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Everything posted by shrimply

  1. Thanks, what exactly do you want, there was two warnings as I switched off the laptop last night and they sound bad so I'll start with them "Windows detected your registry file is still in use by other applications or services. The file will be unloaded now. The applications or services that hold your registry file may not function properly afterwards. DETAIL - 7 user registry handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-3120081814-4107144378-2643684691-1000: Process 1136 (\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\System32\svchost.exe) has opened key \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-3120081814-4107144378-2643684691-1000 Process 960 (\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\System32\svchost.exe) has opened key \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-3120081814-4107144378-2643684691-1000 Process 1136 (\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\System32\svchost.exe) has opened key \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-3120081814-4107144378-2643684691-1000\Software\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\trust Process 696 (\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\System32\lsass.exe) has opened key \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-3120081814-4107144378-2643684691-1000\Software\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\Root Process 1136 (\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\System32\svchost.exe) has opened key \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-3120081814-4107144378-2643684691-1000\Software\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\Root Process 1136 (\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\System32\svchost.exe) has opened key \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-3120081814-4107144378-2643684691-1000\Software\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\SmartCardRoot Process 1136 (\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\System32\svchost.exe) has opened key \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-3120081814-4107144378-2643684691-1000\Software\Policies\Microsoft\SystemCertificates" Windows detected your registry file is still in use by other applications or services. The file will be unloaded now. The applications or services that hold your registry file may not function properly afterwards. DETAIL - 1 user registry handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-3120081814-4107144378-2643684691-1000_Classes: Process 960 (\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\System32\svchost.exe) has opened key \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-3120081814-4107144378-2643684691-1000_CLASSES
  2. Hi, this is probably the most nonsensical post you've had but i'm sightly concerned although probably over nothing. When I started up my laptop 10 minutes ago I got a strange message, 11/15 came up as white writing on the black but not right at the top of the screen as usual, closer to the middle, then I got a file direction thing. which included config, but didn't have time to read anything else. And then I got the thing up installing updates, so presumed it had something to do with that but still concerned I went and checked in security centre and it says the last update was installed on the 13th. SO now I don't know what to do, I will run the usual spyware checks, but ( I know you hate to hear this) I reallt don't think there is anything untoward on the system. The only change I can think of making yesterday was I installed openoffice 3.0
  3. As a home user through a company we're not entitled to technical support. Thanks Wolfey, I ended up installing zune convertor which I've used before and have been impressed with. I really don't know what to do, I stopped Sophos looking at the folder with SUPER in it and that has resolved the problem at the minute, the thing is that I really like Sophos, it just does the job. I have avast installed on another PC and although its great, I dislike the update pop-ups etc, I like the antivirus running in the background, and only making me aware of its presence if there's a problem.
  4. Well it started off looking to covert .mov files, off a friends camera, but I ended up trying to find something that would do pretty much anything as I seem to have accumulated a number of convertors for different reasons and was looking to free up some space with just one. And thanks for the review beeceebee, I'll have a think about it.
  5. Hi, I've been running Sophos on my laptop for over a year now as my dad gets to use it free through his work, and up till now its been really good, I can't fault it. But its started having annoying CPU spikes which pretty much brings the system to a stop, usually I have no idea what causes this but today I downloaded SUPER for video conversion, mainly because I saw it recommended on a few sites and it looked pretty impressive. Sophos took an instant dislike to it, flagging it up as suspicious behaviour and taking the CPU up to 100%, we're talking 90% usage here. I authorised the program but every time I open it I get the CPU spike and just have to wait until the program is up and running and Sophos has calmed down before I do anything else. I'm kinda of swithering about what to do, I could try a reinstall but wondering if I should replace it with either avast or avira, and if so whish. As much as I'd like to pay for something I don't really have the cash, the university offers and advises Mcafee, but right or not I'd rather not have this on my system. Thanks for any advice
  6. None, i found it slowed start-up too much, nothing in the sidebar is really useful, maybe just me but i find it clutters the desktop so its been turned off and i haven't missed it.
  7. Hi, I'm looking for a decent free calender program, I am using windows calender at the minute but it just doesn't seem to work. If I tell it I want a reminder an hour before an event that doesn't mean its only tell me if I happen to log on during that hour, either that or it tells me I'm however many hours late next time I log on. In short it only pops up to tell me about appointments when I log on, which really is not brilliant. I've was thinking maybe sunbird but wondered if I'd get any other options and opinions on here.
  8. I like that site,lol. this is what I got http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm67/D_Hunter315/computersecurity.jpg
  9. Its OK lol, got there in the end, must of hit F11 at some point today which reverses page order. Thanks
  10. HI, hoping that you can help me out yet again. I'm in the process of writing a essay very hurriedly and at the last minute. As you do. And I'm viewing a lot of scientific papers in foxit, and its started opening them upside down, the first one right at the bottom and the last one at the top. Not ideal I know there is probably a simple solution and that if I spent a bit of time on google I'd sort it out, but I'm a bit short of time and being cheeky and hoping that one of you can just give me the answer. Many Thanks
  11. Well He's mine, I got in trouble yesterday for talking about him like he's my son, apparently anything that can polish off a small cat should be called a "good lad really" Not that he has ever eaten a cat, or dog, or anything resembling someone elses' pet yet.
  12. Hi beeceebee, the clock on Wolfeys desktop is part of windows vista sidebar, you can find similar applications for XP online I believe. The clock on my desktop is not part of vista but this application here ClocX - Free analog clock for Windows desktop I use it as I found the sidebar really slowing down my startup etc, but liked the clcok, there are quite a few options included in the clocx application although a lot aren't that great and they probably aren't quite as nice as the options for vista sidebar.
  13. As it happens,lol. Not really a problem but its set-up to scan every Sunday at 1pm but now on irregular occasions, several times a week when I start the computer I get up what you've noticed then after 10 minutes it does a quick scan then goes away, not really a problem as such. How it can show me this and thinks it makes sense is anyones guess,lol [ATTACH]107.vB5-legacyid=183[/ATTACH]
  14. Here's my most recent, really needs to be changed but I was impressed with my photo editing skills [ATTACH]106.vB5-legacyid=182[/ATTACH]
  15. Well I think I found my static, testing still in process, lol as in I'm waiting for pops. But it seems to be one USB port, if I turn the volume up full on the speakers and the PC I get a good deal of static noise if the sound card is plugged into this one USB port but relativity little if plugged into any of the other 3 on the laptop. I can't understand it. They are all built into the laptop and supplied with the same power, however one causes a large amount of static whereas the rest, one of which is right next to it doesn't.
  16. hi I'm not importing or exporting anything, I have all the data in a column, select a cell, click the SD formula then select the data I need it to use.
  17. Thanks, that's sort of what I thought but I think I managed to confuse everyone, still concerned about the popping, would like to send them back but if its is a problem at my end caused by static then could end up costing me quite a bit.
  18. I'm sorry, really can't think of any other way to explain.
  19. Sorry, the cable in the picture shows the two ends and and that is the whole cable the black 3.5mm jack splits to the red and White RCA, like this. http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b160/shrimply/Audio.jpg
  20. hi, the 3.5mm jack goes to the red and white, they're the only ports on the speaker and thats the only cable I was supplied with. The only port on the front is for heaphones, does that mean they are not suitable for use with a computer, cause it said they were,lol. How on earth do I manage to create these situations.
  21. Thanks, there are photos on the link http://image.ebuyer.com/UK/R0126822-04.jpg http://image.ebuyer.com/UK/R0126822-05.jpg This is the back, the Red has an R next to it and the white an L, which I presume stands for left and right, the yellow connects the second speaker. Thanks, they still seem to be popping its infrequent and irregular and I only seem to notice when I'm playing quieter music but I'm I wrong to think it would be best just to get them replaced, I know you mentioned something about static but everything is plugged in properly and as securely as possible.
  22. Thanks Sorry I don't understand I have just tried removing all formats but still getting the same thing
  23. hi, sorry more questions. Trying to get the standard deviation for a set of results, its a column of about 23 entries, when I select them I get told "you've entered too few arguments for this function" which I can't understand, and there is nothing in their help section the other functions that I need like the average are working fine.
  24. Just two speakers, probably easier just to link them,lol LandSound Elegant 2.0 Speakers 15W RMS Black/Silver Front With Dark Wood Surround - Ebuyer cheers
  25. Thanks, just further confuse me, lol. I do not understand sound set-ups. Umm I only have the two speakers and they connect using a 3.5mm jack to phono audio cable. I had the 3.5mm jack plugged into the HP-out (headphones) on the sound card, should it be plugged into F-out (front)? And the other question is is it OK to reverse the phono audio cables (red and white) so that the sound comes out the right speakers, so the red is plugged into the white port on the back of the speakers. And thankyou I know how frustrating it must be that I have no idea what I'm on about.
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