When was the last time the Modem was power cycled?
Is this a modem router in one unit or a separate modem and router?
If separate then you will need to power cycle both of them.
1. Turn them modem and router off.
2. Turn on the modem let it finish flashing the lights where they show it is completely on and ready to go.
3. Turn on the router (if there is one) wait for it to finish and show completely on.
4. Connect ad runt the speed test again see if there are any improvements.
From what I have found if there is one it may also be covered colored plastic and have two wires coming out of that to the motherboard. One black and one red. If you are unsure take a picture and post and or attach.
The way you have the HDD in Post # 33 (far right) is as far as you have to go.
Will have to do some research some I have even found under the keyboard. Will see if I can find a manual with a diagram. There has been the occasion that I have seen some that do not have a CMOS battery at all.
Yes that is the Hard Drive and no what is in the middle is not the CMOS battery.
Going by the video supplied the CMOS battery is located (about the size of a US quarter) in the bottom right if you have the hinge at the top.
How new and is there still a warranty?
What version of windows?
Have you checked the power settings to make sure they are still set prpoerly
How tight is the cable?
Between the TV and desktop
where it connects to the TV and Desktop.
Is the HDMI the only way that you can connect to the TV is there a VGA connection on both that can be tried and or another HDMI port on the TV?
Also does this happen with a actual monitor?
Question when you are in the BIOS under Security you do or do not see Administrator Password
Should look something similar to this. Also when the request for a password come up just after turning on the system are you putting one in or leaving it blank? From here you will be able to remove the password. If you are not seeing Administrator Password then you are not entering in the proper password and the BIOS will not allow you to make certain changes. (Page 88 manual Post # 10).
Are you letting it complete the scan for the chkdsk /r? If you are interrupting it in any way you may be doing damage to your HDD and it will continue to run until it is allowed to complete.
Linux Mint would be one of the better ones to use I have found it to be most like Windows. You can test the live version before you install to make sure that everything works to your satisfaction. Remember that it is a live version will run slower than one is installed on the Hard Drive since it is ran from the USB and or DVD drive.
Yes will be more that willing to help with the Linux install and configuration.
What app are you using GMail or the Stock Android Email? Are you clicking Next or Manual?
@AWS is correct all that you should have to do is input the Email Address and Password in the proper boxes.
Then just click Next and the system will do the rest for you.
Have you tried Alt+F4?
May have to try it a few times if there are open programs it will bring up the power/sleep dialog box. From there you should be able to scroll through the list to locate Shut Down.
What happens when you attempt shutting down from the menu?
Phishing trick steals your email and then fools your friends into downloading malware
Windows Live Mail not working
even the main page I have to slide the bar to the left to see the side bar.
IE 11 Windows 7 64 Bit
Not to sure if this is the proper section to place this or not was the closest that I could find.
Is there a way and or can it be made to quote just sections of a thread and not just the entire thread?