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Dalo Harkin

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Everything posted by Dalo Harkin

  1. 40 GB as a system drive is quite small, have you ran the disk cleanup wizard by going to my computer> right click on the C:/ and then properties> general> disk cleanup It scans for dump files, temp files etc and then gives you the option to remove them, I have seen this clear over 8GB of space in older systems... Let us know how you get on. The other thing you could do is install any games that you want onto the secondary drive, as the system is quite old you shouldnt see any major performance loss by having the files on the other disk.
  2. take the side panel off the PC case and look at the PSU (power supply unit) it normallt has the wattage printed on the side (500W for example)
  3. The ones at the back on the MOBO where the sounds and keyboard etc attach will be the faster ones, it doesnt mean that they will be USB2 though. When you set the printer up did it do it as a virtual port do you remember?
  4. The 460 is probably the right choice at the moment, BUT you need to check that your PSU has enough wattage to power it, and enough connectors...
  5. As there is no valuable data, you are better off doing a reinstall... but make sure that you have all the drives available. Did the PC not come with any disks at all? Can you give us the make and model?
  6. Your definately going to need a PSU with more than 300 Watts If this is one of the smaller form factor cases (slimline) then you really struggle to get decent PSUs for them.... And why they build a decent spec PC like that and then just use integrated GPU is just madness....
  7. You need to give more information really, I have done and seen lots of people try and format an NTFS drive for use as the PS3 primary drive. You can do it, but please answer kens post before we continue...
  8. Hi and welcome Laura, I am in Stockport near Manchester, so just a stones throw away... Welcome to the forums :)
  9. Hi and welcome, post in the hardware section to start and if needed a mod can move it
  10. Before you even consider replacing the GPU, you need to let us know what the wattage of the PSU is......... Most of these 'budget' PCs are built around the main components and any GPU which it came with is probably at the limit of the PSU
  11. Some MSN passwords and usernames were 'leaked' a while ago.... changing your password and memorable question will sort it
  12. You can use a TV monitor BUT as said before it depends on the usage of the PC - if its for gaming then a TV monitor wont really cut it...
  13. You need to go into the BIOS (press del or F2 at start up repeatedly) it normally tells you which key is needed at the BIOS post screen. When in the BIOS you need to go to the BOOT section and set the first boot device to CD/DVD ROM. It 'should' be set at HDD at the moment, but it could be set to anything depending on who set it up
  14. Its most likely that you recently changed/updated something recently and it has caused an issue. 5 minutes to 1 hour is not a heat issue, have you updated any drivers recently? added any PCI/PCI-X cards to the board? added any USB devices etc?
  15. Sounds like its using WOL (wake on lan) where the PC shuts down, but then restarts when it detects an internet signal. Have you tried removing the CMOS battery (its the little watch battery on the motherboard) leave it out for 30 seconds and then reinsert it, this sets the motherboard back to factory settings and should allow you to boot the PC 'normally'
  16. Where it says Nvidia just means that you have a Nvidia chipset, which include the Ethernet drivers, have a look in control panel > then system > device manager > and see if there are any yellow exclamation marks next to anything The Nvidia one will be a wired connection, so will be Ethernet not wireless
  17. Ok, I think that you had a smaller SATA drive in before, yes? The problem with older boards is that they dont natively support much, HDD size being one of them, you will need a BIOS update in order for a 1TB+ drive to be recognised That Motherboard was predominantly supplied by Gateway
  18. You should not have to uninstall anything like Net framework for anti cheats like Punkbuster, are you talking for online gaming, as these should be installed in addition to the game when you install that.
  19. You need to go into the BIOS and check that the drive is listed in there (did you plug the SATA lead that goes into the Motherboard into the same SATA port the old one was in, or is the old drive still in there too?) to get into the BIOS you repeatedly click Delete when the PC is booting
  20. Hi and welcome to FPCH :)
  21. You need to set static IP address for the devices, do this in the routers home page rather than the PC itself. I posted this recently too on another thread
  22. PSEFrank is right, you are running on the windows standard GPU drivers and they are not up to scratch
  23. You will be getting IP address conflicts. You need to enable static IP addresses within the router, or plug the Xbox Ethernet cable directly into one of the ports on the back of the router, there are normally 5 ports on the back of a router, 1 is the IN (where the internet connection goes) and the other 4 are for additional devices you want to attach to the network. Remember that the Xbox 360 only has a 100MB per second network card, so your Network card within the PC needs to be set on Auto for the speed (if its set at Gigabit you will lose the connection)
  24. Hi and welcome to FPCH :)
  25. H and welcome to FPCH :)
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