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Everything posted by Goku

  1. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Elaine. :) Please feel free to ask any doubts or queries you may have and likewise contribute wherever you can. Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  2. Hello Hypnosis. Please do the following; it will give us significantly more information to work with. :) Go here to download the latest version of System Spec Download the executable version of the program and save it to your desktop. Open the utility and you will see a list of your system specifications. Click on the Edit toolbar and select Copy to Clipboard Ctrl + C. Press Ctrl + V to post the specifications in your next reply.Please post the required information as soon as possible. Thank you. -- Goku
  3. Strange as it may sound but the very first form of Malware and infections were merely meant as a joke for other gullible users. They damaged the computer in no way and merely popped a screen informing that you were infected providing you with the close option. I am utterly amazed at how fast this breed developed and delved into the purpose of making money. We can protest by using free programs. I know Rich wouldn't agree with this but I think that these programs perform as well as paid programs mainly because they are designed to help users rather than to be sold commercially like hot cakes. That is a dream. You and I can stay free of Malware and stop it in its tracks but there are 15 million other monkeys out there who will use pirated programs and cracks no matter how many times they get burned. And Malware writers will always exploit this need to spread their work. -- Goku
  4. Glad we could help Glor. Please ask any more questions or doubts you may have. :) -- Goku
  5. Hello Theo. The hardware experts should have the answer to that when they come online. Meanwhile, all we can do is wait patiently. Please check sometime later to see if the experts have suggested anything for you. :) -- Goku
  6. Hello Shrimply. Can you please post a screen shot of your settings on the program? I need to verify various settings to see if anyone of them is causing the problem. Oh and can you please tell me if your version is 14.0.8089.0726 or 14.0.8089.726? -- Goku
  7. Hello Gilli. Please do the following: Click on Start and select Run. Type devmgmt.msc in the Open: box and click on the OK button. This should open up the Device Manager. Click on the + sign next to the Universal Serial Bus controllers category to expand its contents. Please note down the controllers listed there and post them in your next reply. Also, can you please post the make and model of your printer and the exact alert you receive? I am guessing it is an Epson but I would like to verify it first. Please provide the required information as soon as possible. Good Luck. :) -- Goku
  8. Glad I could help Sebastian. Please ask any more questions or queries you may have. We will be glad to assist in any way you can. :) And thank YOU for letting us know the status of the problem! -- Goku
  9. Oh, and can you also please post the version of Windows Live Mail you are using? You can check your current version number in the About Windows Live Mail dialog. -- Goku
  10. Hello Shrimply. Can you change the port numbers as suggested? Or is that option absent in Windows Live Mail? -- Goku
  11. Hello Sebastian. I am still trying to wrap my head around what you want to achieve which is not unusual of me. :) Meanwhile, can you please try this utility and see if it is of any help? -- Goku
  12. No problem Theo. You can find the instructions for doing so below. Hope that helps. :) Go here to download the latest version of System Spec Download the executable version of the program and save it to your desktop. Open the utility and you will see a list of your system specifications. Click on the Edit toolbar and select Copy to Clipboard Ctrl + C. Press Ctrl + V to post the specifications in your next reply.Please post the required information as soon as possible. -- Goku
  13. Hello Theo. If you don't mind, could you please elaborate on your problem and put it in a more organized way. I am having trouble struggling to string the sentences together to get an exact idea of your problem. Also, please post the specifications of your computer so that we can identify whether the games are supposed to run smoothly or not. Thank you. :) -- Goku
  14. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Theo. :) Don't worry, we all are at some point. You should be an expert in no time. All you have to do is stick around and learn. :) Please wait patiently till someone with the expertise comes in and assists you. Thank you. -- Goku
  15. A shot in the dark but are you using Norton? As for your problem, please try and set up the account using the settings prescribed here and see if it helps or not. :) Let us know how it goes though. Good Luck. -- Goku
  16. Hello James. Here are a few maintenance operations you can perform on your computer when you get back to it. Best do them in the order provided to reduce the time as much as possible. Scandisk Disk Cleanup Uninstallation of old / unused programs Deletion of older outdated / useless files Emptying Recycle Bin Disk DefragmentationAnd please perform a battery of security scans if you have not already done so. It might be a Malware infection for all the symptoms you have stated. Well, they are commisioned to sell those products so you can't expect anything else from them. Sorry to know that you learned this the hard way, but next time please do some research beforehand so that you are not burned again. Hope that helps. :) -- Goku
  17. No problem friend. I will look over your issue and see if I can find something helpful. :) -- Goku
  18. Hello Warren. Setting up a site is a fairly hectic process that I have quite never managed to understand. I will however try to explain as much as I do and keep it as simple as possible. The first step to setting up a site is registering a domain. This is basically the web address of the site that you will want to appear in the URL. For example, the domain for this site is freepchelp. The end suffixes such as .com or .co.uk can also be modified at additional cost as, I understand it. After you register the domain, you will be provided with a login ID for the administrative control panel of your site. Here you can upload the templates you found on the web, and set and modify various parameters of your site. You also determine the outlook and content of the site here. After you have configured and saved the settings to your satisfaction, you start advertising it and promote it to get more and more hits. However, this is only the basic of setting up a site. Other complex features and limitations enter the picture once you decide your web host. As I said, I have little knowledge about the subject so it might be best to wait until the other experts chip in with their expert advice. Hope that helps. :) -- Goku
  19. Hello Stephen. I have merged both of your threads into this one for the sake of convenience. Please understand that creating multiple posts concerning the same topic only puts off the helpers rather than speed up the response time. Hope you understand. Thank you for your co-operation. :) -- Goku
  20. Oh, then I am the one who should be When I read the words, 'in my opinion' I generally take it that the user's personal experience with the program is the basis of the review. And Snow being a security specialist would have come plenty of users who sweared by Kaspersky and had much less infected logs than those who had other security programs installed. Of course, I am just blabbering so I will shut up till Snow comes and clarifies. :D And as I said, I was not knocking your post or sneering in any way. Wouldn't dare to do that with the expertise you have got. :p -- Goku
  21. Lol Dave, Snow means 'in his opinion'. And by the way, Kaspersky is a good alternative, at least better than Norton. :D Don't mean to knock off your post. :) (Hope I am right Snow! :eek:) James, that is a very excellent system. If the system is slowing down to a crawl, then it must have been quite sometime before some maintenance operations were performed on it. However, we will get back to that later. For the time being, can you please try and disable Norton and see if some of the lag goes away or not. The newest version is rumoured to have a much lower resource footprint but let us verify if it is the actual hog or not. Await your response. :) -- Goku
  22. OK Ruth, can you please list down the make and model number of your friend's drive? It might be helpful in refining my results. But I am almost certain that the drive has gone bad. I will still try a bit more as who knows it might work with a little prodding. You might want to disconnect the cables of the drive, let it sit for sometime and then reconnect them back to the computer, if this is feasible. This will confirm whether the problem is caused by a loose connection or not. In either case, please post the required information as soon as possible. :) -- Goku
  23. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Ruth. :) I think Microsoft themselves might have created the perfect fix for the problem. Your CD or DVD drive cannot read or write media Please run the fix and let us know if it helps or not. Good Luck. :) -- Goku
  24. Well that is practically impossible. I mean you can tabulate your search results for long term use but then they would not be editable. If you would want them editable, then they would not retain their original interface. If the style of the end result doesn't matter, then the best way would be to simply copy and paste the results. I might be wrong on this but I am using Google results as a reference. You might want to provide us with more information so that we can help you better. Hope that helps. :) -- Goku
  25. Reference issue here. -- Goku
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