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Dalo Harkin

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Everything posted by Dalo Harkin

  1. The Excel 2002 and 2003 version: http://office.microsoft.com/assistance/ preview.aspx?AssetID=HA010346561033&CTT= 6&Origin=EC010553071033 The Excel 2007 version - Repairing a corrupted workbook - Excel - Microsoft Office
  2. All SATA drives are MASTER, IDE can be set to either Master (which would contain an OS, if you were just using the one drive) or if you were using more than one IDE you would have one as Master that contains the OS and the secondary drive containing DATA etc... You can run your IDE as Master or Slave as it doesnt/wont be containing an OS, just make sure that it still boots from the SATA drive and not the IDE The setting on the back of the IDE drive must match its position on the IDE ribbon cable :)
  3. Hi and welcome to FPCH :)
  4. No problem, let us know if you need any help
  5. Have you double checked all the connections from the case to the MOBO? There is HDD LED, RESET SW, POWER SW etc. They all have to be connected to the MOBO or when you press the power button on the case, the MOBO wont do anything... this one shows the + and - but not all do http://img.hexus.net/v2/motherboards/intel/asus/900/Pins.jpg
  6. The cursor means that the PC is searching for something. Have you set the first boot device to HDD and disabled the rest? Have you made any hardware changes recently? Does the blue screen stay on long enough for you to see the stop message code or what is causing the shutdown. Its most common when an HDD fails/or the file structure does NTFS.SYS
  7. Hi and welcome to FPCH :)
  8. If it states the driver and it stops working then so will the monitor... you need to tell us the make and model of the PC or the add in card you are using, it will be listed as KenB says under device manager from within the control panel> system section Sounds like the driver has become corrupt and is an easy fix with the uninstallation/installation of a newer one
  9. You need to install all the drivers that are missing. Put in the drivers and utiliites disk that came with the PC. Failing that you are going to have to use another PC to download the updates from the Dell website and then burn them to CD/DVD or flash to transfer them onto the PC
  10. Ok, there should be diagrams on the top that tell you where to put the pin for master/slave dont assume they are the same orientation as they often aren't. Check the diagram on the new drive and match it with slave. When you connect the new drive does the screen not even POST which brings up all the BIOS information and normally the MOBO manufacturers logo?
  11. Ok, the one on the right (the new one) is missing the jumper the small plastic bit that sets it to master/slave. They both use ATA so there shouldn't be an issue.
  12. Ok, take a picture of the back of BOTH drives one ontop of the other and post it here
  13. I would say that its toast then
  14. No problem, Glad its all sorted, let us know if you get stuck again
  15. I very much doubt it, It sounds like you have fried something as you thought... Is it under warranty? house insurance? Other than that I would honestly say its toast, you could try and remove the part thats stuck (normally the circular tube part with a pair of tweezers or plyers) and then try and power it up as it may be causing a short on the board.
  16. No, they use the same interface, and as long as it gets picked up from windows additional drivers may be installed (but very doubtful) the problem is that you cant even get that far. Have you checked that the master/slave settings match the old drive?
  17. When you are installing more than one OS you need to use this in addition:- To get both XP and Windows 7 as an option at the boot screen you can use the free utility EasyBCD 1.72 or their new 2.0 Beta. (the Beta one requires registration) @ ErikAlbert, if you cant help with an issue then dont get involved as your post is completely irrelevant
  18. Ok, and if you put the old drive in and connect it all up, it starts ok? Then the new optical drive is dead
  19. Hi, Try cleaning the slot and the contacts on the bottom of the GPU, with a soft paint brush Also clean the fan on the card as best you can. Artifacts on the screen are normally due to the RAM on the GPU being too hot, but as this happens straight away I doubt its that... Make sure that if you have onboard GPU that you disable it in the BIOS. Insert the new card and then, go to the Nvidia site and re download the correct drivers, remember that you need the EXACT drivers for your card and the OS (both version and 32 or 64 bit) Then go to add/remove programs in control panel and remove the old display driver, DONT restart, got to C:/Nvidia and DELETE any folders within that then restart, then install the new drivers, then restart - all 'should' be ok then unless there is an issue with the card itself which will be apparent after you have cleaned it all up :)
  20. You need to update the firmware on the optical MAKE SURE that you get the right one as the wrong one will render the drive useless. Download the latest firmware from the manufacturers site :)
  21. I don't agree. Bear in mind that companies still use NT4 and use older drives than these. Its not the OS thats causing the issue, its the OS support for it Much like XP does not natively support SATA, the drivers need loading at the F6 stage, this is no different whatsoever
  22. Its the power connector:- http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:zRpbzUBjOhvtrM:http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/8571/71933444bc0.jpg&t=1
  23. No problem, just to double check you did plug a MOLEX in too didnt you?
  24. Then I would say that the drive itself is dead
  25. OK, so on the ribbon that connects the optical there are 3 sections, the part that connects to the MOBO (Motherboard) and then there are 2 more the one furthest away from the MOBO is the MASTER and the one in the middle is the SLAVE Now the MASTER/SLAVE must also match the setting on the back of the optical drive (CS will just default the drive to whatever place it is located on the ribbon) * If you are using an IDE HDD (Hard drive) then the HDD should be set to MASTER and the optical to SLAVE, and correspond with the ribbon sections http://www.corsair.com/_images/systembuild/12472/sb067.jpg
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