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Everything posted by Goku

  1. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Ailes. :) Do exactly as Dalo says. If you want to post your comments on how you found the disinfection procedure, start a new thread in the Feedback Forum. Otherwise, if the problem persists, start a new thread in the Malware Removal Forum so that the experts might review your case seperately. By the way, this thread can be used for either of the reasons. :) -- Goku
  2. Hello New. I think I will disagree with Wolfey and Barry on this. I have a very vague idea on what site you are trying to visit and it has a genuine reputation. Besides, if the site does not ask for any personal information or asks you to click somewhere else, then it is not scam. I strongly recommend you to run through our Malware Disinfection procedure. Perform the steps and reboot your computer and try to access the site. Is it accessible now? -- Goku
  3. Don't lie Bonnie. You used to be a media specialist here and had a knack for suggesting the correct solutions. :) -- Goku
  4. The two most likely reasons for the error you state are an incorrectly started service and due to a Malware infection. As the former reason is very rarely seen now, there is a possibility that the error is caused more because of an infection. 1. Click on Start. 2. Select Run.... 3. In the Open: box, type in shutdown -a. Does the timer stop? Are you able to operate your computer now? If you are, then please run the disinfection procedure mentioned in my previous post and reboot the computer. Let us know how it goes though. Good Luck. :) -- Goku
  5. The pages should not only be removable but replaceable too. Any version of "Scissor" will truncate the "paper" from the "Typewriter" and you will not be able to type on it. Replacing the "paper" is also be a daunting, boring and tedious procedure and may render your typewriter inoperable. The "masking" version of tape will give you the best results since it is easy to use and simpler to remove if there is an error. No, the "typewriter" does not automatically translate the text into the different language. For that, it depends on the "human" extension to translate and rewrite the text onto the "paper". The "dictionary" can be a useful add-on to use with the "typewriter" but not in the context of a spell-check. To use the "dictionary", you must know the correct spelling of the word in question and thus it is not much help. So no, spell-check is not supported in "typewriter". The most suitable version of human to use is "Human 2.0" as it very much advanced and can give you the most control over the "typewriter". "Borrowed", "Hired" and "Employed" editions are also supported. Yes, it is compatible with "paper" 8.5. "Pen" and "typewriter" can be used with each other but not simultaneously. After you have finished your work with either, you can add or modify the text using the other means. Unfortunately, there is no such converter available at the moment so I am afraid you will have to retype all your documents manually on the "typewriter". The inconvenience is regretted. Hope that clears your queries. Let us know how it goes. :D -- Goku
  6. Wow, those are touching stories! Christmas is considered a major festival here but sadly people don't celebrate it in its true spirits. When I was a kid, we used to go around the city and sit in Santa Claus's laps. The Santa Claus, unlike in America or other English countries, used to be accompanied by a Joker rather than a gnome or reindeer but it was still a memorable experience. I don't know why, but sitting in old Santa's lap and asking for a wish made me feel complete. I used to feel contented, satisfied .... happy. Those were the times when I was carefree and innocent. Now too, I go around the city and meet Santa Claus's at various stores but I no longer feel the joy or the true spirit of the festival. That's unlucky and pitiable but that's how I feel. In the end, I just have a quiet dinner with family and friends. This is what gives me the peace and the hope that perhaps, it will be a better Christmas next time. :) Merry Christmas to all. -- Goku
  7. I thought so. But since, she stated that she gets two different IP addresses on the same computer, I thought it might be due to a dynamic IP address. Thanks for clearing it. :) As for your question Janice, from what I gather (from here) there should be a button to view the IP address of the commentator. Check the IP addresses of all the comments and tally them. If any two of them are same, they are coming from the same computer / network. If not, then they are probably coming from different connections. However, I must point out that the technique is not completely fool proof. There are ways to bypass such tests so use your judgment wisely. Oh, and you can't ban or restrict an IP address on Piczo. Hope that helps. -- Goku
  8. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Peter. :) Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  9. Many happy returns of the day Rob. Have a great day ahead. :D -- Goku
  10. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Jacamo. :) Enjoy the forums. -- Goku
  11. Well, it seems you have a dynamic IP address. Did you reboot the router / modem before you logged into the site again as some ISPs assign a different IP address after the procedure? Are you using any proxy? -- Goku
  12. Hello Jacamo. Glad you got your problem resolved but for long term benefits, I would recommend you to read this sticky about FPCH's view of registry cleaners and their uses. :) -- Goku
  13. Hello Raj. There are plenty of applications out there that claim to do the conversion but I am unsure whether they will work or not. Alternately, I would suggest you to try playing the original file with VideoLAN VLC Media Player. If VLC encounters issues with the file, then there is a high probability that the file is corrupted or damaged. In that case, you will have to re-obtain the complete file from another location. Hope that helps. :) -- Goku
  14. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Hero. :) I am sure you will find some great friends here. Enjoy the Forums. -- Goku
  15. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Shamou. :) Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  16. Hello Richard. It seems that your Operating System is heavily infected / corrupted and that is what is causing the error messages. Please try running your computer through our standard Malware Removal procedure and see what results does it yield. Let us know how it goes though. Good Luck. :) -- Goku
  17. Hello Shrimply. The *.part extension is usually alloted by browsers, specifically Firefox, to active downloads. When a download is complete, the browser removes the *.part from the file name leaving you free to access the files. If your friend was having problems with the file, I suspect it was more because of a broken download than anything else. In that case, redownloading the file and extracting it should have solved the problem too. Anyways, thanks for posting that about 7-Zip. I knew it was an excellent piece of software but I never knew that it had an 'archive reconstruction' feature to repair broken archives, like WinRAR. Cheers. :) -- Goku
  18. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Richard. :) Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  19. Hello Gun. Can you tell me what site did you get the link from. Seems to me like an advertising stint to generate traffic. Also, what ahppens when you click on this link? -- Goku
  20. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Stokie. :) Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  21. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Beatz. :) Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  22. AdBlock Plus is an excellent add-on for Firefox and is a must-have, in my opinion. There are plenty of other add-ons such as No Script and Coolris but I wouldn't install them unless I use them extensively. Thus, the simple solution is to install whatever you will rely on most and filter out the unnecessary bulk. :) -- Goku
  23. Merry Christmas to all from me too! :) Join us in the celebrations and enjoy yourselves. -- Goku
  24. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Leon. :) Ask whatever you want and we will try our best to sort you out. -- Goku
  25. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Silva. :) We will try our best to keep the instructions as simple as possible. Enjoy the forums. -- Goku
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