users\Randy\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media You can change the location to your G drive if you wish. After you're sure it's working right you can delete the original folder. When you add more songs in the future you can delete or move the songs because they will be copied to the media folder. And one more thing. You should always keep a backup of your songs. Sooner or later all drives will fail. Open Itunes and click Edit. Click on the Advanced tab. Click Change. Navigate to your G drive where you would like the folder created. Click Select folder. If need be create a folder on drive G. Click to highlite then click Select folder. Click OK. Next click File. Go to Library and click Organize library. When a message appears put a check next to Consolidate files. Click OK. WARNING: Once everything is working right you can delete the original Itunes Media folder but do not delete Itunes Library files that may be in the same location as the iTunes Media folder.
  16. Hi John. Click on "Thread tools" and select "Subscribe to this thread".
  17. Hi Colinito. I've used HP chat support for ancient hardware many times. However I don't believe that anything is wrong with your printer. I think it's a known incompatability with HP Deskjet and Word 2007 as described here in kb919602. Page borders may be displayed or printed incorrectly in Word 2007 Try the solutions offered and let us know.
  18. OK try this. Using Explorer (not Itunes) go to the folder on your G drive where the music file is and open it. Locate the song that Itunes won't play and right click it to copy. Open Itunes. Click Edit. Click Paste. If you get a dialog window saying you are adding a duplicate click Add. Not skip or cancel. If the song plays then the original song was moved after it was added to Itunes. This is why it won't play. It needs to be added from the new location. There is no way around this. If you do have two copies in your play list now Cntrl i will show two different locations for them. Try this and let me know if it works. If it does I'll explain how to to set up the Itunes folder to your G drive and automatically copy any songs to it that you add. This will prevent this from happening again.
  19. Vr5fx you should sticky this thread. :)
  20. By running %windir%\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState which you said you did in the other forum your computer was in standyby. It is failing to resume from standby. Note the following articles: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/555569 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/907477 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/878467 The best I can suggest is to try the steps mentioned. The first thing I would do though is uninstall AVG. It's the first thing I always do in order to save time trouble shooting as it's often the culprit. After that update your firmware. Then disable startup items using msconfig if need be. Use a PS2 mouse. The bottom line is something is causing it not to resume. It might even be an update to a program like an AV. And last but not least Microsoft knows standby is buggy in XP. They have shown no interest in a fix.
  21. That's right Ken. No holidays for you.
  22. Hi Porge. Look in the lower left side of Itunes and click the + and you will see a Burn music to CDs tutorial. This will show you how to make the playlist and drag songs into it. Now click File and you should see Burn Playlist to Disc. This will bring up a window to burn a CD. From Apple: If “Burn Playlist to Disc” doesn’t appear in the menu, it means that the playlist you selected can’t be burned to a CD because it contains items that have usage restrictions. So if the songs have DRM you can't. I believe Itunes has a limit of 7 times that you can burn. If any of the songs has burned 7 times the option won't appear. Itunes Plus might not have that restriction.
  23. Ken's pc Help or KpcH is moving to a new site. KenB one of our administrators has moved his site. There are plenty of good tutorials there that we sometimes link to and there will be more as he moves things over. Keep up the good work Ken.
  24. Is this also your thread? http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic469827.html What are your current settings in Power Options>Advanced? Are you using a USB keyboard or mouse? Are there any external devices connected? Are you sure that standyby is not working? This might be that it's entering standyby but not resuming from standby. In standby the hard disk and monitor will shut off. If you have to press and hold the power button to restart it is in standby. Hibernate is a better option than standbye. Does hibernate work? Apart from XP being notoriously buggy about standyby there are many possible causes. BIOS, drivers and third party programs for instance. Speaking of third party programs I've seen AVG cause all sorts of issues. As for myself I uninstall AVG before trouble shooting a computer. It saves time from trying everything else first.
  25. OK it had nothing to do with the update. My problem was that I moved the file after I added it to the library. When I selected to find the file Itunes opened the folder from the listed path. Of course it wasn't there. I located the file from inside Itunes and it updated the path. nuley select a file to highlite it that won't play. There will be an exclamation mark in front of it. Press Ctrl and i on your keyboard. When asked if you want to locate the file select No. You will see a summary. You will see the file path. This is where the file was when you added it to the library. Now do the same for a song that will play. Note the file path. It's likely that the path will be different. Pay attention to the drive letter too. It might be different. I hear that Itunes sometimes needs to reassociate the path when the path points to an external drive. It might also be that if you unplugged the drive it may have been given another drive letter. Make sure your file is in the folder via Explorer. In Itunes select the file and Ctrl and i again. This time select to find the file and navigate to where you know the file to be. If you navigated to the correct folder Itunes will see it and all the other files in the folder. Click the song file then Open (or something similar) then click OK. If you renamed the file that's another issue. Like I said note the folder paths. It's likely that the path Itunes shows does not match the path in Explorer where the files actually exists. The drive letter is an important part of the path as is the exact song name.
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