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Everything posted by Goku

  1. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Lynne. :) We will try to do our best to sort you out so post away. Enjoy the Forums. -- Goku
  2. Hello Jazz. Here is a fix that worked for some people. Try that and see if it works for you too or not. Good Luck. :) -- Goku
  3. Hello Anil. There are many articles that give insight into your problem and list their possible solutions. I am listing three below for you. The screen saver does not start after you install a wireless pointing device The screen saver does not work when you use a Microsoft wireless pointing device on a Windows Vista-based computer Screen Saver Doesn't Activate in Vista Hope that helps. :) -- Goku
  4. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Steve. :) Enjoy the Forums. Don't bore us Barry and don't hijack the thread. :D :p -- Goku
  5. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Diurno. :) Its good to see you contribute around the Forum. Keep the good work up and enjoy the Forums. Nice Avatar, by the way. -- Goku
  6. Well, if you are searching for instructions on making a recovery disk, then you will be hard put as there are not many threads with instructions on how to make a recovery disk. Please let us know what exactly you are looking for and we will try to locate a relevant thread for you. -- Goku
  7. Sorry Shrimply; we must have missed your post in the daily onslaught of threads. As I am a complete dunce of hardware, you wouldn't get a sensible answer from me. Please wait till one of the other hardware gurus come online as they will provide you with reliable reviews of the notebook. Thank you for your patience and your co-operation. :) -- Goku
  8. Well, venturing into the registry is what most people are afraid of. If the registry is left on its own, most Windows problems cannot be solved. Therefore, removing the branding through the utility is still a much safer bet than venturing into the registry and editing it manually, though it is not remotely "risky". -- Goku
  9. Hello Nutty. This site provides a utility to remove the branding. Please use that if you are annoyed with the problem and want to remove it without editing the registry. Hope that helps. :) -- Goku
  10. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Kev. :) Glad you resolved your problem. Please feel free to ask anymore doubts or questions you may have. -- Goku
  11. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Aventa. :) We will try our level best to sort you out so ask away. Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  12. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Fireball. :) Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  13. Hello Sycho. First switch to the Icons view. Next, hold down the Shift key and switch to Thumbnails view again. This toggles the File / Folder names on and off. Hope that helps. :) -- Goku
  14. Not really. Virus and infections can only damage the "software" layer of a hard-drive. They can hook on to the hard drive, delete data and stuff, replicate themselves but cannot corrupt the firmware needed to run the hard drive. If they could, then the latest breed of Malware would be impossible to remove. Hope that clears your doubt. :) -- Goku
  15. OK do you have your Windows XP disc? If not, then do you have the Recovery Console installed? -- Goku
  16. Hello Rezonor. Has your brother activated his copy of Windows? If he was using the trial installation of Windows, then it is bound to happen after the trial period is due? Also, what Operating System is he using? Have you tried logging into any other accounts, if there are any? Please post the required information as soon as possible. :) -- Goku
  17. As Barry says Struggling, it is far too late to rename threads to inflict their problems. Renaming a thread is a simple process but with the number of threads in each Forum, not withstanding the archives, the sheer amount will take a toll on the Staff. The best way to get around your problem is to try and use keywords that are uncommon (but related) and mix them with your search query. For example, recovery disks are often used to restore the computer to factory settings, so you might want to try Recovery Factory Settings. This will refine the search results better and you will get more relevant threads. The above tip is generally used for Search Engines like Google and once you get the hang of it, you can practically search for anything you like. Hope that helps. :) -- Goku
  18. Hello Thomas. There are a few things you can try. Please use the instructions from my last post to uninstall your IDE drives. Next, download the attached archive and extract it. If you are unsure on how to open the archive, use the instructions from here and continue. After you have extracted the archive, you should obtain a file labeled Fix CD Drive.reg. Double-click on the file and you will be asked whether you want to import the information into the registry or not. Answer Yes to the prompt and sometime later another dialog box will pop up informing you that the operation was successful. After you have done the above, reboot your computer. You should now be able to access and use your CD drive. http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/images/colortheory/attach/zip.gif Fix CD Drive.zip Note: Please backup your registry before you apply any of the above changes so that we can revert back your system to working condition if something goes awry. Note: Using the above registry fix might cause some programs to dysfunction or work incorrectly. In that case, please reinstall the affected programs to resolve their respective errors. You might say that you have already tried the fix but I recommend you to rerun the fix since I have now modified the code. Please try the fix again and see if it helps or not. If the problem persists, then the CD drive is probably useless and therefore it might be wiser to buy a new one. Hope that helps. :) -- Goku
  19. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Stan. :) Its a lie. He wasn't a day less than 78 when he joined; he must have aged double since then. Very bad, Barry. :D Enjoy the Forums. -- Goku
  20. Ah, and you hope that other tyrants will join you in your venture. I will never let that happen! Come to think of it, the drive might just be a victim or hindrance in one of Wolfey's plans for evil dominance. :p -- Goku
  21. Or possibly murder? I think the Scotland Yard should be informed of this too. -- Goku
  22. Well what you say makes sense. Hearing the former sentence, my heart would miss a beat and a constant fear would grip my mind. But then, the news channel don't consider human feelings, do they? They are more focused on generating higher TRP ratings and saying the latter line will break the climax or the thrill of the news. Who cares for the relatives of the deceased if a few more TRP ratings can be achieved by delivering the news dramatically. :mad: -- Goku
  23. My condolences for the drive too. It helped you out of many tricky spots and the likes of such are not common today. :Cry: May its cables rest in peace. -- Goku
  24. Glad you got it resolved Syoza. Please feel free to ask any more questions or doubts you may have. :) -- Goku
  25. Oh and try disabling ZoneAlarm temporarily and see if it helps or not. Good Luck. :) -- Goku
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