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Everything posted by Goku

  1. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Trogg :) There is no need for either as there is a simpler solution out there. :D Try using an alternate browser like Mozilla Firefox? It might be that Internet Explorer does not support the org.uk domains. Whatever be the reason, try the sites in Firefox and see if they load in it or not. Good Luck. -- Goku
  2. Glad you got it resolved Mamayoda. And thanks for posting the solution as it may come in useful for someone with a similar problem. :) -- Goku
  3. Have you tried using an alternate browser like Mozilla Firefox and Opera? Doee the page load properly in them? -- Goku
  4. Welcome to FPCH Joe. Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  5. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Gill. :) Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  6. Very worthwhile suggestions Mara. We will surely try to incorporate them into our standard Malware Removal procedure. And the site is very good indeed. I came back with all results informing me that the computer was non-existent on the internet. What a relief! I always thought that you needed an arsenal of security programs to secure yourself but I am clearly wrong. Here are the results, if anyone is interested. http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn44/JustMeYaar/SecurityReports.jpg I will definitely spread its word as far and wide as I can. -- Goku
  7. Wolfey, I think Mara is referring to the Secunia online scan. Is this what you are looking for, Mara? -- Goku
  8. No, there is a very high chance that your data is safe. -- Goku
  9. OK, then you are good to go. How to Perform a Windows XP Repair Install Let us know if it helps or not. Good Luck. -- Goku
  10. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Stu. :) USB port may stop working after you remove or insert a USB device Please read that and get back to us. -- Goku
  11. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Bman. :) The power surge seems to have corrupted your Operating System. Do you have your Windows XP installation disc? -- Goku
  12. That is completely intolerable! If Bebo doesn't respond properly, try to contact WiredSafety.org who are in collaboration with Bebo. They should take more interest in your problem as violates their terms of policy or fear legal proceedings. And reluctant though you may be, you will have to contact the police sooner or later. In fact, seeing Bebo's responses and actions, you would be better off with police assistance. It might attract unwanted media attention but then its a choice between justice and privacy. If you are unsure, talk to your daughter and ask her which way she wants to go. If you decide to move on with the incident, just make sure that Bebo has disabled your account and video and any information related to you. After your bitter experience, it is better to discontinue using their service. Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance. -- Goku
  13. Caskin, that seems like an automated response from Bebo. Please contact them again using the Contact Us link provided at the end of their message. As Barry says, contact them again and again unless you can talk to a Bebo employee. Give the details of your case and ask them for details regarding what steps they are taking to detect the culprit. You have every right to have that information since your daughter, unfortunately, is the victim. And if you can, contact the police regarding the same so that the process is sped up considerably. Make sure to tell them to keep it private or the case might attract unwanted publicity from the media. We are all by your side so don't give up yet. :) -- Goku
  14. OK John, what is the exact extension of the file you want to open. It will be the last three or four letters of the filename after the dot. Please let us know that as soon as possible. -- Goku
  15. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Jim. :) Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  16. Please do not download the program again as it will infect your computer again. Your computer seems to have been cleaned as it appears to work normally. Please feel free to ask any more questions or doubts you may have. :) -- Goku
  17. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Bill. :) Can you please elaborate on this: Meanwhile, I will try to search a solution for your problem. -- Goku
  18. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Susie. :) Please try the basic troubleshooting steps Microsoft suggests for resolving the problem and see what results they yield. You receive an error message in Internet Explorer 7: "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" Let us know if it helps or not. Good Luck. :) -- Goku
  19. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Bill. :) Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  20. There is a very high chance that the PC is heavily infected. The symptoms you state correspond to that shown by a computer with malware infection and add to that the fact that all users have Administrator privileges makes me suspect that it is a definitely a Malware infestation. In that case, please guide Chiefy through our standard Malware removal procedure and see if it helps resolve her problem or not. Let us know how it goes though. Good Luck. -- Goku
  21. Hello 9C9. I am unable to grasp what the actual problem is. Please post a screen shot so that we might understand your problem better. :) -- Goku
  22. It is quite within the rules to offer help such as this Burnzy. However, a better idea would be to put it up in your signature as then it will get more attention. -- Goku
  23. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Sho-dan. :) Nice to have you here. Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  24. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Chiefy. :) No offense meant but please do not start multiple threads concerning the same problem as people will tend to ignore them rather than attend to your problem immediately. Also, please post a detailed description of what problems you face. -- Goku
  25. Hello and Welcome to FPCH 9C9. :) That lingo is familiar to me. Reminds me a lot of someone who often amuses us with his "borg way of things". :D Enjoy the forums. -- Goku
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