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Dalo Harkin

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Everything posted by Dalo Harkin

  1. This may sound daft, but have you checked the settings in the audio controls as there are a few in there that can cause issues like you have said such as the speed it is playing the file at and also the KHz setting, if its too high/low for what the speakers.sound card can handle you get 'odd' problems
  2. have you had a look in display options, you should have a drop down if there is more than one GPU available
  3. Have you tried checking the RAM? Have you looked in event viewer?
  4. No worries, I just wanted to clarify is all Also with compressed air only use short, sharp bursts otherwise condensation can build up (which again isn't good :eek:)
  5. As XP is no longer 'supported' by M$ you may struggle, XP does have built in drivers that 'should' work for all those devices. Go to control panel> system> device manager (now the ones you said are missing should have yellow exclamations next to them... when you click update driver it will search the system drive (if it still doesnt find any click update driver again and at the bottom it says I will choose a driver to install) and there should be some MS ones in that list (now these are just standard drivers but should get you going) Vista and W7 OS have very different architecture to XP, you may be better contacting Compaq for the drivers (email support) I am sure they will have them, they just probably arent signed drivers
  6. I am glad that this is all sorted, but can I just clarify that a hoover should not be used under any circumstances when any component is in the case If you had removed every component from the case (including the MOBO) and you have a bare case then yes that is fine to use a hoover. Static is the one thing that can kill PC parts.
  7. Most GPU's come with the cables you need if the PSU doesnt have them, a 6 pin PCI-E can be run off 2x Molex like this:- http://www.keuren.eu/images/72.2MOLEX-PCIe.gif You 'normally' get these with the PSU
  8. Check the BIOS first... USB is handled from the BIOS and then again at the windows stage as Jelly Bean has said Its not common for it to be there one minute and gone the next though
  9. Hi and welcome to FPCH :)
  10. 1.5GB is low for W7 regardless what version it is. Did you reformat both drives when you installed W7? As Randy has said there must be something different - have a look in event viewer for any errors/warnings on the slow one.
  11. You may have to install the driver manually from control panel>device manager If you click update driver, there are a few options, select the bottom where you will choose a driver to install - there should be one listed that is Microsoft - use that and you should get sound...
  12. Morrowind is a very old game and very low specs, You need to transfer the data from the CD to another media such as external HDD or a flash drive, you normally have to use specific programs to allow you to do this though (as it could be used to commit piracy)
  13. Also did you re format the drive when installing the new Win7? Have you had a look in event viewer?
  14. You really need to check the PSU of your current system.. before you can spec a card
  15. Do you have onboard graphics aswell as an add in card installed? You cant run both at the same time, you use one or the other..
  16. Lol - M$ wont be the ones exploiting your Linux OS, bear in mind that Linux although it has been around a while is still not a polular choice of OS' There are more MAC users than Linux, why didnt M$ target them?? Regardless what you trace the virus/malicious to it will NOT be M$
  17. If it doesnt have a drive letter then you wont be able to access it..... What happens when a HDD is connected, is that Windows checks that there are drivers for the device and if not gets them. Then what you need to do is to format the device using disk management then when that is done , you then right click and activate the disk, where it gets assigned a drive letter and can be accessed through my computer Job done. If the above isnt happening then you have an issue, somewhere along the line..
  18. You need to unplug the printer - run the disk and then when It asks connect the printer, if you need to have a look on the manufacturers website for the latest drivers/software
  19. It depends on the case, but it 'should' be fine, the larger PSUs 800Watt+ are slightly longer than others but you dont need that much. And as for the GPU, when you check to see if you have the PCI-E x16 then you can get a GTX 460 GPU as they are the best value for money at the moment
  20. If you didnt put the data there, then you need to delete it if you can as it may be stopping you from doing anything with the drive.. So what happens when you try and format the drive then, as it shoudnt stop you from formatting it
  21. So at the moment there is nothing on the second drive that you need? Format it as NTFS and then try and initialise the disk. Word of warning though, do not run defrags or software tools everyday, defrags for one stress you HDD internals
  22. You dont want a 4000Watt one :eek: 400W will be enough :D A standard ATX psu should be fine, you ideally want to go for around the 500W mark if you can, I always use Antec or Seasonic PSU's
  23. I could find the machine that you have, but it didnt give any details on the MOBO it has, we need to know if it has a PCI-E x16 slot or not - can you take the side off the case and take a picture of the MOBO for us? thanks
  24. The only difference between USB 1.1 and 2.0 is the speed at which the data is received/transmitted it shouldnt stop the device from working Adding a PCI card that supports 2.0 would be the easiest option, unless the reason its running at 1.1 is because the drivers have never been updated for the USB controller
  25. PCI-E x16 is the one that you need, if you have a GPU in one already it just means that if you wanted to you could use SLI or Crossfire (which is the pairing of 2 cards, essentially running together for more performance) PCI-E 2.0 is just the version, it runs faster than PCI-E 1.0 is all
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