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Everything posted by DirtyPolo

  1. Okay, and no we aren't, at least, not yet :P Can you click this link to download the Sound Driver for your system. It will be a .zip file, once downloaded, open the file and extract it to the desktop and then open that folder on your desktop, and run "SETUP.exe" That should then install the driver for your machine :)
  2. Does this only happen when you play the game, or does it happen at other times too?
  3. Does the sound work normally at the moment?
  4. Okay, thanks. Can you go to Start Then click on Run Then type in Devmgmt.msc This will open up Device Manager, Look down and expand [click the +] by Sound, Video and Game controllers and tell me if any of the items in the list has a yellow "!" beside them? If so, which one?
  5. It's okay, do you know if you have a sound card, or does your computer use onboard sound? also please can you tell me the spec of your system if you can. sorry about all these questions, but can you also go into start, click on run then type in "dxdiag" without the quotes and post a screen shot of what comes up, thanks.
  6. All looks good to me at the moment. Just a few things, You stated OCZ RAM earlier, why the change to Corsair? - Just wondering as there is nothing wrong with OCZ, I'm guessing price? Also, There is not really any point in getting a 64-bit OS as the drivers for them are still trying to be found far and wide, unless you have a specififc reason to go for 64-bit, then I would recommend staying with 32-bit. Other than that, the rest looks good
  7. is this thread related to your other thread that mentioned something along the lines of a soundcard fault here are these related or seperate faults?
  8. Did the error look similar to the following: A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Technical Information: *** STOP: 0x000000 D1(0xF7113BDA, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x7113B0A) *** cmuda.sys - Address F7113BDA base at F7DAB000, DateStamp 3dc24536 *** cmuda.sys - Address F7113BDA base at F7DAB000, DateStamp 3dc24536 ?
  9. well, what were you doing when you got those errors?
  10. What were the exact errors? as those are just lines of different error codes. Can you copy down exactly what was said and when you got these messages/how?
  11. Hello Shemani, please can you tell us exactly what the problem is, what can or cant you do, and what have you done recently, i.e installed programs etc?
  12. I would advise you to create a new thread statng this issue Shemani, and we would be glad to help Just we would rather people did not Hijack other threads for their own use, Thankyou :)
  13. No problem, glad it's all fixed as I'm sure everyone else that put time and effort into helping here would be too :) You know where we are, should you need anymore advice or help or if you feel like you could pass some of your own knowledge onto someone else needing it :) ~ Problem Fixed ~
  14. Lol my intel P5K Premuim, aka, YOUR mobo also uses a 2x2 :D Also, Oops I edited your post by accident mate :P so dont be alarmed at my name below yours, meant to click quote lol And okay bindo, try our advice before resetting the CMOS and be sure to let us know if it works or not :)
  15. The main thing is that Windows picks up on both your sticks :) As that is what is going to need and use them :P
  16. I was bored so here's my next image :) the link to the full size is here http://i40.tinypic.com/2e1d4xt.jpg below is a thumbnail of it :) [ATTACH]155.vB5-legacyid=304[/ATTACH]
  17. If what Dalo says does not fix your problem I would like to kind of back up his solution of checking the cables as I once had this problem, and if you go to this link here to see an image of your mobo to make it easier to explain. You see the small 2x2 socket above the CPU? make sure that there is a lead from your PSU going into there :)
  18. I'm not sure if it a HP thing or laptop thing, as my HP laptop does the same, it's generally for me, because the program for the touchpad stops working properly so I have to resolve it by restarting the program through Run. Just find out the program's name and then type it into run, with ".exe" after it and it should go back to normal.
  19. No problem jacamo, come back and let us know if that has fully fixed the problem :)
  20. Do you have the original Windows XP CD? and does the machine actually HAVE 2 seperate HDD's or is it 1 split into 2?
  21. did you get rid of SP2 before the error then? or is it still in its "corrupted" state?
  22. Okay, well first of all, can you check that there is no CDs in the drives, and no floppys if you have a floppy drive. When you boot up, can you enter the BIOS and check that the HDD is listed there. If so,, when you boot up again, can you see if it lists the HDD when it POSTs? If not again, are you confident with opening up the case and checking the cables to the HDD and motherboard? Also can you please add in the spec of your system
  23. Hey Shazza and welcome to the forums! :) Just post what help you need in the right place and we'll all try our best to help fix it for you! :D
  24. is D a partition in the HDD or is it all one drive? because as you said, C is normally the default Drive but if it has been partitioned it should have a C and a D, can you remember if it did, before it errored? and can you boot up the machine at all, onto the original XP OS?
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